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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
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LWC Women's Swimming No. 9 in final NAIA Coaches Poll

Blue Raiders held the No. 9 ranking in all three regular-season polls this year

By Charlie Balcom

COLUMBIA, KY. - The Lindsey Wilson women's swim team wraps up the regular season at No. 9 in the final NAIA Women's Swimming and Diving Coaches' Poll, the national office announced on Wednesday.

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2015-02-25 17:41:05 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Sports

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Rep. Carney with page Shelby Smith of Columbia, KY

2015-02-25 - Frankfort, KY - Photo - LRC Public Information. FRANKFORT, KY (25 Feb 2015) – Representative Bam Carney, R-Campbellsville, recently welcomed Shelby Smith, Columbia, KY, to the Kentucky State House. Smith, who attends Fruitful Field Christian Academy, served as a legislative page for Rep. Carney during the February 12th session of the Kentucky House of Representatives. (Photo: LRC Public Information)
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LWC Women's Basketball shoots season low in 67-62 loss

By Tyler Scott

BEREA, Ky. - The 16th-ranked Lindsey Wilson women's basketball team shot a season-low 27.8 percent from the field and fell 67-62 to Berea (KY.) Tuesday afternoon.

The Blue Raiders (21-7) made just 9-of 38 shots from the field in the second half in a loss that ended a three-game win streak.

Both teams struggled early as Lindsey Wilson went 4-for-10 from the field, compared to Berea's (14-9) 30.0 percentage (3-for-10) from the floor in the first four minutes. The first half also saw a total of eight lead changes.

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2015-02-25 17:37:52 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Sports

Progress report on state's quail restoration effort now available

"In south-central Kentucky, we went from virtually no one hunting those areas to multiple reports of hunters flushing 11 coveys of quail a day - which has been unheard of for the past two to three decades," said John Morgan, wildlife biologist for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources.
Click on headline for complete story

By John Morgan
From Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Department

FRANKFORT, KY - A new report detailing progress at the halfway point of Kentucky's ambitious 10-year plan to boost quail populations in the state is now available to the public.

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2015-02-25 15:26:04 | Comments | Printable version

City Council Meeting, Monday, March 2, 2015

The Columbia City Council will meet in Regular Session on Monday, March 2, 2015, at 6pmCT, in City Hall, 116 Campbellsville Street, Columbia, KY, with the following agenda: Mayor Curtis Hardwick presiding.

Council Members
__________Craig Dean __________Linda Waggener __________ Craig Lasley

__________ Dr. Ron Rogers __________Charles Grimsley__________Mark D. Harris.
  1. Motion to approve minutes of February 2, 2015 meeting
  2. Citizen comments
  3. Mary Anne Loy, presentaton on City Sidewalks
  4. 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 620.62, and Ordinance accepting streets in the Hollady Place Development and Pineview Property LLC into the City Street System
  5. Motion to re-appoint Charles Grimsley to the Columbia/Adair County Parks and Recreation Board.
  6. Motion to appoint Wes Feese to the Columbia/Adair County Parks and Recreation Board
  7. Mayors announcements
  8. Council announcements
- RHONDA LOY, City Clerk

COLUMBlA CITY COUNCIL holds its regular monthly meeting each first Monday at 6pmCT in City Hall, 116 Campbellsville ST, Columbia, KY. The meetings are open to the public. Mayor Curtis Hardwick. Councillors Councillors Craig Dean, Linda Waggener, Dr. Ron Rogers, Charles Grimsley, Craig Lasley, and Mark Harris.. City Clerk Rhonda Loy. City Attorney Marshall Loy. City Police Chief Jason Cross. City Gas Superintendent Ron Cook. City Sanitation Department Superintendent O'Shaughnesy Frazier. City Street Department Superintendent Donnie Rowe.

2015-02-25 15:14:48 | Comments | Printable version

Cougars in the Fairplay, KY area???

