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Saturday, July 30, 2011
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Paul Richard (Dick) Acree, Taylor Co., KY (1952-2011)

He was a native of Green Co., KY and had owned and operated Acree & Co., a marketing and advertising firm in New York, for many years. He attended Meadowview Baptist Church

Paul Richard "Dick" Acree, 59, of Campbellsville, KY, died at 7:28pm, Thursday, July 28, 2011, in Columbia, KY.

The memorial service will be at 11amET/10amCT, Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at the Parrott & Ramsey Funeral Home, 418 Lebanon AV, Campbellsville, KY, by Rev. Brent Gupton. Burial will be in Campbellsville Memorial Gardens, 3878 Greensburg RD, Campbellsville, KY.

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2011-07-30 15:59:55 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries

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Historic Taylor Co., KY: 1924 Street Fair

2011-07-30 - Main Street, Campbellsville, KY - Photo from Larry Smith Collection.
Larry Smith sends this photo from a Fall 1924 Street Fair in Campbellsville. The photo shows a grand Main Street Scene, with streets filled with mostly stylishly dressed people. Perhaps as much as anything, there's a social progress comment in the sign, a much too racist one by any day's standards, but all too common everywhere in those times in Kentucky. Today, Campbellsville, KY, with its Campbellsville United leadership, is a model for any city in America in harmony and brotherhood. The picture was taken before Larry Smith's time, of course; he says that his other radio station's studio, for the Big Dawg, 99.9 FM, is located to the right of the first tree in the right background. He also reminds folks of how little has changed architecturally. Most of the buildings are still standing in 2011. - Ed Waggener

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Helen Williams: The Valley in need of a voice

If you think the Cane Valley Post Office is just a place to get and send mail, you're mistaken. It's so much more than that. It's a major part of what makes Cane Valley a model American community, where everybody does know your name, where a 10 year old boy doesn't find going to the post office a chore, and gets a thrill out of delivering his paper to Mr. Max. It's living history, as Helen Williams so beautifully writes in this article, hoping that before or after you read it, you'll take one minute to sign the petition to save it - and post offices at Gradyville and Knifley - from the USPS' hit list for closing. -CM
Click to United States Postal Service: Keep Breeding, Cane Valley, Gradyville KY Post Offices OPEN! to sign the petition now.

By Helen Williams

"I'd like to get Mommy's and Uncle Harry's mail, please." my ten year old beams, busting through the storm door of the Cane Valley Post Office.

"Why certainly, Mister Jayden." Miss Wanda answers back, offering him a piece of candy from the basket near the door. He graciously accepts it, and probably slips another piece into his pocket for later.

"Does Mister Max have anything today?" he'll ask before jaunting on his way. Mr. Max Taylor has the tack shop between the Post Office and our home, and Jayden enjoys the chore of delivering to Mr. Max his paper, or whatever may be in his box that day.

Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article.
2011-07-30 14:10:38 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Commentary

ACHS Class of 1961 Proposed 50th Year Class Reunion

The Adair County High School Class of 1961 will hold its 50th Class Reunion this year, on a yet to be determined Saturday night in October or November 2011, at a yet to be determined venue but likely in Columbia, KY
Click on headline for full story,

By Pat Glasgow

"I keep six honest serving men (they taught me all I knew); their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who!" Rudyard Kipling
What: Adair County High School Class of 1961 Proposed 50th Year Class Reunion

Why: Because it's time!

When: Probably a Saturday night in October or November; date undetermined at this time!

How: By the efforts of the Organizing Committee and physical presence of the Class of 1961 and their invited guests.

Where: Some venue yet-to-be-determined, but likely in Columbia, KY.

