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Monday, January 2, 2012
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Bernal David McCool, Cumberland Co., KY (1942-2011)

He was a production manager of R.R. Donnelley and a member of Willow Shade Church of Christ
Click on headline for complete obituary with photo(s)

Mr. Bernal David McCool, age 69, of Tompkinsville, Kentucky a native of Cumberland County, Kentucky passed away Saturday December 31, 2011 at the Greenview Hospital in Bowling Green, KY.

Funeral Services will be conducted on Tuesday January 3, 2012 at 1pmCT in the Memory Chapel of Norris-New Funeral Home, 601 N. Main Street, Burkesville, KY.Burial will be in the Marrowbone Cemetery. The family will receive friends after 1pmCT on Monday January 2, 2012 until the funeral hour on Tuesday.

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2012-01-02 18:43:51 | Comments | Printable version

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Kentucky Color: Prosciutto Ham

2012-01-02 - Columbia, KY - Photo submitted by Billy Joe Fudge, Sports Writer, Retired District Forester, KY State Division of Forestry.

Billy Joe Fudge says a friend thought he'd found some special food when he was served prosciutto ham in South Florida, but he was eating the same thing when his grandfather, Wilbert Stotts, used to go the smoke house and cut slivers of country ham off with a big butcher knife.

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Kentucky Color - Great Wooded South Prosciutto

As a culinary center, Miami area has nothing on Harvey's Ridge, where the author and his grandfather dined on prosciutto back in the 50's. Even today, about the only difference between thin sliced cured but not cooked country ham and "prosciutto," is layers and layers of 'airs' and $17.00 more a pound for the stuff with a high-faluting name. -CM.

'The long and short of it is this, those Mediterraneans don't have anything on Sparksvillians and Harveys Ridgers who live and dine in the midst of European culture in The Great Wooded South.' -BILLY JOE FUDGE

Click on headline for complete essay with photo(s)

By Billy Joe Fudge, Retired District Forester
Kentucky Division of Forestry

A friend of mine posted this photo of prosciutto and melon from a recent meal in Miami. That is in Florida, I think. Although my friend is a fellow Kentuckian and is well aware of the cutting edged culture found here and particularly in Sparksville and Harveys Ridge, he seemed to imply that he had found something special in South Florida.

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2012-01-02 16:42:07 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Kentucky Color by Billy Joe Fudge

M. Allen Owsley Young, Cumberland Co., KY (1924-2011)

He was a member of First Christian Church in Burkesville, an avid Horseman, excellent horse trainer, an Army Veteran of World War Two, having fought with heavy artillery in battles in Naples, Rome, Southern France, Rhineland and Central Europe. He awarded Five Bronze Stars, a Bronze Arrowhead and Good Conduct Medal. He retired working for the State Government in the Division of Forestry, and a member of the Burkesville, KY, V.F.W Post.
Click on headline for full obituary with photo(s)

Mr. Allen Owsley Young, age 87, of Burkesville, KY, passed away Sunday January 1, 2012 at the Cumberland Valley Manor, Burkesville, KY.

Funeral Services will be conducted on Wednesday January 4, 2012 at 3pmCT in the Memory Chapel of Norris-New Funeral Home, 601 N. Main Street, Burkesville, KY. Burial will be in the Burkesville Cemetery. The family will receive friends after 5pmCT, on Tuesday January 3, 2012 until the funeral hour on Wednesday, January 4.

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2012-01-02 16:23:26 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries

Article title by JIM reminds Coach Grigsby of 5th grade teacher

Comments re article 49154 JIM New Year 100 years ago On little cat feet

By David Grigsby

I was pleasantly surprised to see the phrase, "on little cat feet" in the reprinted article from New Year 100 Years ago. I was first introduced to the phrase as a 5th grader by my teacher, Mrs. Pennington. It is a quote taken from a poem by Carl Sandburg around 1916. Here is the original:
'THE fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.'
Mrs. Pennington was teaching us about the use of Personification in writing. For some reason it was a lesson I never forgot. --David Grigsby

Thanks, Coach Grigsby, for sharing that memory, and for remind us of the great moments of insight teachers have provided. I wonder if Mrs. Pennington knows that she connected that day with a young mind in a way which made a lasting, positive impression? That surely must be one of the big rewards for a true teacher. -EW For the few readers who may not know, David Grigsby is the Head Coach of Lindsey Wilson College Cycling.

