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Saturday, July 16, 2011
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Concerned about any altering of natural flow of creek

Comments re photo 41153. The concern for protecting the Wastewater Plant

Sammy Kassem writes:
I totally understand the concern for trying to protect any major investment. I also have a major investment as do others upstream from the sewer plant. Floods last May and in 1985 both put water levels at over 6 feet in my basement. Streams have a natural flow, that if altered or restricted basically creates a dam. Any restriction, no doubt will destroy my home place thats been in my family 4 generations. Long before any sewer plant was ever built. I am very concerned as to what studies need to be done before anything is built to choke the flow of russell creek. Thank You, - Sammy Kassem
Thanks. It will be interesting to see what the findings are on the proposed solutions to problem at the wastewater plant. Hopefully, the plant can be protected, quickly, without endangering structures on upstream banks. Wonder if you also have any concerns about the fast run-off from construction and paving on higher elevations, as well? In our part of town, along the Town Creek, flooding has gotten progressively worse with more construction, more paving and and reduced vegetation on higher levels. -EW

2011-07-16 17:10:50 | Comments | Printable version

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Update: Heidi is Home. Heidi was missing

2011-07-16 - Cane Valley, KY - Photo by Michelle Powell.
Update at 6:11pmCT, Saturday, July 16, 2011: Heidi is home! Thanks so much ColumbaMagazine and the Pike family! -Michelle Powell

Missing dog! Please help us find our terrier mix, Heidi. She is a very sweet dog, but may seems timid around strangers. She is not wearing a collar because she is our house dog. She has been missing in the Cane Valley area since approximately 6:45amCT on July 16, 2011. Please call (270) 634-4719 with any information. -Michelle Powell

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Marshal Lee Barlow, Casey Co., KY (1928-2011)

He was a highly regarded former educator and a veteran of the Korean War. He was a great Christian servant whose ministry since 1954 included work as a Sunday School teacher and director, preaching in various churches in Boyle, Casey, Lincoln, and Pulaski Counties and long time work in prison ministries. His marriage to Mary Jane Scott Barlow endured a remarkable 60 years.
Click on headline for obituary plus photo

Marshall Lee Barlow, 82 of Liberty, KY, became absent from this body to be with the Lord Saturday July 16, 2011.

Funeral services are 1pmET/12pm noon CT, Tuesday, July 19, 2011, at New Testament Baptist Church with Bro. Rick Reynolds officiating. Burial is at Tapscott Cemetery with military honors by the Casey County Funeral Squad.Visitation is 5pm-9pmET/4pm-8pmCT, Monday, July 18, 2011,at McKinney-Brown Funeral Home, 752 Campbellsville ST, Liberty, KY, and continues Tuesday, July 19, 2011, at the church from 7:30amET/6:30amCT, until funeral service.

Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article.
2011-07-16 14:47:17 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries

Mrs. Ruth Helen Sharp Norris Walker (1929-2011)

She was a member of a large, respected Cumberland Co., KY, family. She leaves 26 direct living descendants. She was a retired seamstress from Bob Evans, Sutton, and Osh Kosh B Gosh plants and was a waitress, a devout Christian, and a member of Christian Chapel Church of Christ
Click on headline for complete obituary and photo(s)

Mrs. Ruth Helen Sharp Norris Walker, age 82, of the Kettle Community in Cumberland Co., KY, passed away on Tuesday July 12, 2011 at the Clinton County Hospital in Albany, KY.

Funeral Services will be conducted Saturday July 16, 2011 at 4pmCT in The Memory Chapel of Norris-New Funeral Home, 601 N. Main ST, Burkesville, KY, with Bro. Randall McPherson officiating. Burial will follow in the Christian Chapel Cemetery. Visitation is after 1pmCT, Friday July 15, 2011 until the funeral hour Saturday, July 16, 2011.

Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article.
2011-07-16 12:37:47 | Comments | Printable version

Animal Shelters: Russell goes to Pulaski; Metcalfe to Edmonson

Both former clients of Adair's shelter are taking care of situation responsibly. Agrees with previous writer that pet owners need to act responsibly, too.

Heather Evans writes:
Russell county is now taking their animals to Pulaski county shelter and Metcalfe is taking their animals to Edmonson county. I agree with Mr. Armitage that until all pet owners take responsibility to spay/neuter their pets, keep ID on their collars and commit to their pets for a lifetime, overpopulation will continue to be a problem in this area. --Heather Evans
Comments re article 45572 Tired of having animals dumped near his home

2011-07-16 11:25:01 | Comments | Printable version

Another request for a like-Like button on CM

Pam writes:

You need a 'like' button on Columbia Magazine!

You are appreciated!

-Pam Kermeen
Comments re article 45493 5Ws Checklist Who What Where Why When

2011-07-16 08:21:35 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback

Tired of having animals dumped near his home!