Who: Members of the Class of 1961 and their invited guests.
Revising class roster is first task, and is underway:

Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article.
2011-07-30 13:17:13 | Comments | Printable version

Only by Grace will sing at Purdy SBC, Sunday, July 31, 2011

Adair County Sunday night Singings

Only by Grace will sing at Purdy Separate Baptist Church, 8004 Liberty RD, (MAP), Columbia, KY at 6:30pmCT, Sunday, July 31, 2011. The congregation and Pastor Jamie Bryant invite everyone to attend. - Lonnie McAllister
Directory of Churches Listing
PURDY SEPARATE BAPTIST CHURCH. 8004 Liberty Road, Columbia, KY. Sunday School 9:30amCT. Sunday Services 10:30amCT. Sunday Night Services 6:30pmCT. Wednesday Night Services 6:30pmCT. Pastor Bro. Jamie Bryant.
If your church is not included in the CM Directory of Churches, or if it needs updating, please send using any Contact/Submit button. Available, subject to CM policy for Churches in Adair, Casey, Cumberland, Green, Metcalfe, Russell and Taylor Counties. -CM

2011-07-30 11:24:09 | Comments | Printable version

Shannon Lynn Thompson, Breeding, KY (1956-2011)

She was a member of a respected South Adair County family and a housewife

Shannon Lynn Thompson, 55, of Breeding, died Friday, July 29, 2011 at her home in Breeding after an illness.

Memorial Service will be Sunday, July 30, 2011, at 2pmCT, at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home, 200 Campbellsville ST, Columbia, KY, with Rev. William Hardin officiating. Visitation will be after 12 noon Sunday, July 31, 2011. Cremation was chosen by the family.

Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article.
2011-07-30 11:05:23 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries

Charles Marshburn: Trees with legs sign triffids are back

Charles Marshburn, alerts Adair Countians. Posted with CM Fearmongering reminder that there may truly be something greater than the luggage retrieval system at Heathrow to worry about: Triffids

Charles Marshburn writes:
The triffids are making a comeback on the ridge! - Charles Marshburn
Comments re photo 41271. Trees with Legs: Second one discovered on Burton Ridge

2011-07-30 10:55:27 | Comments | Printable version

Martha Berry sends thanks for recognition of President Henry

Martha Berry writes:
I appreciate Jim's remarks about my Dad and the response to those remarks from Richard Raines. In my eyes, naturally, he was a hero.

I remember him saying to me once that he did not feel like he had done anything for LWC.

I was absolutely shocked that he felt that way.

I assured him that without his dedication there would not be a school or it would already have been moved to Louisville. But such was his humbleness. --Martha Berry
Comments re article 45920: A Great Adair Countian: President VP Henry

2011-07-30 10:06:12 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback

Wanda Thomas, Cumberland Co., KY (1931-2011)

She was a member of a large, respected Cumberland Co., KY family

Wanda Thomas, 80, of Burkesville, KY, passed away Thursday, July 28, 2011, at Jewish Hospital in Louisville, KY.

Funeral services are on Sunday, July 31, 2011, at 2pmCT, at Living Word Assembly of God, 1515 Albany RD, Burkesville, KY with Bro. Dana Coverstone and Bro. Gary Cash officiating. Burial in the Burkesville Cemetery, N. Main ST (MAP). Visitation will be 4pm-9pmCT, Saturday, July 30, 2011, at Ballou & Stotts Funeral Home, 304 N. Main ST, Burkesville, KY.

Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article.
2011-07-30 09:42:08 | Comments | Printable version

Great Adair Countians: Thanks Almighty for President Henry

Richard Raines writes:
I know he must have gone thru very trying times during his tenure as president of Lindsey Wilson. I attended Lindsey fall of 1979 thru spring 1981, when it was a 2 year college, and I had David Cunagin for psychology and economics. I remember him talking numerous times about President Henry and how depressed he became during his tenure as president. Thank God he (and others) didn't throw in the towel and call it quits!! - Richard Raines
Comments re article 45920 A Great Adair Countian President VP Henry

2011-07-30 08:48:15 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback

Farmers Market is open today, Sat. July 30, 2011, 8am-Noon

Open today: 8am-12pm noon CT
(CM will post the shopping list if and when received. In the meantime, we encourage everyone just to hurry on out for the early and best selections -EW

The Adair Farmers Market is now open: 6am-10amCT, Tuesdays and Fridays. And, since, July 9, 2011, open Saturdays, 8am-12pm noon CT. during growing season, at the Adair County Extension Office Parking Lot, 409 Fairground ST, Columbia, KY. - Nick Roy, Adair County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources

2011-07-30 07:59:38 | Comments | Printable version

Petition seeks to save Cane Valley, Breeding, Gradyville P.O.s

21 persons had signed the petition. 7:40amCT, Saturday, July 30, 2011. It's takes just a minute to let your voice be heard
Sign, then Spread the Word

By Ray Rowe

I just created a petition entitled United States Postal Service: Keep local Cane Valley, KY Post Office open and in Operation, because I care deeply about this very important issue.