2012-01-02 16:01:45 | Comments | Printable version

(Ad) AKC Golden Retriever available to good home

Donna Saunders writes:
AKC golden retriever - FREE TO GOOD HOME. Needs room to run - farm or large fenced yard. 10 months old, all shots and housebroken. Interested parties call 270-384-7205. - Donna Saunders
Find pets quick
In CM Animals

2012-01-02 15:46:02 | Comments | Printable version

CANCELED - Genealogical Society meeting tonight, Jan. 2, 2012

The Adair County Genealogical Society will NOT meet tonight as scheduled, at 6pmCT, Monday, January 2, 2012 at the Adair County Public Library, 307 Greensburg Street, Columbia, KY . It is too cold. Our next meeting will be in February. Thanks so muchLila Ford, Adair County Genealogical Society member.

2012-01-02 15:31:02 | Comments | Printable version

Oshea Ann Huff, Willow Shade, KY (d. Jan. 1, 2012)

She was a member of a large, respected Willow Shade, KY community family with strong family ties in Monroe, Metcalfe, and Cumberland Counties. She leaves 51 direct living descendants. She was a member of Oak Hill Church of Christ

Oshea Ann Huff, age 87, of the Willow Shade Community, died Sunday, January 1, 2012 at her home.

Funeral services will be Thursday, January 5, 2011, at 1pmCT at the McMurtrey Funeral Home, 2232 Summer Shade Road, Summer Shade, KY, with Bro. Lewis Blythe officiating. Burial will follow in the Harvey Cemetery in Willow Shade. Visitation will begin at 9amCT, Thursday, January 5, and continue until funeral time.

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2012-01-02 15:10:13 | Comments | Printable version

Melewi wants to know availability of classes for haiku

Melewi writes:
For those out there that don't know what a haiku is:It is a Japanese poem of 17 sylables in 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5.

What kind of classes do you take to learn to write haiku.melewi - MELEWI
Comments re article 49162 Robert Stone 89 haiku written Nov.-Dec. 2011

2012-01-02 14:02:10 | Comments | Printable version

KY Dept. of Education data shows challenges Adair Schools face

ACHS joins long list of Kentucky schools which must do a better job of preparing students for 'Grade 13' - A.W. REED
Graduating Rate, College Going Rate, 'Readiness for College' scores, coupled with high dropout rate all must be addressed, AC School leaders say

By Alan W. Reed
News from the Adair County, KY, School District

An extensive report from a joint commission comprised of the Kentucky Department of Education, Council on Postsecondary Education, and the Kentucky Higher Assistance Authority is the most revealing yet on graduation rates and college and/or work readiness; most schools falling short.

The Kentucky P-20 Data Collaborative has been bringing together data for the Kentucky High School Feedback Report on numbers of students prepared for college and those students who actually attend college. The latest data are based on the graduating classes of 2010.

The Kentucky High School Feedback Report on College Readiness, Class of 2010, includes individual reports for all 228 public high schools in Kentucky with a graduating class in 2010. The report allows for comparisons between schools and districts across the Commonwealth.

The table below compares graduation rates and college going rates for ACHS with those of nearby districts:

Noting a dropout rate of nearly 22%, Superintendent Darrell Treece says, "If even one Adair County student drops out of school, that is one too many."

ACHS college-ready scores in three key subject areas mirrored those in the surrounding counties, but Treece says it's clear that the school district must do more to boost scores in college-ready math, reading and English.

College readiness in three core areas, Adair County High School graduates

Adair County graduates performed at or above the state average on the report. Over 74% of ACHS grads pursued four-year degrees as compared to the state average of just over 49%.

Treece also says, "The community is trusting that we will direct more of our efforts towards getting students ready for the kinds of jobs that are available now and into the future. "

"It's not just college readiness we're talking about, its career readiness," he said. "Grade 13 can mean a lot things. All of us have to keep in mind that the workplace has changed forever. Some of the greatest job opportunities out there demand skills in technology. We have to prepare students for all those opportunities", said Treece.

