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Daily News for Friday, December 30, 2011
Old Rob 1972: The suspected rising of his offspring Introduction By Mike Watson to a column on the suspected return of Old Rob, the Graverobber, and the distinguished panel of the top Varmintologist in America, with members from Columbia, Cane Valley, Coburg, Florida, and as far away as Jamestown, KY. Ed, I do not wish to encroach upon the territory of my dear Cousin Brother Jim, but found this item in an "old" paper that may be a good entry for the renewed interest in varmintology that has surfaced on CM of late...-MIKE WATSON From the celebrated Statesman, 17 August 1972 OLD ROB BELIEVED TO BE BACK IN ACTION by the Honorable W.K. Neat: Lock your doors and bolt the windows, Old Rob the grave robber is back making the headlines from the Florida Everglades to Kentucky's Herrington Lake to Southeast Missouri and then on to the state of Washington. The reports of sighting Old Rob and the descriptions of the monster, beasts, etc., that have been seen so closely match Old Rob, Adair County's fearsome beast, that we believe it to be the same varmint or one of his offspring. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-12-30 18:12:34 | Comments | Printable version
Bill Collins: Gulf is back; Somerset Refining gets new owners Gulf Brand is now owned by Cumberland Farms Comments on Signs of Times: Gulf Oil sign is back By Bill Collins, guest writer Thanks for the article on the Gulf station. Gulf's motto is "the legend returns"Gulf LP is owned by Cumberland Farms and they are making a return in the eastern US and Texas. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-12-30 15:05:47 | Comments | Printable version
Thelma Burris Matney Creason, Green Co., KY, (1935-2011) She was a native of Adair County, KY. She was the matriarch of a large, respected family and was a member of the Maple Hill United Methodist Church. Click on headline for full obituary with photo(s) Mrs. Thelma Burris Matney Creason, 76, of Campbellsville, KY, departed this life on Thursday, December 29, 2011 at the Grandview Nursing Facility in Campbellsville. She was 76 years and three months of age. The funeral services for Mrs. Thelma Burris Matney Creason will be conducted at 1pmCT, Saturday, December 31, 2011 at the Cowherd and Parrott Funeral Home, 201 S. Main Street, Greensburg, KY, with burial to follow in the Maple Hill Cemetery. Chaplain Bob Craig, and Bro. Ron Young will be officiating. Visitation is requested after 9amCT, Saturday, December 31, 2011, at the Cowherd and Parrott Funeral Home until time of the funeral service. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-12-30 13:31:13 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries
Kathy Dial Cook will be greatly missed Clay Jones writes: Kathy, You will truly be missed. You are and still are a dear and cherished friend of mine and of my family. - Clay JonesComments re photo 43318 Mrs Roda Katherine Dial Jeffries Cook d Dec 26 2011 2011-12-30 12:46:48 | Comments | Printable version
Miss Victoria sick and unable to chase pot-bellied pig at large From Miss Victoria Pike I just got a call that I have a pot-bellied pig in my front field down in front of Mr. Jimmy Woody's estate. If it belongs to anyone, please come get him for I am sick and can't chase him. Call me at 270-384-3348 if you have lost a pot belllied pig. s/VICTORIA PIKE 2011-12-30 10:51:37 | Comments | Printable version
Asst. Supt. Mann reminds staff, students of return to school Students and staff of the Adair County School District return to school on Monday, January 2, 2012. -BRENDA MANN, Assistant Superintendent, Adair County School District. 2011-12-30 10:39:45 | Comments | Printable version
Tawana Eastridge is scholarship recipient at SCC Taylor County, KY resident awarded a Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital Volunteer Auxiliary Scholarship to attend Somerset Community College Click on headline for story with photo(s) By Allison Horseman News from Somerset Community College Tawana Laurane Eastridge of Campbellsville was awarded a Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital Volunteer Auxiliary Scholarship to attend Somerset Community College for the fall 2011 semester. She plans to pursue a career as a physical therapist assistant. Eastridge and her husband David reside in Campbellsville. She is the daughter of Grayling Hiser of Canmer and Pat Bagby of Greensburg. Eastridge graduated from Hart County High School in 1991. She currently holds a 3.9 grade point average at Somerset Community College and is a student ambassador for SCC, a member of the American Physical Therapy Association, the Physical Therapy student organization, the Martial Arts club, the Multicultural Diversity club and Phi Theta Kappa. She is also a member of Mt. Gilead Baptist Church. 2011-12-30 09:39:34 | Comments | Printable version
