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Daily News for Friday, December 16, 2011
Campbellsville University graduates 238 students Commencement takes place in two ceremonies By Joan C. McKinney News from Campbellsville University CAMPBELLSVILLE, KY - Campbellsville University bestowed degrees on 238 students in two ceremonies Friday, December 16, 2011, in Ransdell Chapel as the students were told to "Give generously of yourself, for a person wrapped up in himself makes a very small package" by Andre Jamal Morton. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-12-16 19:32:34 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Education
Frances Mae Sullivan Blaydes, Green Co., KY (1923-2011) She was a native of Green County, KY. She had professed faith in Christ and was a former waitress for Masterson Restaurant. Click on headline for full obituary and photo(s) Frances Mae Sullivan Blaydes, 88, of Leitchfield, Kentucky, departed this life on Monday, December 12, 2011at the Grayson Manor Nursing Facility in Leitchfield, KY. The funeral services for Frances Mae Sullivan Blaydes was conducted at 12pm noon CT, Friday, December 16, 2011 at the Cowherd and Parrott Funeral Home, 206 S. Main Street, with burial in the Greasy Creek Cemetery. Bro. Cliffton Sullivan officiated. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-12-16 18:26:11 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries
Diana Sue Harris, Casey County, KY (1965-2011) She was a member of a respected Casey County, KY, family. She attended Hilltop Full Gospel Tabernacle and loved gospel music and TV ministry Diana Sue Harris, of Liberty, KY, passed away Wednesday December 14, 2011 at the UK Medical Center in Lexington, KY. She was 46. Funeral services will be at 2pmET/1pmCT Sunday, December 18, 2011 at McKinney-Brown Funeral Home, 756 Campbellsville Street, Liberty, KY, with Bro. Don Clark officiating followed with a private burial. Visitation is Sunday from 11amET/10amCT until funeral service. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-12-16 18:09:28 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries
Edmonton Masonic Lodge will hold annual officer election Edmonton Lodge 931 F&AM, 603 W. Stockton Street (US68/KY80 W), Edmonton, KY will conduct its annual officer elections at 7pmCT,on December 27, 2011. All M.M. members are encouraged toattend. - COLONEL DAVE E. ENGLAND. 2011-12-16 17:50:33 | Comments | Printable version
Adair Hospital Board special called meeting Dec. 19, 2011 Public Notice Adair County Hospital Board of Trustees will have a Special Called meeting at 6pmCT, on Monday, December 19, 2011 in the Board Room of Westlake Regional Hospital, 901 Westlake Drive, Columbia, KY 42728. - CHERYL WALL, Administrative Assistant Public notice not printed at hospital or public expense 2011-12-16 17:34:30 | Comments | Printable version
Live Nativity at Mt. Zion Church of God, Dec. 17, 2011 Live Nativity, Mt. Zion Church of God, 1640 Eastridge Cemetery Road, Casey Creek (Knifley area, Northern Adair County between Knifley and Feathersburg, KY), at 5:30pmCT, on Saturday, December 17, 2011, 5:30pmCT and 6:30pmCT, Sunday, December 18, 2011. Contact Phone Number: 270-572-9040. Bro. Christopher Murphy and the Congregation invite everyone to attend. Hot Chocolate and cookies will be served. -JENNIFER EASTRIDGE 2011-12-16 17:27:58 | Comments | Printable version
LWC Energy Academy partners With Newcomb Oil Newcomb stores will donate waste cooking oil, ECTA will convert to bio-diesel fuel Click on headline for story with photo(s) COLUMBIA, KY - Lindsey Wilson College and Newcomb Oil Co. are joining forces to help the environment. The Bardstown, KY-based Newcomb Oil is donating vegetable oil waste from its FiveStar gas station stores in Adair County to the Lindsey Wilson Energy Technology Career Academy. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-12-16 15:20:32 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Lindsey Wilson College
Chuck Hinman: His writing exposed the beauty of his nature 'I can think of no greater measure of a man than the depth of love of his son and it's evident that Chuck measured up with the best of who we all strive to be. -JOHN HALSEY By Jon Halsey The comment on CM is correct that the passing of Chuck Hinman evokes a sense of deep sadness. His writing not only exposed the beauty of his nature but also evoked a sense of our own human nature waiting to be tapped. The love and affection he carried for his wife and also the joy and care he evidenced for all who crossed his path seemed to reach a chord of our humanity that is seldom allowed expression in today's technologically fast paced but often isolated society. I can think of no greater measure of a man than the depth of love of his son and it's evident that Chuck measured up with the best of who we all strive to be. The world is a better place for having experienced the Chuck Hinmans of our species. -JON HALSEY Knifley, KY Comments re article 48888 Chuck Hinman Bartlesville OK 19222011 2011-12-16 14:48:53 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Chuck Hinman - Reminiscences
Guest Commentary: Let Mike Newton, LWC do it Lindsey Wilson gets it money's worth; writer advocates getting them to build new elementary school and also take over Westlake By Ralph Roy Waggener, Editor/Publisher It's Just for a Smile News Personal Opinion Commentary If I were going to build a new school,and if I were representing the Adair County taxpayers on the Board of Education. There are three things I would do: Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-12-16 14:43:42 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Commentary