The following link to KDE allows for anyone to generate a report on a specific Kentucky High School: KDE Data reports

2012-01-02 13:52:49 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Education

Official Practice Test will be offered January 7, 2012

OPT lets candidates for Graduate Equivalent Diplomas test readiness to take the test to obtain a high school diploma by taking the GED test

By Mary Ann Branham

The Adair County Adult Education Center will be giving the Official Practice Test to anyone who is 19 and older and has not taken the OPT in the 2011 school year.The Test will be given on January 7, 2011, at the Adair County Adult Education Center, 403 Indian Drive Columbia, KY 42728. Call to reserve your seat 270-384-4497Testing will start a 8amCT. am Bring a government issued picture ID. Our hours are: Monday & Wednesday 8amCT-4pmCT; Tuesday & Thursday 8amCT-6pmCT; Fridays 8amCT-12pm noon CT --Mary Ann Branham

2012-01-02 11:33:32 | Comments | Printable version

Waste Connections donates 180 bicycles in southeast Kentucky

Waste Connections employees gave their own money to buy the bicycles, and the company matched the employees' donations. Donations also came from the company's vendors, customers and other partners
Click on headline for full story plus photo(s)

By Cindy Lackey
News from PRIDE

SOMERSET, KY - Christmas came early for 180 needy children in southeast Kentucky, thanks to Waste Connections of Kentucky.

Through its fifth annual "Christmas Promise" project, the company donated 180 bicycles and worked with community organizations to deliver them to needy children in the 40 counties of southeast Kentucky it serves through transfer stations or hauling operations.

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2012-01-02 06:46:11 | Comments | Printable version

Little Oscar the pig home safely after coordinated rescue

There's bliss in Bliss; felicity in The Flatwoods. The Prodigal Pig is home! After Miss Victoria found the little fellow and was joined by J.M. Shelley, and Craig Feese they had almost instant response from Adair County Animal Warden Jimmy Harmon, who was shopping at the huge nearby center in Greater Bliss. Little Oscar is now happily home with the Feese children, who had missed him terribly. Miss Victoria, who rose from her sickbed to look for the pig Saturday, is relieved to have found Oscar before neighborhood's coyotes did; and rejoices that he didn't fall prey to the Ogre, Bud Mullins, said to occupy a sinkhole in her back field
CM hopefully awaits a proper portrait of Oscar, now permanently enshrined as an authenitic Adair County animal hero.

by Victoria Pike

Around noon today I found Oscar, the little pig belonging to Craig and Stephanie Feeses's children, resting in the the corner between our fence and JM Shelley's horse lot.

He was hemmed in by an electric fence in the corner, whose purpose is to keep the calves from bunching up at the end of the fence.

I called Craig and JM to come quick. JM summoned help from Adair County Animal Warden Jimmy Harmon who was at wallyworld.

In short order, they scooped him up in a net Mr. Harmon uses to catch small animals without hurting them. Then they loaded him for a quick ride home to the Feese children who had been missing Oscar terribly.

The little Feeses also have two more little lady pigs at home.

Sorry, no pictures. Batteries were dead. Just glad little Oscar isn't going to be spending the night in the sinkhole with Bud Mullins or in the belly of one of our local coyotes.

He was found only a few hundred feet from Ole Bud's home in the backfield. --Victoria Pike

2012-01-02 05:51:35 | Comments | Printable version

JIM, 100 Years ago: The Vagaries of Love


This article first appeared in the December 13, 1912 Louisville Herald and subsequently appeared in the December 18, 1912 Adair County News:

It's a woman's privilege to change her mind. Because her having exercised that privilege, Mrs. James E. Morton, of Pellyton, Ky., doesn't happen to be Mrs. Titus Thompson to-day.

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2012-01-02 03:48:48 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Local History

A lovely lady, inside and out

Mitzi Bault writes:
What a lovely lady, inside and out. The Waggener family was blessed when you gave us Liinda. - MITZI
Comments re photo 43348 Happy New Year from Council Member Linda Waggener

2012-01-02 03:45:50 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback

Adair School District returns to classes today, January 2, 2012

Students and staff of the Adair County School District return to school today, Monday, January 2, 2012. -BRENDA MANN, Assistant Superintendent, Adair County School District.