Skeleton crew at CM doing best it can today A skeleton crew will be cutering around the CM office today doing the best they can. Please submit photos, ads, news, birthdays, events updates, plans for the New Year including goals, resolutions, and had-oughtas if you're fed up and aren't going to take it anymore. The skeleton crew will endeavor to do the best it can. 2011-12-30 09:22:04 | Comments | Printable version
Remembers the other Ed Waggener as nice man Comments re photo 43323 Signs of Times Gulf Oil sign is backWanna Hale Wilson writes: Ed, then I was a child my Dad, Leonard Hale, in Russell Springs drove a Standard Oil truck for an Ed Waggener.That was in the 40 and early 50. Ed had a business in Russell Springs where the Robo car wash is now. My dad would take me on delivery runs with him to Creelsboro. Ed would always give us a live turkey for Christmas. I think he had a son, Dan, I can't remember his Dad's name. He was a nice man, Just thought I would share this as I have wondered if you are a relative of his. Thanks - WANNA HALE WILSONThanks, Wanna Hale, for remembering that Russell County connection. The Ed Waggener you recall was, indeed, a very nice man. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-12-30 08:18:07 | Comments | Printable version
Hearing January 3, 2011, on name change, Hadley Farm Road PUBLIC NOTICE The Adair County Fiscal Court will have a public hearing for a name change of the Hadley Farm Rd to Sparks Cent Rd. at the Adair County 911 Center, 107 N High Street, Columbia KY, in the Conference Room. Hearing Date: Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012, Name Change, Hadley Farm to Sparks Cent. Rd, at 8:30 a.m. -LISA LEE, Administrative Assistant, CJE Ann Melton's Office. Not posted at Taxpayer Expense 2011-12-30 07:17:25 | Comments | Printable version
Yellowhammer Road speed limit reduced to 30 mph YELLOWHAMMER ROAD, Google Map. District 2, Adair County, KY, Between Glens Fork and Fairplay, KY. -CM PUBLIC NOTICE The Adair County Fiscal Court had second and final reading at their regular monthly court on December 13, 2011, in the basement of the Adair County Annex of an Ordinance for speed limit change from 55 mph to 30 mph on Yellowhammer Rd in Adair County. It is hereby ordained that the speed limit on Yellowhammer Rd, Columbia, Adair County, Kentucky, being a county road, be reduced to 30 MPH from 55 MPH which was approved by the Adair County Fiscal Court with a first and second reading.Lisa Lee, Administrative Assistant, Adair CJE Ann Melton's office, Suite 1, 424 Public Square, Columbia, KY. Not printed at taxpayer expense. 2011-12-30 06:54:13 | Comments | Printable version
Epicurean Kentuckian: Preschooler's recipes shared Kids' Kitchen skills develop at a young age Selected by Geniece Marcum My niece, Mrs. Patricia Wangelin Reed, sent several recipes collected by her class of Robertson Road Fullday Pre-School kids in California. I loved every one of them and hope you will, too. We'll share a few of them: Spiderman Cake by Javier 4 chocolates, 5 heart candies, 4 eggs, 2 cups flour, 3 muffins, green, and one strawberry.There are more recipes . . . Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-12-30 04:08:29 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Food
(Ad) Dodge Caliber for sale in CM Automotive Angie Carter writes:Dodge Caliber for sale I have for sale a 2010 Black Dodge Caliber has 52,000 miles if anyone is interested in this car please call me at 270-634-4762 and if there is no answer please leave name and number and I will return your call. Thank you. -- Angie CarterSell cars & trucks QuickIn CM Automotive 2011-12-30 03:45:29 | Comments | Printable version
Time to send events for New Year, January 2012 CM Events FIRST for greater attendance at your next EVENT The January 2012 recurrent events have been added on CM. If there are important events we have missed, please contact us using any Contact/Submit button. Events submissions must have 5W's: Who, What, Why, Where, and When. Thanks to everyone who remembers to always include Street and Number for location (All CM Events listings must have this). Thanks to everyone who remembers the unique sequences, style, used in the Events listing. Thanks to everyone for remembering to include contact information. If a submission isn't posted within 2 Daytime hours 8am/5pmCT hours, any day of the week, call 270-250-2730. There may be a small omission which prevents the post. 2011-12-30 03:31:25 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries
