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Daily News for Thursday, February 26, 2015
City Election bench trial evidence is all heard; Judge Vance's ruling awaited From the Adair County Judicial Center, 201 Campbellsville Street, Columbia, KY. Thursday, February 26, 2015. By Larry Smith, FM 92.7 the WAVE and FM 99.9 the Big Dawg COLUMBIA, KY (6:58pmCT Thu 26 Feb 2015) - It has been a long-tiring day. The trial is over except for the ruling of Circuit Judge Judy Vance. Evidence has been presented and the courtroom is virtually empty. I just talked to Judge Vance and she said she will rule on the case after reviewing the evidence presented. The timing of the ruling will be at Judge Vance's discretion. Our collaborative coverage with ColumbiaMagazine.com will make every effort to bring her verdict to the public as quickly as we can reliably do so. - LARRY SMITH, Operations Manager, Shorelines Communications. See next earlier story: Larry Smith: News from the Adair County Judicial Center, City Election Contest 2015-02-26 19:03:58 | Comments | Printable version
Genelva Thrasher, Clinton Co., KY (d. 24 Feb 2016) She was the matriarch of a large, highly regarded Clinton County, KY, family. She is survived by her husband, Bob Thrasher. She leaves 31 direct living descendants, including one daughter, Shellie Elmore, Columbia, KY. She was a member of Cedar Hill United Methodist Church. Click on headline for complete obituary with photo(s) Genelva Thrasher, age 77, of Albany,KY, died Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at Clinton County Hospital, Albany, KY. Services will be at 2pmCT, Sunday, March 1, 2015, at Talbott Funeral Home, 1106 N Cross Street, Albany, KY with Rev. Bobby Grant and Rev. Wayne Shelley officiating. Final resting place will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Albany, KY. Visitation will be 6pm-9pmCT, Saturday, February 28, 2014, at Talbott Funeral Home. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2015-02-26 16:08:22 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries
KY Afield Outdoors: Why buying your fishing license is important By: Lee McClellan FRANKFORT, Ky. - It is the time of year anglers must make an investment in their future fishing. Current 2014-2015 fishing licenses expire this weekend. If you plan to fish on or after March 1, you'll need a new fishing license. A Kentucky resident annual fishing license sets you back $20. This isn't as cheap as it was 20 years ago, but it is still a great bargain for all you receive in return. "We do not receive General Fund state tax dollars for our funding," said Jeff Ross, assistant director of fisheries for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. "Our funding is reliant on license sales and the federal monies that go along with them. The anglers of Kentucky fund the fisheries division." For each fishing license sold, the federal government sends monies back to Kentucky from excise taxes on fishing tackle, trolling motors, electronic sonar units for boats, commonly called fish finders, and boat motor fuels. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2015-02-26 15:18:53 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Ky Afield Outdoors
School retains prestigious BG law firm for ACPC geothermal case Lajuana S. Wilcher will represent Adair County School board negotiations in regard to the installation of the Geo-Thermal System installed at Adair County Primary Center, the District's newest school Special Columbia/Magazine, WAVE 92.7 & Big Dawg 99.9 FM story Superintendent Alan Reed, reached after the Adair County School Board met in Executive Session this morning at a Special Called School Board Meeting, announced that the board voted uninanimously to hire the law firm of English, Lucas, Priest & Owsley, LLP (ELPO Law) of Bowling Green to represent the school board in litigation/settlement concerning alleged problems with the installation of the geothermal system at the Adair County Primary Center. Mr. Reed said that the lead ELPO Law partner assigned to the case will be Attorney Lajuana S. Wilcher. Superintendent Reed would not speculate as to the size of the settlement being sought, nor did he name the firm or firm(s) which might be party to paying. Voting to hire the attorney were Board Chairman Floyd Burton (Division 4), and Board members Terry Harvey (1), Lisa Burton (3), and Mike Harris (5). Board Member Quinn Lasley did not attend. 2015-02-26 14:36:40 | Comments | Printable version
National Orienteering Races March 27-29 at Morehead, Olive Hill By: Stephanie Ross, Mike Minium OLIVE HILL, Ky. - Two Kentucky Trail Towns, Olive Hill and Morehead, will be the site for the Flying Pig XIX, an orienteering event expected to attract hundreds of competitors from around the country and several foreign countries the weekend of March 27-29. The Flying Pig, hosted by Orienteering Cincinnati, includes the U. S. Individual Orienteering Championships as well as recreational competitions for newcomers to orienteering. This event is sanctioned by Orienteering USA, the national federation of the sport. Orienteering is a wilderness navigation sport where competitors use a map and compass to complete a course. The winner is the person who completes the course in the shortest amount of time without making a mistake. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2015-02-26 14:18:02 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Sports