Remington Kyle Murrell (Stillborn, Dec., 15, 2011) Remington Kyle Murrell, son of Jason and Shae Coomer Murrell, of Columbia, was stillborn on Thursday, December 15, 2011 at the Westlake Regional Hospital Emergency Room. Graveside service will be Sunday, December 18, 2011 at 2pmCT, at the Pellyton Cemetery, 100 Pelyton East Road, in the Pellyton Community of Adair County, KY, with Bro. Gerald Coomer officiating. Visitation after 1:30pmCT, Sunday, at the cemetery.Grissom-Martin Funeral Home>Grissom-Martin Funeral Home, 200 Campbellsville Street, Columbia, KY, in charge of arrangementsIn addition to his parents, survivors include the following:
2011-12-16 14:17:02 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries
Old Fashioned Christmas Caroling at Courthouse Dec. 23, 2011 The Adair Heritage Association invites everyone to join in an Old Fashioned Christmas Caroling, on the Greensburg Street side of the Historic Adair County Courthouse, 500 Public Square, at 5:30pmCT, Friday, December 23, 2011. Everyone is urged to bring a flashlight. -NANCY COZBY, Vice President, Adair Heritage Association. Phone 270-385-9213. 2011-12-16 13:38:19 | Comments | Printable version
Chuck Hinman, Bartlesville, OK, (1922-2011) He was introduced to readers of ColumbiaMagazine.com by members of the Hart County Literary Group, an friendship of essayists and artists focused around The Bookstore in Horse Cave, KY. Few other writers on CM have ever had the impact of Chuck Hinman. He seemed so much one of our own, with experiences he shared so parallel to those of Kentuckians in the South Central part of the state. Hardly a week has gone by since since his columns were first posted that Robert Stone did not send another column, and when he didn't or we failed to post, we heard from readers! His passing will be mourned by many here - so many who knew him as an intimate friend, even though they had never met except through his writing. The beautiful tribute which follows was written by his son, Paul Hinman, and forwarded to ColumbiaMagazine.com by Mr. Keith House of Stumpff Funeral Home and Crematory, Bartlesville, OK Click on headline for complete obituary and photo(s) Charles Ray "Chuck" Hinman, long-time resident of Bartlesville, went to be with his Lord and Savior on Thursday December 15, 2011. Funeral services will be held at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, December 20, 2011, in the New Harmony Baptist Church, 22341 N. 4015 Road, Bartlesville, OK, with Rev. Tom Cox and Rev. Charles McCarthey officiating. Entombment will be in the Mausoleum in the Memorial Park Cemetery. Funeral arrangements and entombment are under the direction of the Stumpff Funeral Home & Crematory. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-12-16 12:57:22 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries
Sad word of the passing of columnist Chuck Hinman Dawn Offutt writes: I do not know if you have heard, but Chuck passed yesterday afternoon (Thursday, December 14, 2011) around 4:30. In the short time I got to know him, I loved him. He was a truly amazing man and I enjoy reading his stories. Sincerely, --DAWN OFFUTTThanks, Dawn Offutt for letting us know.: The news brings great sadness here, as well: We have learned that the services for Chuck Hinman will be at New Harmony Baptist Church, 22341 N. 4015 Road, Bartlesville, OK, at 10amCT, Tuesday, December 20, 2011. Stumpff Funeral Home in Bartlesville, OK will be in charge of arrangements. A complete obituary is expected from Stumptff Funeral Home & Crematory , 1600 SE Washington Blvd, Bartlesville, OK, Phone 918-333-4300, shortly. -EW 2011-12-16 12:25:00 | Comments | Printable version
Mourns the passing of Clyde Hutchison Charles and Barbara Barnes writs: Catherine and Lisa, We are so sorry to hear about Clyde Hutchison, Adair County, KY (1929-2011)>Clyde (Hutchison) Just simply can't believe it. I wish I could come to the funeral home, but doubt if I can make it. I'm in a wheel chair now, most of the time and it's a lot of trouble for him and I just don't go any place. Please accept our regrets and I know he'll be missed by family ,friends and neighbors. -Barbara for BARBARA and CHARLES BARNES 2011-12-16 11:38:36 | Comments | Printable version
State is implementing new public school accountability testing Adair School District Readies for Next-Generation Learners (NexGen) and new school accountability model known as K-PREP By Alan W. Reed, Federal Programs/ Media Relations Director News from the Adair Coiunty School District This year 2011-12 (spring 2012 testing), Adair students will complete Unbridled Learning Component No. 1, Next-Generation Learners. This is the K-PREP Test (in the past known as the KCCT). Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-12-16 10:31:09 | Comments | Printable version
