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Photo Archives A collection of pictures that have appeared on ColumbiaMagazine.com and in the print edition of Columbia! Magazine. Photos are sorted from most recent to oldest. To see more pictures, click the "View the next..." link at the bottom of this page. To find a specific photo, try our Search Page.
Leading the ACHS Basketball team through the schools
 2025-03-25 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Jade Waggener, ACHS senior reporter for Columbia Magazine. The Adair County High School Cheerleaders are pictured leading the Indians through ACHS in celebration of their send off to Rupp Arena. They walked through all four schools Monday before the bus left with the team to prepare for Wednesday's game. Pictured from left are: Ava Feese, Marque Hicks, Sophie Terry, Allie Murphy, Ava West, Seth Murphy, Zowi Martin, and Reagan Atwood.
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Sharing a big hug for good luck
 2025-03-25 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Jade Waggener, ACHS senior reporter for Columbia Magazine. Monday was a day for hugs and wishes for good luck in the Sweet 16 Tournament. Angie Smith is pictured giving ACHS Basketball team member Carter White a big hug at the school walk through.
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Fiscal Court takes care of March county business
 2025-03-24 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Vicky Pike of Miss Vicky's Pampered Angus Ranch. Adair County Fiscal Court took care of business in a special called March meeting Monday evening. The change from the regularly scheduled Tuesday meeting was made to assure a quorum in case many families need to leave early for the State Tournament where ACHS plays Wednesday.
Present were, from left: Magistrates Chris Reeder, Sammy Baker, * Daryl Flatt, and Tony Denton; Judge Executive Larry Russell Bryant, Court Reporter Amy Pike, Attorney Angie Capps, Courthouse Committee representative Shannon Sexton; Magistrates Billy Coffey, Mark Humphress, and Terry Hadley; Sheriff Jamie Richard, Treasurer Melinda Quinn and Jailer Buddy Powell.
* Magistrate Daryl Flatt was honored for his retirement from 14+ years of service in District 2, which comes to a close at midnight March 31, 2025, and from 25 years service at the Adair County Ambulance Service. A special retirement event will be held to honor him Sunday, March 30th at 906 Wellness Way, Columbia, open to the public from 2 to 4pmCT.
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Tulips peeking out
 2025-03-24 - Fairplay, KY - Photo by Veronica Arnold. Veronica writes, "I often associate tulips with Easter. Their bright colors and later in spring blooms often are close to Easter. Yet, this year, tulips are already blooming."
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Pizza Party for Cadet Corp/JROTC
 2025-03-24 - Columbia, KY - Photo from Joe Hare, PIO. Members of the Cadet Corp at Adair County High School and members of the JROTC at Russell County High School were treated to a pizza lunch by VFW Columbia Post 6097 on Friday, March 21, 2025. Several members of the Post presented displays and information of the different branches of service.
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Cadet Corp/JROTC Pizza Party
 2025-03-24 - Columbia, KY - Photo from Joe Hare, PIO. On Friday, March 21, 2025, VFW Columbia Post 6097 treated approximately 50 high school students to a pizza lunch. The students were members of the Cadet Corp at Adair County High School or members of the JROTC at Russell County High School.
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115 Jamestown St.
Columbia, KY.
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Provided by the Adair Co Fiscal Court and the Adair Co. Emergency Mgt. Agency
Contact us: Columbia Magazine and columbiamagazine.com are published by Linda Waggener and Pen Waggener, PO Box 906, Columbia, KY 42728. Phone: 270.403.0017
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