Bo Sherrell will give testimony at Victory A.D.O., 27 Feb 2015 Bo Sherrell will give testimony, Friday, 27 Feb 2015, 6:30pmCT, Bo Sherrell, will be giving his testimony at Victory Community Church, A.D.O. (alcohol, drug, outreach) program, 1165 Russell Road, Columbia. Everyone is welcome. --Kathy Shelton 2015-02-26 14:02:20 | Comments | Printable version
Savoyard's description of Col. Frank Lane Wolford By JIM The card de visite likeness of Col. Frank Lane Wolford, submitted to CM earlier today by Mike Watson, brought to mind the description of that worthy gentleman penned by Metcalfe native Eugene W. Newman, better known in journalistic circles and to the world at large as Savoryard, in a word sketch of the Colonel written upon the occasion of Wolford's passing in 1895: "He was low of stature, but powerfully built, with storage room for lungs of immense capacity and bulk. His face was smooth-shaven and his hair iron-gray. His eye was, possibly, a more prominent feature than his nose; it fairly glowed with perceptible fire, was as keen as hawk's, and like that of Marcius the Great, 'was able to pierce a corslet,' or 'gaze an eagle blind.' The nose was large and prominent, Roman, an eagle's beak, such as Napoleon delighted in. And yet this ideal soldier, this lion of battle, was the gentlest and the kindest man I ever knew. Angry he was never known to be except on two occasions, and then his enemies sought shelter, as well they might."(Savoyard's entire word sketch may be viewed here (Click on link, scroll down about 60% of the page to the section titled "A Rugged Knight"): kykinfolks.com/adair/deathcerts7.httm 2015-02-26 13:33:14 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Local History
Larry Smith: News from the Adair County Judicial Center From the Adair County Judicial Center, 201 Campbellsville Street, Columbia, KY. Thursday, February 26, 2015. By Larry Smith, FM 92.7 the WAVE and FM 99.9 the Big Dawg 6:58pmCT: The trial is over except for the ruling of Circuit Judge Judy Vance. Evidence has been presented and the courtroom is virtually empty. I just talked to Judge Vance and she said she will rule on the case after review the evidence presented. The timing of the ruling will be at Judge Vance's discretion. 12:30pmCT: The bench trial broke for lunch. The trial is to resume at 2:30pm Columbia Time. Will continue reporting on air and here when the session resumes. And a note: The trial has full local media attention. The courtroom has had approximately 50 present. More are being sequestered in the witness room. 11:59amCT: Columbia Police Chief Jason Cross has finished his testimony in the case, saying he received several calls from persons living in the city who said they were denied city ballots. Just moments ago, before a 5 minute break, Dr. Anthony Grant, DC, testified that he lives in the county, but was given a city ballot. To clarify, Columbia City Clerk Rhonda Loy gave testimony about where city borders with new annexations actually are. This morning, the plaintiffs have been calling witnesses. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2015-02-26 11:00:29 | Comments | Printable version
Clara Alice Sneed, Adair County, KY (1928-2015) Mrs. Sneed was a member of the Jones Chapel United Methodist Church, she was retired from Fruit of the Loom in Campbellsville, KY, her interest and hobbies included reading her Bible, cooking and baking, working in her flowers. She was an avid University of Kentucky basketball fan. She was a member of a highly regarded Adair County family, the daughter of the late Joseph Oscar "J.O." and Dellie Rogers Parnell. She was the widow of Cassus Lee Sneed. She leaves seven direct living descendants. Click on headline for complete obituary with photo(s) Clara Alice Sneed, age 87 years of Columbia, KY passed away Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at her home after several months illness. Funeral services Saturday, February 28, 2015 at 2pmCT, at Stotts-Phelps-McQueary Funeral Home, 210 Greensburg Street, Columbia, KY with Rev. John Blakey and Rev. Mike Moon the officiating clergy. Interment in the Haven Hill Cemetery, 1276 Liberty Road, Columbia, KY. Visiting will be after 4pmCT, on Friday at Stotts-Phelps-McQueary Funeral Home. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2015-02-26 10:36:39 | Comments | Printable version
No Girls LL Basketball tonight, Thu 26 Feb 2015 at ACMC There will be no Girls Little League games tonight at the Adair County Middle School, 322 Gen. John Adair Drive, Columbia, KY. They were supposed to start at 5:45pmCT tonight, Thu 26 Feb 2015, but with no school today, we are not allowed to play games there, either. - RICKY ROY 2015-02-26 10:25:04 | Comments | Printable version