I'm trying to collect 500 signatures, and I could really use your help.

To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here:

United States Postal Service: Keep Breeding, Cane Valley, Gradyville KY Post Offices OPEN!

It'll just take a minute!

Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!Also there is one going around a few places to be signed as well as there is one at Max Taylors feed store in Cane Valley Ky. Max has invited anyone and everyone in to sign the petition.

Thanks again

Ray Rowe

2011-07-30 07:41:26 | Comments | Printable version

A Great Adair Countian: President V.P. Henry

He almost single-handedly saved the college from closure; his determination, against overwhelming odds, kept the present day flagship of Adair County in Columbia, KY.

By "Jim"

Rev. V.P. Henry will forever be on my short list of Great Adair Countians.Rev. Henry came to Adair County about 1942 as the PE of the Columbia District and shortly thereafter, was named as President of Lindsey Wilson College. He served several of his twelve years at Lindsey without pay; guided the school with steady hand and unfaltering faith through the dark days of World War II when enrollment plummeted; and almost single-handedly saved the school from closure. While there are others who can more ably address his specific accomplishments, suffice it to say he was a gentleman, a man of honor, courage, and conviction.

If for no other reason, his determination against overwhelming odds to keep Lindsey Wilson in Columbia qualifies him as a "Great Adair Countian" in my eyes. Without Rev. Henry's single-minded determination to keep Lindsey's doors open, thousands of people (including this writer) would have never had the opportunity for a college education and a better life. -Jim

2011-07-30 07:37:15 | Comments | Printable version

Debt Ceiling Link: NYT has detailed Q & A

There's a detailed article in the New York Times on the Debt Ceiling, with easy to understand Q. & A. on the question. It shows, among other things, that Presidents of both parties have raised the debt limit. The article notes that since 1960, the debt limit has been raised 49 times under Republican Presidents, and 29 times under Democratic leaders. To read the entire article, click to Q. and A. on Debt Ceiling, a July 27, 2011 story.

2011-07-30 07:04:47 | Comments | Printable version

Today, SATURDAY with CM. July 30, 2011

Here are Quick Links to selected favorite columns, stories with perhaps some links to albums, and to news from the past week and beyond. SUNDAY with CM - JULY 24, 2011 for July 24, 2011 and your favorite writers + important news stories:
  • Helen Williams. Commentary/History The Valley in need of a voice a statement for keeping the Cane Valley, KY Post Office open
  • A Time to Praise Great Adair Countians.
    More will be added today, we hope, with the help of readers. Along with it, we hope suggestions for what would be proper and fitting honors for the living, memorials for the dead, should be be considered by the community:
    • Charles Victor Sparks: The community continues to grieve. No one speaks of his him with another who knew him without a choke, without misty eyes, and always, an story about how he personally touched so many lives, in both big and little ways. Thoughts are now turning to fitting memorials and tributes.

    • Dakota Meyer:: What tributes Adair and Green Counties have to tell the country how proud we are of Congressional Medal of Honor Dakota Meyer, whose name is already a household word in America? An who was claimed for a short time, by Austin, Texas (but the Austin American has updtated their story in the last day: See A street? A school? A locally made movie?

    • BG James A. Williamson:And as we do, would it be a good time for Adair County to make a permanent monument to her first Congressional of Honor winner, BG James A Williamson: Son of Adair, Medal of Honor receipient? After all, it is significant that there are two Congressional Medal of Honor winners from one small town.

    • Col. Frank Wolford: Does yet more need to be done to pay tribute to him? An article article in Sunday with CM, by Jim about another facet of Frank Lane Wolford's career - as a statesman - brings to memory another quote by Adair County's Judge H.C. Baker from an earlier contribution by Cyrus:
      Judge H.C. Baker wrote this about Colonel Frank Wolford, after Wolford's death in 1895:
      He did not aspire to be any other body than Frank Wolford, and hence he had no model after which to pattern. Frank Wolford was sui generis, a diamond in the rough, and just a little different from all other diamonds.

