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Daily News for Wednesday, November 30, 2011
LWC's Taylor, Anderson Earn Volleyball All-Region Honors By Chris Wells COLUMBIA, KY - Lindsey Wilson College junior Andrea Taylor has been selected to the American Volleyball Coaches Association Southeast Region team. Freshman Sarah Anderson earned honorable mention all-region honors. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-11-30 19:48:11 | Comments | Printable version
Soccer: LWC men advance to NAIA National Semifinals Aduny Propels No. 2 LWC Past No. 10 Southern Poly 3-2 in OT at NAIA Men's Soccer National Championship By Dan White Lindsey Wilson College Athletics ORANGE BEACH, AL - Moses Aduny emerged out of a cluster of players fighting for the ball inside the box and finished an overtime strike from just 10-feet out in the 98th minute to lift No. 2 seed Lindsey Wilson College over No. 10 seed Southern Polytechnic State (GA) University 3-2 in the quarterfinals of the NAIA Men's Soccer National Championship on Wednesday at the Orange Beach Sportsplex. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-11-30 19:14:23 | Comments | Printable version
Hershel Bailey, Adair County, KY (1938-2011) He was a member of a large, respected Northeast Adair County, KY family. He was a machinist Hershel Bailey, age 73 years of Bloomington Church Road, Columbia, KY passedaway Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 1:45amET, at Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital in Somerset, KY. Funeral services will be Saturday, December 3, 2011 at 1pmCT, at Stotts-Phelps-McQueary Funeral Home, 210 Greensburg Street, Columbia, KY, with Bro. Vitus Bailey the officiating clergy. Interment will be in the Redmon Cemetery, 4269 Allen Schoolhouse Road, Columbia, KY. Visitation will be after 3:30pmCT, Friday, December 2, 2011. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-11-30 16:07:34 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries
Reporting child abuse is the law A reader sends this information:Reporting child abuse is not only a moral obligation, it's a requirement. The opening sentence of KRS (Kentucky Revised Statutes) 620.030 explicitly delineates the absolute legal responsibility of all citizens: "Any person who knows or has reasonable cause to believe that a child is dependent, neglected, or abused shall immediately cause an oral or written report to be made to a local law enforcement agency or the Department of Kentucky State Police; the cabinet or its designated representative; the Commonwealth attorney or county attorney; by telephone or otherwise..."Failure to report is a Class B misdemeanor for first offense, a Class A misdemeanor for second offense, and a Class D felony for each subsequent offense. Only two exceptions are noted: attorney-client and clergy-penitent privilege.Anyone wishing to read the entire section of KRS dealing with child abuse may do so at Section on Child Abuse, Kentucky Revise Statutes (This is a pdf document and requires Adobe Reader or similar to open.) 2011-11-30 15:45:16 | Comments | Printable version
Notice of Special Called Meeting, Adair Co. School Board PUBLIC NOTICE This is an official notification that there will be a Special Called School Board Meeting Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 8pmCT, in the Conference Room at the Adair County Board of Education, 1204 Greensburg Street, Columbia, KY, for the purpose of: (1) Selection of Construction Manager for New Elementary School ProjectThe meeting is open to the public. Not printed at taxpayer expense Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-11-30 15:35:37 | Comments | Printable version
Adair Co. Retired Teachers meet Dec. 13, 2011, at The Pines Senator McGaha speaker; members asked to donate canned food items for local food pantry for Christmas The Adair County Retired Teachers will meet Tuesday, December 13, 2011, 10amCT at Mulligan's at The Pines, 275 Country Club Road, Columbia, Kentucky. Senator Vernie McGaha will be the guest speaker. Teachers are asked to bring canned food items to donate to a local food pantry for Christmas. Lunch available at 11amCT. -BOBBIE COOMER 2011-11-30 15:03:33 | Comments | Printable version
Toys for Tots Christmas Concert, Russell Springs, KY Caleb Brown will be the headliner for the Russell Springs Downtown Revitaization Toys for Tots Christmas Concert at the Russell County Auditorium, 2167 South Hwy U.S. 127, Russell Springs, KY, on Saturday, December 3, 2011, 7pm-9pmCT (doors open at 6pmCT). Also appearing will be Bingo the Clown, Tom Taksa, Santa Claus, and there will be an Ol' Boys Toys Car Show. The Russell County Jaycees will collect the toys. 2011-11-30 14:57:50 | Comments | Printable version
Columbia Woman's Club Home Tour a special event this year Three of South Central Kentucky's loveliest homes + one of Lindsey Wilson College's most most impressive additions, the Goodin Center, are on the tour this year Click on headline for story with photos By Mary Ann Loy, Ginny Heath, and Yvonne Kolbenschlag The Columbia Woman's Club is most appreciative of homeowners and Lindsey Wilson College for the gracious hospitality shown by opening the following for the Home Tour. Tickets are only $5.00 for all four places and they can be purchased at the Columbia-Adair County Chamber of Commerce Building or at any house on tour. Buy a ticket at one place and bring it with you to have it validated at the next. Money goes toward a scholarship and for other community needs. The event is Sunday, December 4, 2011, 1pm-4pmCT. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-11-30 13:06:29 | Comments | Printable version