(Happy Ending): Family, boys are elated! Rawhide, found & home Thanks to Good Samaritan Ronnie Carter By Cindy Smith (White Oak Road, Coffey Hole area of Squire Daryl Flatt's District 2, Adair County, KY at 10:19amCT, Thu 26 Feb 2015) - Rawhide is home! Thanks to Ronnie Carter for taking care of him and recognizing his picture on Columbia Magazine! - CINDY SMITH 2015-02-26 10:18:38 | Comments | Printable version
Black History program at Eunice Church of God: 15 Mar2015 Black History Program is rescheduled for March 15, 2015 at Eunice Church of God, 12615 Liberty Road, Columbia, KY. Guest speaker is Pastor Kim F. Tuck of New Grace Fellowship Baptist Church. Dinner will be at 2pmCT, and the program starts at 3pmCT. Everyone is invited. Thanks. - MARJORIE PAYNE, Eunice Church of God. 2015-02-26 10:05:39 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Local History
Comment on Tine Lapsley Reynolds: Settler's kinship groups Mike Watson writes: Enjoyed the article on origin of Frank Wolford. I have attached favorite photo of the Colonel with description. . . --Mike watsonAbout: Tine Lapsley Reynolds: Settler's kinship Groups- Old Liberty, Russell Co., KY 2015-02-26 09:36:22 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Mike Watson - History
LW basketball: Men, Women in season finale in Lebanon, TN Both teams at Cumberland University tonight By Tyler Scott News from Lindsey Wilson College COLUMBIA, KY - The Lindsey Wilson men's and women's basketball team face Cumberland (TN.) today Blue Raider Basketball Thursday, February, 26, 2015, with the women's game at 6pmCT and the men's following at approximately 8pmCT at the Dallas Floyd Recreation Center 1 Cumberland Drive (Campus, not venue), Lebanon, Tennessee, 37087 Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2015-02-26 09:15:39 | Comments | Printable version
Boat horsepower restrictions lifted on 8 small state-owned lakes By Dave Baker From State of Kentucky news service FRANKFORT, KY - Boat motor horsepower restrictions have been lifted on eight state-owned lakes. Previously, boaters could not operate a motor larger than 10 horsepower on these lakes. Boaters can now use the larger motors, but must run them at idle speed only. Anglers may continue to run boat motors that are 10 horsepower or smaller at any speed. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2015-02-26 08:39:22 | Comments | Printable version
Tine Lapsley: Settler's kinship - Old Liberty, Russell Co., KY One of the all time great Adair County favorite sons, is most frequently listed as being born 'near Columbia.' The author of this essay, which is based on her own research and which may be controversial, asks why his birthplace is not listed as Russell County, KY. Her research contends that while the birthplace was in Adair County at the time, the boundaries change in about 10 years, and his birthplace in now in what is today's Russell County. Comments are welcome By Tine S. Reynolds, a Lapsley descendant Where was Col. Frank Lane Wolford actually born? That was about two centuries ago, but we have determined an answer! Since this famous Kentucky Civil War hero was connected with the Lapsleys, a founding family in Russell County (formerly Adair), we have discovered more about the colonel through the research about the Lapsleys and their home community of Liberty Church and Schoolhouse, Rt. 92. John Wolford and James Lapsley, Sr., were in the same kinship group when settling on the frontier at what later became this Old Liberty. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2015-02-26 06:50:17 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Local History
Adair Middle School SBDM re-scheduled for Mon 2 Mar 2015 Adair County Middle SBDM will be rescheduled for March 2, 2015, at 3:30pmCT, due to no school. The meeting will be at ACMS, 322 General John Adair Drive, Columbia, KY. -ALMA RICH, Principal, Adair County Middle School 2015-02-26 06:21:09 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Education
Several counties out spot treating in KYTC District 3, BG Metcalfe, Monroe, Barren and Allen in District get spot treatments for snow, ice this morning By Wes Watt, Public Information Officer Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, District 3, Bowling Green, KY Bowling Green, Ky. (FEB 26, 2015)- Roads are good shape this morning. Four counties did get a little and have crews doing some spot treatment. Allen, Barren, Metcalfe and Monroe Counties began spot treating around midnight last night. 2015-02-26 06:11:00 | Comments | Printable version