CM is getting sporadic reports of sightings of cougars even on the town (Columbia) side of Fairplay. We're wondering if anybody has a photo of one of the animals perhaps with a recognizable Adair County landmark in the photo. With the prevalence of trail cams, that would be available. We've heard from a reputable source, who prefers not to be named, that tracks, believed to be those of a cougar, have been seen in the last snow. -CM

2015-02-25 13:59:46 | Comments | Printable version

COF comments on arithmetic

COF writes:
" only accounts for 20% of 77% of our score." Ain't (un)Common Core jest wunderful. That's sooo much easier to understand than 14% of our total score. COF at Dun Roman, High o'er Beautiful Downtown Knifley, Where 2 + 2 still makes a quartet (at least for a little while longer) --COF
Comments re article 73498 ACHS Board Meeting Presentation Mon 22 Feb 2015

2015-02-25 13:51:37 | Comments | Printable version

Mr. William Edward Meadows, Green Co., KY (1933-2015)

He was a native of Adair County, KY, and a resident of Green County at the time of his death. He was the son of the late Henry Meadows and Essie Wilson Meadows. His wife of 57 years, Ann Lavern Judd Meadows, survives. He leaves direct and two step living descendants. He had made a profession of faith in Christ, was a member of the Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church in Adair County, KY, and was a lifelong farmer
Click on headline for complete obituary with photo(s)

Mr. William Edward Meadows, 81, of Greensburg, Kentucky, departed this life on Friday, February 20, 2015 at the l in Glasgow, Barren County, Kentucky.

The funeral services for Mr. William Edward Meadows will be conducted at 11amCT, Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at the Cowherd and Parrott Funeral Home, 206 S Main Street, Greensburg, KY with burial to follow in the Oak Grove Cemetery. Bro. Timmy Glass and Bro. Junior Milby will be officiating. ​Visitation is requested from 5pmCT until 8pmCT, Monday at the Cowherd and Parrott Funeral Home and after 7amCT, Tuesday until time of the funeral service.

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2015-02-25 13:42:05 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries

Bench trial in contested city election is Thu 9amCT, 26 Feb 2015

The bench trial for the contested City of Columbia, KY, November 4, 2015 Mayoral Election is set for 9amCT, Thursday, February 26, 2015 before Circuit Judge Judy Vance. According to the Adair County Circuit Clerk's office, the case is the only one on the docket for day (though others are listed at the KY Court of Justice website) .

Judge Vance's ruling will determine whether a new mayoral election is held or not. Mayor Curtis Hardwick, who was certified by the Adair County Board of Elections, is now presiding as Mayor. His election was challenged, alleging irregularities constitutional violations, by write in candidate Ben Arnold.

Though it is a bench trial - Judge Vance will make the ruling, a trial jury will not be impaneled, the proceedings are open to the public, according to the circuit court clerk's office.

2015-02-25 13:15:36 | Comments | Printable version

Warren Ray Wheelock, Chesterton, IN (1932-2015)

He was the widower of Adair County, KY native Sophia Alberta Loy Wheelock, the daughter of the late Nola and Robert Elmer Loy of Adair County

Warren Wheelock, of Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana, (formerly of Ypsilanti, Michigan) passed away on February 20 in Chesterton after a lengthy illness.

A memorial will be held for Warren in Chesterton on Febrary 27, 2015. Visitation will be at 6:30pmCT, and the service will follow at 7:30pmCT, at the White Love Funeral Home, 525 South Second Street, Chesterton, IN.

A memorial service for both Warren and Sophia will be held on March 21, 2015, at 10amCT/11amET, at the First Presbyterian Church of Ypsilanti, 300 North Washington Street, Ypsilanti, Michigan.

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2015-02-25 12:27:40 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries

Kentucky offers tax credit to small business owners

Businesses could qualify for up to $25,000

By Joe Hall

News from the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development

FRANKFORT, KY (25 Feb, 2015) - With tax season upon us, the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development wants to remind Kentucky's small business owners that they could be eligible for up to $25,000 in tax credits.

The state is offering the Kentucky Small Business Tax Credit to eligible companies throughout the Commonwealth.

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2015-02-25 12:05:29 | Comments | Printable version

Brian Kent Lawless, 40, Russell Co., KY (d. 24 Feb 2015)

Brian Kent Lawless, 40, of Russell Springs, KY, died Tuesday evening, February 24, 2015, at the Emergency Room of Russell County Hospital, Russell Springs, KY.

Funeral service for Brian Kent Lawless wil be 12pm noon CT, Saturday, February 28, 2015, at the Bernard Funeral Home Chapel. 367 N Main Street, Russell Springs, KY, with burial in the Freedom Cemetery.

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2015-02-25 11:50:17 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries

Owner claims Dog which shows up at Bennett Insurance

Special CM Story

"Got up a little while ago and doing my usual - reading Columbia Magazine and lo and behold there is my dog looking at me at Bennett Insurance - she is back." Tanya Hayes, wrote this morning.

And Mike Bennett confirmed a bit later, writing, "Thanks to you caption on CM, the owner of the dog called this morning and has claimed her. The dog had a collar and when it left home, and apparently couldn't find her way home." The only thing CM didn't get was the dog's name.