Lois Cunningham practices what she preaches She's a faithful customer of downtown businesses; has been for many years Phyllis Gooden/4Seasons writes: Lois Cunningham practices what she preaches. She's been a faithful customer to our downtown businesses for many years. Thanks to Lois Cunningham. We appreciate her so much. -PHYLLIS GOODEN at 4-SeasonsComments re article 48580. Charles Grimsley fan sends Hurray for Charles 2011-11-30 12:37:08 | Comments | Printable version
Only By Grace Singing at Kelleyville Church By Lisa Burton Only by Grace will be singing at the Kelleyville Community Church at 77 Kelleyville Road, Columbia, KY, in the Coburg Community, on Sunday Morning, December 4, 20011 The singing will start at 10:30amCT, during the morning worship service. Bro. Stanley Watson and the congregation would like to invite everyone to attend. -LISA BURTON 2011-11-30 11:13:48 | Comments | Printable version
KIDS COUNT databook good source on child welfare Marsha Walker writes: To Maury Lewis: One of the best sources of information on child welfare is the Kentucky KIDS COUNT Data Book PDF. The reality is that many instances of child abuse are not reported. It's up to all of us to report (State Police would be my choice) if we believe a child is in danger of any type of abuse, including neglect. Good luck in finding what you want, Maury. -MARSHA WALKER 2011-11-30 11:01:04 | Comments | Printable version
November 30 apparently a good day for births of famous people Practically everyone in the CM birthday list for November 30, 2011 is famous, and there are a lot of names in the list today - over 30 at 10:35amCT, Wednesday, November 30, 2011. If you know of any November 30, 2011 birth which should be on the list, send it now using any Contact/Submit Button on the site. 2011-11-30 10:57:22 | Comments | Printable version
November 30 is Father of American Literature birthday Samuel Langhorne Clemens, a grandson of Adair County, KY, was born on this day in 1835 By Mike Watson It might be recollected that November 30, 1835 was a significant day in American history. That was the date of birth of Samuel Langhorn Clemens, grandson of Adair County and, said William Faulkner, the "Father of American Literature." Of course, "Mark Twain's" mother, Jane Lampton, born in Adair County and reared in Columbia, was granddaughter of the immortal Col. William Casey and Jane Montgomery. Jane married John Marshall Clemens here in Adair County, not in or near Lexington as some sources erroneously report.Samuel never visited Adair County as far as can be ascertained, he never spoke or wrote of it, but his mother visited here often. -MIKE WATSON 2011-11-30 10:42:51 | Comments | Printable version
Charles Grimsley fan sends: Hurray for Charles Lois Cunningham writes: Hurray for Charles ! We have such potential in our down town area, and most of the time it just doesn't happen. the Square needs to be part of everything that goes on in Columbia. So please, everyone get out and shop our Downtown Columbia vendors. - LOIS CUNNINGHAMComments re photo 42889 One man Downtown Board of Trade promoter 2011-11-30 09:31:52 | Comments | Printable version
Greater Campbellsville United marks 10 year anniversary Organization supporting equality and opportunity marks successful first decade, brighter future, with reception at Taylor Co. Extension office Click on headline for full story w/photos By Linda Waggener, GCU board member "Looking back over the past decade, we are amazed at the positive impact that Greater Campbellsville United has had in promoting positive relations and progress in our community and region," said John Chowning, one of the original founders and GCU board co-chair with Yvette Haskins. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-11-30 09:02:51 | Comments | Printable version
Soccer: LWC Men break 29 year NAIA Record LWC Men's Soccer becomes NAIA National Tournament's All-Time Wins Leader By Chris Wells, Sports Information Director News from Lindsey Wilson College Athletics ORANGE BEACH, AL - The Lindsey Wilson College men's soccer team became the all-time wins leader at the NAIA National Tournament on Monday, November 28, 2011. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-11-30 08:51:42 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Sports