ACHS Girls Basketball, already in regional, play for District title Qualified with decisive victory over host Campbellsville HS, 50-22 Special ColumbiaMagazine.com sports story The Adair County Indians girls basketball team meet Marion County Knights in their second game of the district tournament play on Friday, February 27, 2015 at 6pmCT/7pmET, against the Marion County Knights, after defeating Campbellsville High School, 50-22, in the first game on Tuesday. We would love to see a great crowd at Campbellsville High School, 230 West Main (campus) , Campbellsville, KY. Cheer on YOUR Adair County Lady Indians and Indians. - Brent Campbell, Athletic Director, Adair County School District. 2015-02-26 06:02:19 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Sports
Begleys spotted cougar in South Adair Co. about five years ago Big Black Cougar was seen on William Melson Hill about five years ago. Witnesses say they have talked to hunters in the area who have also seen the cougar. The courgar they spotted was one was as tall as a Dodge Pickup, and went across the road right in front of couple. Now we have it, reliably from two eyewitnesses. Now maybe others will confirm its presence. We can't wait for an establishing picture. Wouldn't it be great if a GoPro had been mounted on David Begley's truck that day. Maybe someone can give likely locations where the big cat has been spotted or its tracks have been seen. - CM By David & Rhonda Begley In regards to cougars in Fairplay, I lived there most of my life and never saw one til one day about 5 years ago, in October, David and I were on top of William Melson Hill traveling to the ridge to pick up our granddaughter. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2015-02-26 05:43:20 | Comments | Printable version
AC School Board, District Facility Planning meeting still GO DESPITE SCHOOL CLOSING WEATHER CONDITIONS: Adair Schools CLOSED today, but business functions, including Special Called School Bord Meeting at 8amCT, and District Facilities Planning (DFP), tonight, Thu 26 Feb 2015, will be held as scheduled. Special ColumbiaMagazine.com report Adair County Supt. Alan W. Reed, after announcing CANCELLATION of school this morning, call to stress that the Special Called School Board Meeting at 8amCT, will be held and that the Adair County District Facilities Planning (DFP) Committee meeting at 6pmCT, tonight, both at the Adair County Board of Education Central Office Conference Room, 1204 Greensburg Street, Columbia, KY, will still be held. "Both are urgently important," he said. He said that the public and media are welcome to attend the board meeting, but that an announcement will be made after the board meeting is over. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2015-02-26 05:30:07 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Education
Adair Tenco will have no transportation THU 26 Feb 2015 Icy Roads Adair Tenco, 10170 New Columbia Road will have no transportation today, Thursday, February 26,2015. Staff will be in the office if you new to call 270-384-6727. - Amanda McCloud, Tenco Supervisor 2015-02-26 05:00:06 | Comments | Printable version
ACHS Boys Basketball meets Marion Co. HS, Thu 26 Feb 2015 First Game of 20th District Tournament. Winning team assured of invitation to 5th Regional Tournament. A loss will end season. The Adair County Indians Boys basketball team meets the Marion County Knights in their first game of the 20th district tournament play on Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 6pmCT/7pmET, against the Marion County Knights. We would love to see a great crowd at Campbellsville High School, 230 West Main (campus), Campbellsville, KY. Cheer on YOUR Adair County Lady Indians and Indians. - Brent Campbell, Athletic Director, Adair County School District. 2015-02-26 04:03:30 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Sports
Ribbon cutting for Yogurtown Fri 6 Mar 2015 There will be a Columbia/Adair County Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting for Dr. Jacob Burton's Yogurtown, 1423 Campbellsville Road, Columbia, KY, Phone 270-384-0599, at 4pmCT, Fri 6 Mar 2015. 2015-02-26 03:44:05 | Comments | Printable version
DAV Service office at VFW Post 6097, Mon 02 Mar 2015 On Mon 02 Mar 2015 the DAV service officer will be at Columbia VFW Post 6097, 411 Fairground Street, Columbia, KY. The doors will open at 08amCT and close at 11amCT. It is very important that everyone bring all paper work from past visits or other correspondence with the Veterans Administration. This service is for any veteran that need assistance with any VA issues. Veteran does not need to be a member of any veteran group to receive this help. It is also on a first come, first serve basis. - JOE HARE, Commander 2015-02-26 03:08:02 | Comments | Printable version