2015-02-25 10:14:54 | Comments | Printable version

Special Called Board Meeting re: Geothermal Installation at ACPC

This is official notification that there will be a Special Called School Board Meeting Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 8amCT, at the Adair County Board of Education Conference Room, 1204 Greensburg Street, Columbia, KY, for the purpose of:
- BECKY BAILEY, Administrative Assistant

2015-02-25 09:06:07 | Comments | Printable version

Description of gap - in public school terminology

At the Monday 23 Feb 2015 School board meeting, the term "Gap" or "GAP" was frequently used. In this case, the meaning should be obvious to many, but Phyllis Curry, Academic Dean of the Adair County Schools, wants the public and parents to know exactly what this term means, and sends this definition:
'Achievement gap means a substantive performance difference on each of the tested areas by grade level of the state assessment program between the various groups of students including male and female students, students with and without disabilities, students with and without English proficiency, minority and nonminority students, and students who are eligible for free and reduced lunch and those who are not eligible for free and reduced lunch. KRS 158.649.'
Our thanks to Dean Curry for this explanation. - CM

2015-02-25 08:18:42 | Comments | Printable version

Ribbon cutting at Signs One-One on Mon 2 Mar 2015

The Columbia/Adair County Chamber plans ribbon cutting at new business, Signs One One, 1115 Jamestown Street, Columbia, KY, phone 270-380-1511, at 11amCT, Mon 2 Mar 2015. The new business is owned by Tommy Kemp and offers signs, banners, decals, prints, growth charts, and more. - C/AC Chamber of Commerce, 201 Burkesville Street, Columbia, KY.

2015-02-25 08:05:24 | Comments | Printable version

ACHS Board Meeting Presentation, Mon 22 Feb 2015

Presentation before the Adair County School Board, Mon 23 Feb 2015 by Principal Troy Young and Assistant Principal Travis Gay.

By Travis Gay, Assistant Principal, Adair County High School

Adair County High School Principal Troy Young and Assistant Principal Travis Gay gave a short presentation over the state accountability model "Unbridled Learning" and how it affects Adair County High School. ACHS is scored in several categories; Gap, Growth, College and Career readiness, Graduation Rate, and KPREP and End of Course Exam scores make up 77% of the accountability model with Program Reviews making up the other 23%.

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2015-02-25 07:56:37 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Education

Treasurer backed financial Literacy Bill passes House Committee

EDITORIAL COMMENT: This bill might be the start of a change in public education policy, and the outlook of public educators. The way educators use fundraisers and offer sales of unhealthy products for short term gain is, in my opinion, unwitting class warfare on cash strapped lower and middle income families. Just my opinion. Quotable - and successful Junior Walker says that teaching a kid How to Count Money is worth more than an MBA from Harvard. - ED WAGGENER.

By Mark Pfeiffer and Bethany E. Goad
News from Kentucky State Treasurer Todd Hollenbach's Office

FRANKFORT, KY House Bill 375, a bill to create a Kentucky Financial Literacy Commission, passed out of committee with unanimous, bipartisan support Tuesday, February 24, 2015. "Advancing financial literacy has been an important focus of my administration and I'm thankful to Representative James Kay and Chairman Derrick Graham for advancing this important bill," said Treasurer Todd Hollenbach. "We have a real opportunity to help provide resources to Kentucky citizens in making sound financial decisions."

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2015-02-25 05:59:17 | Comments | Printable version

TCSO reports single vehicle injury accident Tue 24 Feb 2015

Ice on roadway a factor according to driver. Driver lost control of 2005 Nissan and hit a guardrail on the right side of Greensburg Road. The vehicle then spun around and ended up headed in the same direction on the other side of the road.

From the Taylor County Sheriff's Office

A single vehicle injury accident occurred at 7:28pmET, Tue 25 Feb 2015, on Greensburg Road in Campbellsville, KY, resulting in injuries to the driver, Alma M. Morgan, 70, Blowing Springs Road, Greensburg, KY, and her passenger Bobby H. Curry, 55, Hatcher Road, Campbellsville, KY.

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2015-02-25 04:59:51 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Police and Fire Reports

Poetry by Robert Stone: Possibles for playing with (1951-2008)

Possibles for playing with
- a sonnet for the birthday of Elkin Brown (1951-2008)
Out of the head come fiction fey and truth,
imagining and fact meandering,
unruly and unbounded, not uncouth,
unsettling with no hint of slandering.

Out of the hand come mystery and myth,
expected unexpected questionings,
unending possibles for playing with,
artistic images of blessed things.