KSP gives more details on Adair Co., KY fatality crash By TFC Billy Gregory, Public Affairs Officer Kentucky State Police Post 15, Columbia, KY COLUMBIA, KY - Trooper Andy Olson is investigating a one vehicle fatality that occurred at 4:40amCT, Wednesday, November 30, 2011, on KY 80 seven miles East of Columbia. KY. Teresa Wooldridge, age 46, of Russell Springs, KY, was operating a 2005 Dodge Neon when it left the roadway, traveled over an embankment and struck a tree. Wooldridge was not wearing a seatbelt and pronounced deceased at the scene by the Adair County Coroner. Trooper Olson was assisted at the scene by the Adair County Coroner, Adair County EMS, Adair County Fire and Rescue, and the Adair County Sheriff's Department. Story courtesy TFC Billy Gregory, Public Affairs Officer, Kentucky State Police Post 15, 1118 Jamestown ST, (at Exit 49, Louie B. Nunn Parkway), Columbia, KY. Kentucky State Police Post 15, Columbia, KY, covers the 11 counties of Adair, Casey, Clinton, Cumberland, Green, Marion, Metcalfe, Monroe, Russell, Taylor and Washington. Thanks also to Dispatcher Tammy Wheeler. 2011-11-30 08:40:49 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Police and Fire Reports
Lake Cumberland District Health Dept. encourages AIDS testing World AIDS Day is Thursday, December 1, 2011 By Amy Tomlinson News from Lake Cumberland District Health Department The Lake Cumberland District Health Department is sending the message "30 years is enough: Get educated, get tested" this year in recognition of the discovery of AIDS 30 years ago. The health department wants to raise awareness and education about HIV/AIDS and encourages people around the district to acknowledge World AIDS Day on Thursday, December 1, 2011 by betting getting tested for HIV. The local county health departments offer testing daily. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2011-11-30 07:58:42 | Comments | Printable version
Doug McCammish: Madrigal great - and Cranmer did usual Doug McCammish writes: We want to echo Martha Berry's comments about the Madrigal Dinner. The music was wonderful, the players enchanting, and the carols were refreshing early in the season - not to mention that the Cranmer staff did their usual fine job with the meal.DOUG & MARCY - Doug McCammishComments re article 48572 Critique Madrigal Dinner opens Christmas in special way 2011-11-30 07:06:02 | Comments | Printable version
Inquiring Maury Lewis wants to know: KY rank in child abuse? Maury Lewis writes: I heard on the news out of Louisville, Tuesday, November 21, that Kentucky ranks number 1 (one) in the nation for child abuse deaths, but I could not find anything on the computer in my short search to determine that it was true.Comments re article 48569 Gov Beshear opens records of child fatality cases 2011-11-30 07:04:00 | Comments | Printable version
KY 80 closed because of fatal accident at Russell Creek Bridge Update from Larry Smith: Shortly after 7amCT, Kentucky 80 was reopened Identification of deceased Adair County woman withheld at this time pending notification of next of kin. Traffic diverted from scene via KY 1729 with LBN the recommended Columbia-Russell Springs, KY route. Larry Smith, 92.7 the WAVE, called at 6:05amCT, Wednesday, November 30, 2011, to report that KY 80 is closed for a stretch between Columbia and Russell Springs because of a fatal accident at the Russell Creek Bridge. Smith said that the Kentucky State Police suggest KY 1729 as a detour for those on KY 80, but that the KSP recommends the Louie B. Nunn/Cumberland Parkway for travel between Columbia and Russell Springs this morning. Smith said he has learned that the car was travelling Eastbound and dropped off the road. 2011-11-30 06:11:01 | Comments | Printable version
Critique: Madrigal Dinner opens Christmas in special way Martha Berry writes:I just got home from the Madrigal at LWC. What a delight it was to be able to open the Christmas season in such a special way. I hope we, as Columbians, realize what a treasure we have in the talent at the College. If you haven't gotten tickets, and it may be too late, please remember that next year you will have another chance to begin the Christmas season so beautifully. Thank you, Mr. Brock, Dr. Chafin, all the performers and singers and anyone else who had anything to do with giving us such a delightful evening. -MARTHA BERRY 2011-11-30 04:06:25 | Comments | Printable version
Community Thanksgiving gives report Sally Kemp writes: We provided 391 meals to the community. We took meals to The Shelter (this is a shelter for Battered Women), the Adair County Regional Jail and 2nd Chance Outreach Ministries. Last year we provided 296 meals. 2011-11-30 03:07:01 | Comments | Printable version Birthdays and Anniversaries for November 30 Happy Anniversary, Billy and Loretto Grant (1963) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Anniversary, Randy and Debbie Murray (2002) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Anniversary, Roy and Wanda Garrett | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Alvin Stotts (1984) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Barry Bradshaw (1967) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Bobby Maxi Bennett (1938) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Cindy Goetz Way (1975) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Colton Hadley (1991) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Dalton Grider | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Dawson Bradshaw (2005) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Diane Murphy | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Jessica Fox | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Joe N. Collins (1954) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Linda Bennett | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Lisa