Visit to Medal of Honor Hall of Fame evokes pride in Adair County Comments re article 48875 Another Dakota Meyer sightingDoug McCammish writes: When we were in Charleston, SC, we visited the USS Yorktown aircraft carrier, which includes a Medal of Honor Hall of Fame and they had a special exhibit on Dakota. Even those of us from off have pride in this place we call home. - DOUG McCAMMISHThanks. Doug McCammish. Well spoken, from one who is truly accepted, assimilated, and is a most highly appreciated Adair Countian, with all that term implies. Thanks for being living proof that being Adair Countians has more to do with state of mind, outlook, and attitude than place of birth. Just think of so many of the greatest and best, most authentic Adair Countians - from Daniel Trabue Chesterfield, Co. Virginian and Huguenot (as are the early Loys), to Dr. James C. Salato, John Shelley, Berenice Flowers, Tim Allen, and Dr. Luckey, to name just a fraction - and we find among the very best kind of Adair Countians, the born again ones who chose this place as their home and aren't simply Adair Countian as an accident of birth. -EW 2011-12-16 10:24:27 | Comments | Printable version
Comment on Guest Commentary: Well said, Dan Phillips Charles Marshburn writes: Well said, Mr. Phillips! - CHARLES MARSHBURNComments re article 48880 Guest Commentary We don't know how to treat our heroes 2011-12-16 08:37:17 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback
Corbin resident makes ornaments from found lures, bobbers By Cindy Lackey News from PRIDE CORBIN, KY - By combining her volunteer spirit and artistic talent, Barbara Begley has created unique decorations to adorn Christmas trees and support PRIDE. Begley fashions one-of-a-kind ornaments from the lures and bobbers she collects while volunteering to pick up litter at Laurel River Lake. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-12-16 08:11:30 | Comments | Printable version
It is sprinkling this morning CM understands that special issues pertains I want to publicly go on record, right now, unequivocally, in front of God and the Courthouse, and say before all that I think it may be sprinkling outside now. Or at least it could be. Forgive me for being so outspoken, but that's my opinion! What America needs are more people who aren't afraid to tell the truth! No matter who it hits. Wake up Adair County! Before it is too late!- The UNTERRIFIED TRUTHSAYER PS: Thanks for not using my real name, even if you can figure it out. My son has a good front line job with a Major Corporation in Chicago, so your understand why I have use a pen name. He says sometimes people take it personally, and simply abuse him for what I say and refuse fries with their burger when he suggests it. So you can understand why I need to work from behind the scenes. -UT 2011-12-16 07:42:24 | Comments | Printable version
Guest Commentary: We don't know how to treat our heroes 'Society should protect its heroes from those who would tear them down. . . We need to protect those who protect us; our heroes need to be protected from those who hide behind newspapers, just as we need to be protected against foreign enemies.' - DAN PHILLIPS By Daniel Phillips We Don't Know how to Treat Heroes. I heard on the radio Thursday, December 15, 2011, that there were stories challenging some of the actions of Sgt.Dakota Meyer. I am convinced that we just don't know what to do with heroes in our country. I think that if you do something heroic you are scrutinized much more than if you do bad things. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-12-16 06:18:52 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Commentary
Guest Commentary: Proposal for new ADAIR band building Stephen Collins advocates a fitting building, named in honor of a great Adair Countian, Kentucky High School Band Director Icon Tim Allen By Stephen D. Collins After seeing our amazing band at the inauguration, a thought came to me: Our band is without a doubt the best in the state and in the nation in my opinionSo I was thinking (dangerous, I know). With all the new building of schools and such, why is the best band in the state still using a building which needs to be replaced?I feel that the band should have a new band building and should be named in honor of Mr. Tim Allen, with the most wins of any band director. - Stephen D Collins CM suggested link: AdairBand.com 2011-12-16 05:33:54 | Comments | Printable version
(Ad) CM Classifieds. Changed to give more Information, Quick CM Classifieds have been simplified to make them more useful. You'll see more up to date listings, even more current ones, in a quicker scan. For instance, there are fewer categories now, to save time and match up buyers and sellers, seekers and finders, Quick. Georgia Judd writes: Beauty Salon Equipment for Sale: Shampoo bowl, shampoo chair, styling station, hydraulic styling chair. All in good condition. For information call 270-378-0942 - GEORGIA JUDDCM: Information, Quick 2011-12-16 05:26:59 | Comments | Printable version
Basketball: LWC Women dominate Ohio Christian, 96-39 Victory comes before 130 fans in Columbia. Box ScoreNext: Basketball: LWC Women vs. Cumberland University of Lebanon, TN at 7pmCT, Friday, December 16, 2011, at Biggers Sports Center, 360 Spickard Drive, Columbia, KY News from Lindsey Wilson College COLUMBIA, KY - The Lindsey Wilson College women's basketball team scored 22 unanswered points in the first half and never looked back en route to a 96-39 win over visiting Ohio Christian University on Thursday (December 15, 2011) at Biggers Sports Center, (360 Spickard Drive, Columbia, KY) The 96 points are also a season-high for the Blue Raiders. Lindsey Wilson junior Ashley Rainey recorded her first double-double of the season with 17 points and 11 rebounds. Blue Raider reserves turned in their best performance of the season. Seniors Taylor Lockridge and Tiffany Williams scored season-highs with 12 and 15 points respectively. The Lindsey Wilson bench scored a season-best 51 points. For the game, Lindsey Wilson limited Ohio Christian to 21.3 percent (13-of-61) shooting, including three for 23 (13 percent) from beyond the three-point arc. Lindsey Wilson made 36-of-73 from the field for 49.3 percent. Ohio Christian's Dannyel Butte scored a team-high 12 points. (Information from Chris Wells) 2011-12-16 04:04:58 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Sports