Out of the heart come strumming skilled and song,
awakening pasts dim and futures bright,
sad sorrows soothing, caring all belong,
respect for person carried to great height.

The gentle critic knows best way to start:

I think a better word is in your heart.
- Robert Stone, 24 February 2015

2015-02-25 04:37:10 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Poetry by Robert Stone

Today, WEDNESDAY with CM, 25 Feb 2015

Haiku by Robert Stone for February 25, 2015:
Don’t just take first glance,
great beauty may be inside
what looks cheap outside.
--Robert Stone, Wednesday, 25 February 2015.
-1000 haiku countdown finished, now for some more days, Day 1261

2015-02-25 04:33:11 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Today

Birthdays and Anniversaries for February 25
Happy Anniversary, James and Carole Thomas | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Anniversary, Jeff and Rita Neat (1978) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Anniversary, Preston and Natashia Gaskin (2013) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, August Mann (2010) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Benisha Wilson | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Bryan Cheatham | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Chris Janes | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Elbert Hadley | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Jacob Lewis Wilson | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Lauren Paige Ollery (1992) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Michael Daniel | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Mitchell Quinn | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Tiffani Campbell (1993) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Anniversary, Nathan & Faye Rowe | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory birthday, Chester Franklin, native of Adair County, KY | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Leoner Bennett (1920) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Shawn Matthew Brumley, Russell Co., KY (1978) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Roger "Pop" DeSpain, Buffalo, KY (1942) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Estella Rice Hare, Taylor Co., KY (1918) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Avis Jean Holt, 74, Russell Co., KY (1937 | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mattie L. Anderson, Russell Springs, KY (1948) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, David R. Cundiff, Greensburg, KY - Adair Co. native (1939) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Kyra Grace Harmon, infant, Campbellsville, KY. (2013) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Ruth Ann Campbell, Adair Co., KY (1939) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Norma Jean Johnson, Taylor County, KY (1944-2013) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Randall Earles, Casey Co., KY (1960-2013) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Frances Robert "Bob" Dobbs , Taylor County, KY (1935-2013) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Stephan Keith Thompson, Green County, KY (1981-2013) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Eveline Fisher Tungate, 71, Taylor Co., KY (1943-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Norma Jean Landis Pearce, Green Co., KY (1933-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Johnie Isac Hurt, 59, Summer Shade, KY (1956-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Gertrude C. Allen, Taylor County, KY, (1932-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Donnie Beck, 45, Casey Co., KY (1970-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Robert Lewis (Bobby) Simpson, Adair Co., KY (1939-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Dora (Dodie) Skaggs, 78, Columbia, KY (1938-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Nancy Guinn Taylor, 73, Burkesville, KY (1943-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Agnes Goforth, 86, Yosemite, KY (1930-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Dorothy Mae "Dot" McKinney Parson, Taylor Co., KY/Green Co. Native (1930-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Cecil Elmore Wilson, Metcalfe County, KY (1935-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Jean Rexroat Hill, 88, Russell Co., KY (1930-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Tina Beth Ramlow, 51, Russell County, KY (1967-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Christine Smith Hansford, Casey County, KY (1929) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mabel Chumbley Minton, Russell Co., KY (1924-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Hellen Ridgeway, Taylor County, KY (1928-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Bill Bryant (1922-1987) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Bro. John Paul Cummins, Middleburg, KY (1932-2020) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Debra Joan Parradee, 62, Columbia, KY (1958-2020) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Glenda Young Meadows, 85, Green County, KY (1935-2020) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Hallie Ratcliff, 80, Taylor Co., KY Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Herbert Claywell | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mabel Witham Bledsoe, 85, Adair County, KY (1935-2020) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Marie Houk, 96, Adair/Green Co., KY (1925-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Michael Collins, 65, Glensfork, KY (1956-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mildred Combest Thomas, 76, Adair Co., KY Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Robert William Glover, 57, Louisvile, KY (1963-2020) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In memory birthday, Vernon W. Keith (1969-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)