Today, THURSDAY with CM, 26 Feb 2015 Haiku by Robert Stone for February 26, 2015: When there is trouble,--Robert Stone, Thursday, 26 February 2015. -1000 haiku countdown finished, now for some more days, Day 1262 2015-02-26 03:00:07 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Today Birthdays and Anniversaries for February 26 Happy Anniversary, Richard and Phyllis Mayse | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Anniversary, Todd and Donna Green (1988) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Amanda Lynne Furkins | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Angelika Miller | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Ashlee Nicole Starns | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Aubrey Michelle Edwards | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Betty Coffey | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Brittany Bell (1985) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Carnell Hadley | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Cathy Luttrell | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Christie Brown | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Daryl Flatt (1972) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Donald Lee McKinney | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Kelly Butler Caldwell | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Laura Burress (1980) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Leslie Cowan | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Mitchell Rooks (1966) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Nicklas Kelsay (2000) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Roy McQueary | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Shana Smith Palumbo | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Woody Burton | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Elizabeth Harmon (1930) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Frances Harmon Adair Co., KY (1935) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Bobby Mitchell Carter, Cumberland Co., KY (1947) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Mattie Noel Lewis, Taylor Co., KY (1932) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, James Dell London, Metcalfe Co., KY (1947) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Virginia Bell Sweeney, Casey County, KY (1918) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Lois Dunbar, Russell County, KY (1924) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Omar A. Hendrickson, Louisville, KY (1975-2013) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Dorothy Churchill Svorc, Adair County, KY (1917-2014) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Rethel Proxedia Owens, Russell Co., KY (1928-2014) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Becky Gilbert, 71, Cumberland Co., KY (1943-2014) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Mrs. Dorothy Corbin Petty, lifelong Adair Countian (1934-2015) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Janis Aaron, Russell County, KY (1923-2016) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Grace Kean, 87, Russell Co., KY (1929-2016) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Ramona Grant Collins, 86, Adair Co., KY (1930-2016) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Beverly (Bootie) Smith, 63, Russell Co., KY (1953-2016) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Robert H. (Bob) Wheeler, Taylor Co./Estill native (1948-2016) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Lonzie Gerald Newton, Taylor Co., KY (1940-2016) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Frankie Welliver, Knifley, Adair Co., KY (1943-2017) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Ricky David (Doc) Walker, 62, Metcalfe County, KY (1955-2017) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Pamela Jo Moore, 59, Columbia, KY (1958-2018) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Charles H. Crawhorn, Adair Co. native Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Chris Brown, 51, Columbia, KY (1970-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Freida Noe Anderson, 92, Campbellsville, KY (1931-2023) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Gary (Blondie) Meadows, 64, Green County, KY (1955-2019) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Jessie Allen Johnson, 47, Columbia, KY (1974-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, John Neal Wooldridge, Sr., 88, Jamestown, KY (1934-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Joyce Dean Maulden, 81, Columbia, KY (1941-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Margie Marie Judd Milby, Green County, KY (1926-2018) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Mary Ann Wright, 50, Jamestown, KY (1971-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Paul Randell Bailey Jr, Adair County, KY (1956-2019) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Rosemarie (Mimi) Bairstow, 87, Glensfork, KY (1934-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Sara McNay, 44, Russell Springs, KY (1978-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Verlene Sapp Adams, 82, Somerset, KY (1939-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Winfrey Gerald (Mick) Burton, 76, Columbia, KY (1945-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) Events scheduled for Thursday, February 26, 2015 All events are listed in Central Time. 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