Neat | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Mandel Denton | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Mandy Withers Cross | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Marilyn Heitz | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Mike Watson | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Norene Willis Feese | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Phillip Richard | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Rhonda Padilla | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Sharon Hovious | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Steve Richards | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Travis Smith | (Updates/Corrections) Happy BIrthday, Treyton McClister (2013) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, J.B. Crawley, Taylor County, KY (1920-2018) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Bobby Maxie Bennett, Columbia, KY (1938-2019) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Rosie Bennett, Columbia, KY (1944-2019) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Gerald Gilpin, Casey County, KY (1932-2019) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Charles Elmer Clark, Taylor Co., KY (1929-2010) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Kathryn White, Taylor Co., KY (1930) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Mrs. Rachel Kate Shirrell, Green Co., KY (1920) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Woody Reece, Shelbyville, IN (1926) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Aline Beams, Green Co., KY (1923) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Betty Ancilla Bunch, Adair Co., KY (1945) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Becky Anderson, Burkesville, KY (1950) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Marsha Peyton, 40, Casey County, KY (1971) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Kenneth Bumpus, 57, Edmonton, KY (1954) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Milford Cain, Russell County, KY (1929-2013) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Mrs. Christine Gupton Tucker, Green Co., KY (1922-2014) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Oscar Sizemore, 59, Jamestown, KY (1966-2015) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Jamie A. King, Russell County, KY (1981-2015) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Ruth Price Warren, Taylor Co., KY (1926-2016) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, James M. Reynolds, 85, Adair Co., KY (1930-2016) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, J.F. Grider, 54, Russell Springs, KY (1961-2016) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Louise S. Meadows, Russell Co., KY/Russell Co, native (1927-2017) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Lois M. Berge, 84, Cumberland County, KY (1932-2017) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Charlotte Raney Carman, 76, Casey County, KY (1940-2017) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Mr. Michael Anthony Priddy, Green County, KY (1957-2017) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Betty A. Bunch | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Charles (Doug) Turner, 81, Adair Co, KY native (1941-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Chris Appleby, 46, Columbia, KY (1975-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, James Kenneth (Kenny) Clark, 57, Columbia, KY (1965-2023) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Joe N. Collins, 68, Columbia, KY (1954-2023) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, John David Rigney, Sr., 97, Columbia, KY Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Lawrence Edward (Sonny) Lyons, 80, Campbellsville, KY (1940-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Lawrence Teal, 70, Burkesville, KY (1950-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Maxine Jones, 100, Adair Co., KY native (1921-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Michelle Shietze, 58, Campbellsville, KY (1964-2023) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Nancy Fudge Lacy, 85, Breeding, KY native (1936-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Nathen Franklin Bolt, 89, Casey Co., KY native (1932-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Norene Feese, 83, Knifley, KY (1939-2023) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Pauline Harris, 93, Campbellsville, KY (1927-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Robert Glen (Bobby) Mitchum, 81, Glensfork, KY (1941-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, 74, Florida, MO (1835-1910) In Memory Birthday, Steve Hamilton, 63, Adair Co. native (1934-1997) In Memory Birthday, Thelbert Dean Richards, 89, Russell Springs, KY (1932-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Wanda Diane Murphy, 72, Adair County, KY Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, William Michael Stevenson, 44, Russell Springs, KY (1975-2020) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) Events scheduled for Wednesday, November 30, 2011 All events are listed in Central Time. Submit your upcoming event using our Contact Form.
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