Events scheduled for Wednesday, February 25, 2015
All events are listed in Central Time. Submit your upcoming event using our Contact Form.
7:00amCTAdair Recycling Center, 32 Service RD, Columbia, KY / 270-378-0782
Open 7am-3pmCT Monday through Friday; 7am-12pm noon CT, Saturdays. | (ID:32668, Comment)
8:00amCT7 County Area Court: Circuit Courts. District Courts, at at Glance. Not Official. Always Click to Docket for all Kentucky Counties Once at Docket for all Kentucky Counties, Choose 1) Circuit or District, 2) County - from drop down list 3) Verify dates :
Adair County. Adair Co. Judicial Center, 201 Campbellsville ST. Columbia, KY: No (0) Event(s) Circuit Court. Seventy-six (76) Event(s) District Court.
Casey County Judicial Center, 231 Courthouse Square, Liberty, KY. Four (4) Court Event(s) Circuit Court. No (0) Event(s) District Court.
Cumberland County, Justice Center, 112 Courthouse Square, Burkesville, KY. No (0) Court Event(s) Circuit Court. One Hundred Forty-Seven (147) Event(s) District Court.
Green County Judicial Center, 200 W. Court Street, Greensburg, KY. One (1) Court Event(s) Circuit Court. No (0) Court Event(s) District Court.
Metcalfe County, Judicial Center, 201 E. Stockton Street, Edmonton, KY. No (0) Court Event(s) Circuit Court. Thirty (30) Court Event(s) cases District Court.
Russell County. Judicial Center, 410 Monument Square, Jamestown, KY. No (0) Court Event(s) Circuit Court. No (0) Court Event(s) District Court.
Taylor County, Justice Center, 300 E. Main Street, Campbellsville, KY. One hundred thirty seven (137) Court Event(s) in Circuit Court. No (0) Event(s) Court Event(s) in District Court.
Not an official docket. For official court information, check with circuit court clerk in your county. | (ID:33025, Comment)
9:00amCTDr. Galen Carey will speak at Ransdell Chapel, 401 N Hoskins Avenue, Campbellsville, KY | (ID:32916, Comment)
10:00amCTChildren's Story Hour at Adair County Public Library (Recurring Event)
307 Greensburg Street (Google Map/Directions), Columbia, KY | (ID:32719, Comment)
NoonCTPause for Chimes at Noon, Downtown Columbia. Two selections | (ID:32609, Comment)
Services, Campbellsville, KY for Wilda (Joey) Arnett, 74, ElkHorn, KY (1940-2015) | (ID:32975, Comment)
Celebration of Life, Campbellsville, KY, for Phillip Harold (Phil) Hicks, Taylor Co., KY (1955-2015) | (ID:32992, Comment)

GO or NO GO for Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Compiled by Larry Smith & Ed Waggener
FM 99.9 the Big Dawg, FM 92.7 the WAVE, &

Schools and Colleges CLOSED Wed 25 Feb 2015
  • Casey County School District Closed
  • Clinton County School District Closed
  • Russell County School District
Schools IN SESSION and on regular schedule today
  • Campbellsville Independent
  • Taylor County School District
Schools and Colleges In SESSION 25 and on one-hour delay Feb 2015
  • Adair County School District OPEN on One-Hour Delay
  • Cumberland County School District OPEN on One-Hour Delay
  • Green County School District OPEN on One Hour Delay
  • Metcalfe County School District, Open on One-Hour Delay.
Contacts for Go or No Go: Larry Smith at 270-790-0099.. Call at 270-250-2730.
| (ID:33019, Comment)
12:05pmCTLenten Service with meal at Columbia United Methodist Church, 202 Burkesville Street, Columbia, KY. Speaker and meal provided by Columbia Baptist Church. Full schedule of Adair County Ministerial Services - LANNY HARLOW | (ID:32865, Comment)
1:00pmCTServices, Liberty, KY, for Alma Beatrice Spears Rayburn, Casey Co., KY (1919-2015) | (ID:33001, Comment)
Services, Jamestown, KY, for Jannella F. Luttrell, Russell County, KY (1940-2015) | (ID:33003, Comment)
Services, Liberty, KY, for Lewis Henry Phelps, 66, Casey County, KY (1949-2015) | (ID:33018, Comment)
2:00pmCTServices, Columbia, KY, for Gary (Gyro) Pike, 58, Adair County, KY (1956-2015) | (ID:32979, Comment)
3:00pmCTCancelled due to weather conditions: Lindsey Wilson Baseball vs. Bethel (TN) at Egnew Park, inside Lindsey Wilson Sports Park, 928 Russell Road, Columbia, KY. - TYLER SCOTT. | (ID:32998, Comment)
4:00pmCTTime to check CM DIRECTORY of CHURCHES for Wednesday worship service schedules. | (ID:32723, Comment)
5:00pmCTChimes at the Evening, Downtown Columbia. Two selections | (ID:32637, Comment)
7:30pmCTMemorial service, Chesterton, IN forWarren Ray Wheelock, Chesterton, IN (1932-2015) | (ID:33029, Comment)


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