2012-01-02 03:35:10 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Education

Rev. William Raymond Beard, Taylor Co., KY (1922-2011)

He was a highly regarded Baptist minister whose pastorates included Lowell Avenue Baptist Church in Campbellsville, KY. He also served as Taylor County Baptist Director of Missions. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II for whom the American Legion Post No. 38 Honor Guard will conduct military honors at his interment in Mill Spring National Cemetery. Rev. Beard had strong ties to Campbellsville University. He was the husband of Frances Niceley Beard, a 1944 graduate of CU, and the father of Marilyn Ash, 1978 CU graduate, who formerly worked in the Office of Admissions. Her niece Leanne Weddle, a 1999 CU graduate, is also a survivor
Obituary information courtesy of Joan C. McKinney and Campbellsville University's Communications Department, and Parrott & Ramsey Funeral Home, Campbellsville, KY, and Lake Cumberland Funeral Home, Somerset, KY

Rev. William Raymond Beard, age 91, passed away on December 29, 2011 at the V.A. Hospital in Lexington, KY. He was born on February 5, 1922 in Louisville, KY to the late Walter and Anna Shofner Beard.

Visitation for Rev. Beard will be Monday, January 2, 2012 at the Lake Cumberland Funeral Home, 1046 W. Hwy 80, Somerset, KY beginning at 5pmET/4pmCT. The funeral service will immediately follow at 7pmET/6pmCT, with Bro. Mitch Ash, Bro. Roger Weddle and Bro. Bill Dawson presiding. Burial will be in the Mill Springs National Cemetery, 9044 KY 80, Nancy, KY. The American Legion Post #38 Honor Guard will conduct military honors for Rev. Beard.

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2012-01-02 03:28:44 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries

Tom Chaney: No R743: New Year resolutions and myth of Eden

Of Writers and Their Books Essay. 'So I celebrate the new year just as I relished the old one. I turn to literature and history to deal with the futility of beginning again.' -TOM CHANEY
The next earlier Tom Chaney column, Christmas Violence

By Tom Chaney

New Year resolutions and the myth of Eden

Today begins the New Year. Most of us will steadfastly resolve to make changes in our lives and habits. By Groundhog Day all that will remain of our resolve will be the guilt of its fracture.

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2012-01-02 03:02:48 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Tom Chaney: Of Writers and Their Books

Robert Stone: 89 haiku written Nov.-Dec. 2011

The haiku of Robert Stone: pearls of thought for everyday in the past two months. All are worth reading and time in thought, and most are timeless or repeatedly timely, as this one from late December 2011 does for the New Year's dawning in 2012:
Let power descend
so your feet may move swiftly
through another year.
- Wednesday, 28 December 2011
-Ed Waggener
Click on Headline for to scan all 89 haiku.

By Robert Stone

Eighty-nine haiku. 1000 haiku countdown to Chambers Stevens' 50th birthdaywho posted on Facebook: "It is a 1000 days until I am 50 years old. Wonder what I could accomplish in a 1000 days if I put my mind, body and soul into it?" and I said I could write a haiku every day for a thousand days. This collection includes those for Nov.-Dec. 2011.

Another two months have rolled by and here are the recent haiku. All of them were written as comments on comments or on status notes or on photographs or on blog posts or in responses to emails. If you are really curious as to what caused me to write one of these, send me a note and I'll let you know.

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2012-01-02 02:23:11 | Comments | Printable version

Today, MONDAY with CM, January 2, 2012

Haiku by Robert Stone for January 2, 2012:
Three roses attract
not enough to overwhelm
but enough to charm

Robert Stone, 2 January 2012
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2012-01-02 01:36:14 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Today

Bro. Carol Perkins completes 27 year pastorate at Flatwoods SBC

Bro. Carol G. Perkins and wife Carol Ann Perkins honored on last day of Bro. Perkins ministry of over a quarter century at the beautiful Adair Co. country church famed for its 3 day camp meeting
Click on headline for story and photo of the last day

By Michael Bennett
News from Flatwoods Separate Baptist Church, 5690 Burkesville RD, Columbia, KY

Christmas Day 2011 was joyous as well as sad for Flatwoods Separate Baptist Church. Celebrating Christmas is always joyous at church. But it was also Bro. Carol G. Perkins' last day as pastor.