Thomasine M. Bunch, Russell County, KY (1956-2011) She was a member of a large, respected Russell County family with strong ties in Adair County and in Illinois. She leaves 18 direct living descendants. She was a homemaker Thomasine M. Bunch, L. Minley Drive, Russell Springs, KY, died Wednesday, December 14, 2011, at 4:40amET at the University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington, KY. The funeral service will be at 7pmCT, Saturday, December 17, 2011, at H.E. Pruitt Memory Chapel, 202 N. Main Street, Jamestown, KY, with Bro. Eric Gilbert the officiating clergy. Visitation will be after 4pmCT, Saturday, at the H.E. Pruitt Memory Chapel. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-12-16 03:42:18 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries
Another Dakota Meyer sighting Bill Bryant writes: Tonight, while watching a program on HGTV called "White House Christmas 2011, the narrator was showing Christmas decorations in the East Visitors Entrance. Lo and Behold, on the wall near one of the trees was a picture of Adair County's Dakota Meyer. Makes me proud to be from Ozark. I enjoy your magazine. Thanks. - BILL BRYANT 2011-12-16 03:09:37 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback Birthdays and Anniversaries for December 16 Happy Anniversary, James and Dolly Riley (1961) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Anniversary, Jamie and Annette Hadley | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Anniversary, Marcy and Doug McCammish | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Barbara Janes | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Bob Spires | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Denissa Corbin (1969) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, James Roberts | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Jamey Neat | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Katie Karnes Everidge | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Keith "Peanut" Gilbert | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Kyle Jordan Garner (1992) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Michelle Mann (1968) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Pam Murphy | (Updates/Corrections) Happy birthday, Sammy Taylor | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Sondra Bryant | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Tony Joe Compton | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Zane Wesley Greer (2009) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Barbara Joyce Jones (1939) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Eloise Bea Baker, Taylor County, KY (1943-2019) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Mrs. Janrose Rapier Green Co., KY (1944-2010) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Lewis Dean Withers, Russell Co., KY (1960) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Charles O'Brien, Taylor County, KY (1929) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Steven Joe Cain, Russell County, KY (1955-2013) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Tresa Ann (Kennison) Kinslow, Glasgow, KY (1959-2014) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Dorothy Mae Mouser, 85, Adair County, KY (1929-2014) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Mary Magdalene Coomer, Adair County, KY (1929-2014) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Christine Janes Froedge, 75, Glasgow, KY (1939-2015) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, M.D. Shirley, 89, Taylor Co., KY (1925-2015) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Frederick W. Handy, 57, Green Co., KY (1958-2015) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Sharon Martin, 60, Casey County, KY (1955-2016) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Catherine Turner Feather, 86, Taylor Co., KY (1929-2016) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Ruth Heady Warner, 70, Taylor Co., KY (1945-2016) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Michael Edward McKinley, 63, Adair Co., KY (1953-2016) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Daniel T. Curry, 54, Green County, KY (1962-2017) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Charles (Charlie) Dencil Simpson, Green County, KY (1942-2018) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Beula Grant, 93, Columbia, KY (1928-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Carol Ann Powell, 72, Columbia, KY native (1950-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Ethel Cundiff, Casey Co., KY (1930-2020) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, James Junior Beauchamp, 71, Metcalfe Co., KY native (1949-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Patty Johnson, Cumberland Co., KY native (1937-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) Events scheduled for Friday, December 16, 2011 All events are listed in Central Time. Submit your upcoming event using our Contact Form.
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