Present day status of Marcum Mill Residence Comments re photo 43308 Favorite Old Photo Residence at Marcum MillSuzanne Fancher writes: We own the house. it is being purchased by Robert and Dawna Walker. my motherin law purchased it at auction when Mr. Downs died. - SUZANNE FANCHERThanks, Suzanne Fancher, for the good news that the home continues as a residence. We'll update the photo caption. - EW 2011-12-30 03:03:43 | Comments | Printable version Birthdays and Anniversaries for December 30 Business Anniversary: Sleep Inn & Suites, Columbia, KY. (2016) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Adam Womack | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Angie Pierce (1973) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Bradley Caldwell (1980) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Bryan Harvey (1976) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Carolyn Hinkle, (1949) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Charles Cole | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Dewayne Curry | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Ellie Marian Staten (2011) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Ethan Brooks Compton (2008) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Fannie B. Shaw | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Jacob Kessinger (2003) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, James Brian Coomer 1972 | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Jimmy C. Young (1947) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Jordan Christopher Travis Baker (1988) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Lacey Smith | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Larry Edward White | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, LouAnn Russell | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Mylee Bell (2006) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Rachel Waggener (1980) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Sebastian Alexander Bingham Hancock (2008) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Tyler Sandusky | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Karen Kinnaird, Liberty, KY (1947-2019) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Charlotte Ann Ross, Russell Springs, KY (1944-2019) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Betty Jean Cornett, Walton, KY (1943-2019) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Lenwood Graves, Taylor Co., KY (1921) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Mr. Carl Rich Thompson, Green Co. KY (1926-2011) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Robert C. (Bob) Marshall, Adair Co., KY, native (1946 | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Shirley Rose Buis Chadwell, Casey Co., KY (1938) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Joe Durham Blakeman, Green Co., KY (1929) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Mrs. Ann M. Huntsman, Greensburg, KY (1935-2013) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Hazel Hall, Casey County, KY (1926-2014) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Marie Grant, Adair County, KY (1928-2014) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Billy Joe Parnell, 66, Adair County, KY (1947-2014) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Betty Jean Jones, Green County, KY (1935-2014) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Mary Hazel Cravens Arnold, Sano, KY native (1929-2015) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Larry D. Huckaby, Russell Co., KY (1934-2015) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Charles Jessee, 83, formerly of Columbia, KY (1932-2016) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Cora Jane Gibson Rice, 51, Glasgow, KY (1964-2016) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Daryl Clayton Nichols, 69, Russell Co., KY (1947-2017) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Patricia Faye Oakes, 71, Russell Co., KY (1945-2017) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Mike Barbee, 57, Taylor Co./Adair Co. native (1959-2017) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Edith Richards, 67, Russell County, KY (1950-2017) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Beatrice Blankenship Light, 92, Taylor Co., KY Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Bobby Beard, 82, Adair Co., KY (1939-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Brandon Dial, 39, Columbia, KY (1984-2024) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, David Michael (Mike) Kelly, Metcalfe Co., KY (1956-2020) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Kathy Graham, 60, Campbellsville, KY (1961-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Larry E. White, 65, Columbia, KY (1958-2024) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Wayne Hatcher, 77, Columbia, KY (1943-2020) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) Events scheduled for Friday, December 30, 2011 All events are listed in Central Time. Submit your upcoming event using our Contact Form.
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