      2011-07-30 05:53:38 | Comments | Printable version

    Birthdays and Anniversaries for July 30
    Happy Anniversary, Jason and Emily Roach | (Updates/Corrections)
    Happy Anniversary, Walter and Katherine Smith Bennett (1959) | (Updates/Corrections)
    Happy Birthday, Allan Mercer Parnell | (Updates/Corrections)
    Happy Birthday, Angel Kinnett Grider | (Updates/Corrections)
    Happy Birthday, Barry Bailey | (Updates/Corrections)
    Happy Birthday, Carolyn Luttrell Wilson | (Updates/Corrections)
    Happy Birthday, Charles Neat | (Updates/Corrections)
    Happy Birthday, Cynthia Parnell Collier | (Updates/Corrections)
    Happy Birthday, Debbie Lynn Halcomb | (Updates/Corrections)
    Happy Birthday, Glenda Miller | (Updates/Corrections)
    Happy Birthday, Hannah Young | (Updates/Corrections)
    Happy Birthday, Jayden Chance Burton | (Updates/Corrections)
    Happy Birthday, Jean Beard | (Updates/Corrections)
    Happy Birthday, Jessica Nicole Usrey (1989) | (Updates/Corrections)
    Happy Birthday, Jessica Usrey | (Updates/Corrections)
    Happy Birthday, Lisa Walker (1993) | (Updates/Corrections)
    Happy Birthday, Talisha England (1985) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, William R. (Billy) Denton, Adair Co., KY (1946-2010) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Faye Shepherd, Adair County, KY (1920) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Glen Alan Gupton, Green Co., KY (1949) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Bobby Patton, Adair Co., KY native (1939) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Bobby D. Jessie, Adair Co., KY (1943 | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Randall McQueary, Adair Co., KY (1967-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Rev. Jerry Cline, 70, formerly of Adair Co., KY (1944-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Maxine Harmon, Adair Co., KY native (1931-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Tommy Wheeler, 75, Mannsville, KY (1939-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In memory birthday, Dorella Dyer, Glasgow, KY (1941-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Mrs. Glenda Jean (Cox) Rainwater McKenzie, Taylor Co., KY (1944-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Mr. Rex Cook, 62, Green Co., KY (1953-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, John Bradley Whited, 43, Casey Co., KY (1972-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Garnett Allen (Al) Clark, Taylor Co., KY (1926-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Mr. Samuel G. Cox, 76, Indianapolis, IN/Elkhorn, KY native (1940-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Mr. Casbel Grant Asbury, Green County, KY (1928-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Frances Finn, 93, Adair Co., KY (1923-2013) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Mrs. Grace White Arms, Cumberland Co., KY (1923-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Davis Sexton, 75, Adair County, KY (1942-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Velta Brown, 82, Russell Springs, KY (1935-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Anita (Torbert) Steigerwald, 102, Adair Co., KY (1916-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Barbara Walters Wood Pike, 85, Campbellsville, KY (1935-2020) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Barry Bailey, 71, Adair County, KY (1949-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Bro. Willard Bryant, 73, Columbia, KY (1949-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Carl Thomas Berry, 87, Greensburg, KY (1934-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Edwin N. Taylor, 81, Columbia, KY (1943-2024) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Frances (Beams) Skaggs, 86, Campbellsville, KY (1935-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, James Bolin (Jim) Beard, 79, Columbia, KY native (1942-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Josh Rufus Burton, 43, Columbia, KY native (1979-2023) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Mrs. Margaret Stailey Farlee, Cumberland Co., KY(d. 8 Mar 2016) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Ray Bruce Grigsby, Jr., 83, Columbia, KY (1938-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Rodney Keith Hundley, 29, Casey County, KY (1978-2019) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Rufus Lowell (Bill) Turner, 67, Columbia, KY (1955-2023) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
    In Memory Birthday, Sharon Pierce Davis, 75, Greensburg, KY (1944-2019) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)