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2012-01-02 01:25:22 | Comments | Printable version

(Ad) Writer needs TV repair service

Pam Kermeen writes:
I have two TV's that need repair, if possible.Please e-mail me at if you know someone that works on them. Thanks! - PAM KERMEEN
Find it quickWith CM Want to Buy

2012-01-02 00:20:14 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback

Trumon Richard Young, Green County, KY (1924-2012)

He was the patriarch of a large, respected West Green County, KY family. He leaves 46 direct living descendants. He was a member of the Greensburg Separate Baptist Church, where he served as a deacon for more than 20 years.
Click on headline for complete obituary and photo(s)

Trumon Richard Young, 88, departed this life Sunday, January 1, 2012 at the Jane Todd Crawford Hospital in Greensburg, KY.

Funeral services will be at 1pmCT, Wednesday, January 4, 2012, at Foster-Toler-Curry Funeral Home, 209 W. Court Street, Greensburg, KY, with Rev. Dan Perkins and Rev. Aaron Judd, the officiating clergy. Visitation will be after 4pmCT, Tuesday, January 3, 2011, at the funeral home. Interment will be in the Green County Memory Garden, Summersville, KY.

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2012-01-02 00:02:17 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries

Birthdays and Anniversaries for January 2
Happy Anniversary, Charles and Barbara Barnes (1959) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Anniversary, R.T. and Wanda Cave (1947) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Andea Meyer | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Billy Rowe (1949) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Cameron Feese | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Christine Bragg Yoder | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Kaeden Moore (2009) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Kevin Jenkins | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, L.T. Scott | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Lisa Furkins (1972) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Lorne Holler (1962) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Mattie Lou Neat (1923) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Robin Lynn Willis (1972) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday. Brett Russell | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday: Dalton Pickens | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Jerry Warren Cross, Barren Co., KY (1958-2019) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Joseph Dylan Carta, Jamestown, KY (1998-2019) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Wade Hobson Milby, Mt. Sherman, KY (1940-2020) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Whitman Hadley, Adair Co., KY (1936) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Garlan Wilson, 90, native of Edmonton, KY (1919) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Gene Allen Young, Adair Co., KY (1948) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Richard Barnes Canada , Dunnville, KY (1952) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Orine Richardson, Casey Co., KY (1921) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mr. Edward (Eddie) Terrell Thomas Loyall, Green Co., KY (1938) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Nina Cathleen Hash Stiles, Taylor Co., KY (1933) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mattie Lou Sinclair Neat, Adair County, KY (1923) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Gile Harris, Russell Co., KY (1943-2013) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Teresa Gay Richardson, Casey County, KY |1959-2014| | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Janice Carol Priddy Shade, Russell Co., KY (1944-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mattie Geneva Keith, Adair County, KY (1951-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Hugh Garrett Moss, Taylor County, KY (1927-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Ramona Irene (Tootle) Mann, Taylor Co., KY (1945-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Lertie O. Conner, 98, Russell Co., KY (1918-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, James Bernard (Jim) Coe, Sr., Cumberland Co., KY (1930-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Brenda Bardin, Columbia, KY (1945-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mildred Gray, Taylor Co., KY/Adair Co. native (1936-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Leonard Barnett, Taylor Co., KY (1927-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Erlene Himes, Taylor County, KY (1941-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Ramona Smith, Adair County, KY (1929-2013) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Agnes Martina Kania Lepiarczyk (1907-1984) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Alberto Guerra, Jr., 29, Burkesville, KY (1992-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Alvie Lee Burton, 84, Columbia, KY (1936-2020) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Annie Nokes Hoover (1908-2003) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, David Moss, 64, Columbia, KY (1956-2020) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Elmer L. (Junior) Draper, 81, Columbia, KY native (1943-2024) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Geneva Sneed, 63, Columbia, KY (1961-2024) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Kimberly Stargel, 61, Columbia, KY (1960-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Larry Travis Dial (January 02, 1951-October 30, 2005) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Linda Price, 81, Green Co., KY (1941-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Michael Allen Lacy, 65, Columbia, KY (1956-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Ricky Lee Tucker, 46, Russell Springs, KY (1975-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Robert Bennett | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Robert Hill (Bud) Pollard, 89, Adair County, KY (1926-2015) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Trooper Michael Ray Sapp, 71, Knifley, KY (1950-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)