    Events scheduled for Saturday, July 30, 2011
    All events are listed in Central Time. Submit your upcoming event using our Contact Form.
    6:00amCTTarter's Chapel Youth Group Breakfast. July 30, 2011. Donations Only.Tarter's Chapel Youth Group will be serving breakfast 6am-10amCT, Saturday, July 30, 2011, at Tarter's Chapel United Methodist Church 3400 Milltown RD, Columbia, KY located in the Portland community of Adair Co., KY. The meal includes: Biscuit & Gravy. Country Ham. Sausage. or Bacon. Hashbrowns, Scrambled Eggs. Tomato Slices. Jams. Jellies and Drink. Donations Only. All proceeds go to the Tarter's Chapel Youth Fund. We would like to invite everyone to join us for a delicious breakfast and to help out our youth. For more information call (270) 634-7733 - Lindsey Young | (ID:13439, Comment)
    8:00amCTGolf at The Pines: Qualifer for Men's Championship. (Times TBA)
    The Pines at Lindsey Wilson, 275 Country Club RD (MAP), Columbia, KY.
    | (ID:11640, Comment)
    Adair Farmers Market Open 6am-10amCT, 409 Fairground ST, Columbia, KY
    The Adair Farmers Market is now open at the Adair Extension Office, 409 Fairground ST, Columbia, KY, for the season, each Tuesday and Friday, from 6am-10amCT, and each Saturday, 8am-12pm noon CT. - Nick Roy, Adair Co. Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources | (ID:13230, Comment)
    9:00amCTBible School at Bloomington Chapel Church (MAP), July 30, 2011
    The Bloomington Chapel Church, 55 Bloomington Church RD, Columbia, KY will be having their Bible School 10am-3pmCT, Saturday, July 30, 2011. You are invited to bring the children for a day of fellowship and activities. For more information call Jeanetta at (270) 384-3769. - Jeanetta Holmes | (ID:13565, Comment)
    10:00amCTFuneral service in Columbia, KY, for Leland Grant, Adair Co., KY (1926-2011) | (ID:13596, Comment)
    Funeral Mass in Clementsville, KY, for Donald Frank Robb, Adair Co., KY (1933-2011)
    Funeral Mass will be Saturday, July 30, 2011 at 11amET/10amCT, at Saint Bernard Catholic Church, 5075 S Ky 551, Clementsville, KY with Father Pat Dolan officiating. A memorial service; Friday, July 29, 2011 at 7pmCT/8pmET, at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home, 200 Campbellsville ST, Columbia, KY. Visitation 6pm-7pmCT/5pm-6pmET, on Friday, July 29, 2011, at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home in Columbia. | (ID:13566, Comment)
    Funeral services in Campbellsville, KY, for Lois Newcomb, Taylor Co., KY (1932-2011) | (ID:13605, Comment)
    NoonCTChimes at Noon. Downtown Columbia, KY. Two selections | (ID:13609, Comment)
    5:00pmCTEvening Chimes. Downtown Columbia, KY. Two selections | (ID:13610, Comment)
    6:00pmCTAdair County Youth Football sign-up is July 30, 2011
    The Adair County Youth football will be holding a free camp and sign up's this Saturday July 30, 2011, from 6pm to 9pmCT, at the Adair County High School Football Fie, 623 Indian DR, Columbia, KY. You are invited to bring youre kid out and let them see if they like the game of football. Also cheerleading activities and sign up's will also be going on. Drinks will be provided. - Mike Lawhorn | (ID:13544, Comment)
    6:30pmCTDream Depot Cast will be performing in Knifley, KY
    If you have missed the sounds of the Dream Depot, take a trip to Knifley, KY on Saturday, July 30, 2011 arrive about 6:30pmCT, and you will find them at the Olde Town Cafe, 12190 Knifley RD, Knifley, KY The cast will perform yours and their favorite songs. We hope to see you there. -Jennifer Biggs | (ID:13495, Comment)
    Evangelist Fredonia Neal at Great Oaks Ministries July 30, 31, 2011
    Evangelist Fredonia Neal will bre preaching at Great Oaks Ministries, 165 Dry Creek RD, Roley (Casey Creek), KY, Saturday, July 30, 2011, at 6:30 pm CST and Sunday, July 31, 2011 at 10:30amCT as Great Oaks celebrates "Freedomfest 2011." For more information, please call Pastor Troy Long at (270) 250-2730- Pastor Troy Long Jr | (ID:13528, Comment)


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