Events scheduled for Monday, January 2, 2012
All events are listed in Central Time. Submit your upcoming event using our Contact Form.
7:45amCTStudents return to classes, Adair County School District | (ID:15342, Comment)
8:00amCTU.S. Post Office New Year's Holiday Observed | (ID:15354, Comment)
Adair Extension Holiday Schedule: Closed Dec. 25-January 2 | (ID:15375, Comment)
New Years Closings
Closed Friday, December 30, 2011 and Monday, January 2, 2012
Applies to the following offices
  • Adair County Judge Ann Melton's office, 424 Public Square
  • Adair County PVA Wm. M. Feese's office, 424 Public Square
  • Adair County Clerk Sheila Blair's Office, 424 Public Square
  • Adair County Sheriff Harrison Moss' Office, 424 Public Square
  • Adair County Attorney, Jennifer Hutchison-Corbin's office, 424 Public Square
  • Adair County Child Support, Jennifer Hutchison-Corbin's, office, 424 Public Square
  • Adair County Circuit Clerk Dennis Loy's office, 201 Campbellsville Street
We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years. -LISA LEE, Administrative Assistant, Adair CJE | (ID:15399, Comment)
Adair Co. Judicial Center, 201 Campbellsville ST. Columbia, KY: No (0) case(s) scheduled to start in AdairCircuit Court. No (0) court case(s) in Adair District Court. For latestupdates courts in 7-County Area, click on these links at the KentuckyCourt of Justice: AdairCounty. Also: CaseyCounty.Cumberland County. GreenCounty. MetcalfeCounty. RussellCounty. TaylorCounty. | (ID:15566, Comment)
10:00amCTColumbia United Methodist Church pre-schooler storytime at Cafe the Square
Columbia United Methodist Church, 202 Burkesville ST, Columbia, KY, is sponsoringStorytime at Cafe on the Square, 212 Public Square, in Columbia forPreschoolers every Monday morning at 10amCT, Kids get a free drink!Storytime begins Monday, August 1, 2011. Everyone is invited. W. Neil Janes, pastor, Columbia United Methodist Church. | (ID:15504, Comment)
Praise Assembly of God food pantry, 310 Jamestown ST, Columbia, KY
The food pantry at Praise Assembly of God, 310 Jamestown ST, Columbia, KY, is open Mondays at 10amCT until 1pmCT or until the food runs out. -Patricia Willis | (ID:15509, Comment)
NoonCTPause for Chimes at noon, Downtown Columbia, KY. Two Selections | (ID:15431, Comment)
Services in Campbellsville, KY, for Michael Sprowles, Green Co., KY (1957-2011) | (ID:15562, Comment)
1:00pmCTServices, Burkesville, KY, for Mrs. Janice Fay Williams Melton, Cumberland Co., KY (1947-2011) | (ID:15559, Comment)
2:00pmCTServices in Burkesville, KY, for Dorothy Thurman, Edmonton, KY (1921-2011) | (ID:15563, Comment)
5:00pmCT Chimes for the evening, Downtown Columbia, KY. Two Selections | (ID:15464, Comment)
6:00pmCTCANCELLED: Genealogical Society Meeting
The January 2012 meeting is canceled. It is too cold. The next meeting will be Monday, February 6, 2012. -LILA FORD
The Adair County Genealogical Society meets each first Monday, at 6pmCT, at the Adair County Public Library, 307 Greensburg Street, Columbia, KY 42728. -LILA FORD | (ID:15503, Comment)
Russell County Bee Club, 2688 S. Hwy. 127, Russell Springs. KY
Serves Russell County and the surrounding counties: Adair, Casey, Cumberland, Pulaski, Clinton, and Wayne. Meetings are normally held on the first Monday of the month, at 6pmCT, Russell County Extension Office at 2688 S. Hwy 127, Russell Springs, KY. | (ID:15514, Comment)
Cub Scout Pack 888 meets, CUMC, 202 Burkesville ST, Columbia, KY
Cub Scout Pack 888 meets each Monday night at 6pmCT, in the basement of the Columbia United Methodist Church, 202 Burkesville ST, Columbia, KY. Anyone who wants to join the Cub Scouts is welcome to attend. -Phillip Richard | (ID:15515, Comment)
Services, Somerset, KY, for Rev. William Raymond Beard, Taylor Co., KY (1922-2011) | (ID:15567, Comment)
7:00pmCTAdair County Sportsman's Club regular monthly meeting
The Adair County Sportsmans Club meets each first Monday night at 7pmCT, at 999 Lancaster DR, Columbia, KY. The meetings are open to members, prospective members and the general public. -Barry Jones | (ID:15520, Comment)


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