Wayne Armitage writes:
So I guess that now that Russell and Metcalfe counties are pulling out that means they now have an animal rescue of their own. Or could it just be that they are going back to the old way of just letting the animals go to breed and get Rabies. I just don't see how going backwards is the way to resolve the issue. We already have way too many Puppy and Cat Mills. We don't need anymore. Until the Citizens of all of Kentucky can be responsible pet owners, it is time to stop the dumping of animals. I know of several Citizens who won't have their pets spayed or neutered because they have a nice set. Well, I can no longer take care of any more of your family pets. Until you citizens take responsibility for your own actions, don't make it a burden on the rest or the government.--Wayne Armitage
Comments re article 45514 GRAS reports 5742550 in revenues vs 14671245 expenses

2011-07-16 08:13:17 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback

Myra Harrison: Farmers Market Report, Saturday, July 16, 2011

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The Farmers Market is open TODAY from 8am-12amCT, as it is two hours earlier on each Tuesday and Friday during the growing season. And now the Adair County Farmers Market is open every Saturday from 8am-12pm noon CT as well.

By Myra Harrison

Come on out. We have a big crowd and lots of produce. We've got a lot of vendors and a lot of good stuff today!

Here's what we have right now, at 8:11am:
  • Darrell Bunnell, Coview Farms, Coburg, KY: . Farm Fresh Eggs. Pork Sausage. Fresh Chicken. Herb Plants. Mum Plants. Cabbage Heads. Hot Banana Peppers. Cayenne and Jalapeno Peppers Red Tomatoes. Green Tomatoes. Kohlrabi. Beets. Sausage. Chicken. Fresh Cut Flowers. Tomato Plants.
  • Caitlyn Bunnell, Coview Farms, Coburg, KY: Lemon Bread. Zucchini Bread.
  • Jeff Scott, Antioch, KY: He's here with Good Looking Peaches.
  • Myra Harrison, Yellowhammer Road Farm, Fairplay, KY: Sweet Banana Peppers, Cayenne Peppers. Serrano (hot!) Peppers. Eggplant. Broccoli. Purple Cabbage. Red Tomatoes. Yellow Squash. Zucchini. Roma Beans.
  • John and Joyce Wolodozki, McGaha, KY:Huge, hugeMr. Stripey Tomatoes. Red Tomatoes. Green Tomatoes. Cherry Tomatoes. Half Runner Beans. Brown Stick Beans. Roma Beans. Yellow Squash. All colors of Bell Peppers. Cucumbers. White Potatoes.
  • Beth Rutherford, Rocky Hill RD, Columbia, KY: White, pink and lavender crepe myrtle plants. Monkey Grass. Fresh ready to eat Blackberries
  • Margie Rooks, Sano, KY: Zucchini. Yellow Squash. Red and Green Tomatoes. Patty Pan Squash. Enormous and small heads of Cabbage. White Potatoes. Red Potatoes. Green Bell Peppers. Sweet Banana Peppers. Hot Banana Peppers. Eggplant.

The Adair Farmers Market is now open: 6am-10amCT, Tuesdays and Fridays. Starting Saturday, July 9, 2011, open 8am-12pm noon CT. during growing season, at the Adair County Extension Office Parking Lot, 409 Fairground ST, Columbia, KY. - Nick Roy, Adair County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources

2011-07-16 07:56:07 | Comments | Printable version

Vanished Silent City reminds historian of important legacies

Historical Marker should be erected to honor Captain Jack Squires and his men, he says, giving hint of a great adventure by these Adair County patriots

By Chris Bennett

The story of Captain Jack Squires is a great Adair County story. My GGG Grand father Elisha Bennett, and his brothers Robert and Oliver went with Captain Jack to the City of Mexico, all three returned to Adair County after the war.

I have often wondered why Captain Jack and his men have no Historical marker, I can't imagine what an adventure they had traveling all the way to the City of Mexico, "whippin 'em", and then returning with that lead casket.

These are Adair County Stories that shouldn't be forgotten.

--Chris Bennett

Comments re article 45567 Mike Watson Vanished Silent City in Rice Addition

2011-07-16 07:19:12 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Local History

Rankings: Number of listings, National Register of Historic Places

There are a total of 78 listings in the seven county Columbia, KY area. By far the most, almost two-thirds, are in Green County.

Seven County Area listings on National Register
Compiled by (c)

  1. Green County - 46
  2. Taylor County - 13
  3. Adair County - 9
  4. Metcalfe County - 4
  5. Cumberland County - 3
  6. Casey County - 2
  7. Russell County - 1
Source: Wikipedia: National Register of Historic Places, Kentucky

2011-07-16 07:07:25 | Comments | Printable version

TODAY, SATURDAY with CM, July 16, 2011

SUNDAY with CM for July 10, 2011. Quick Links to selected favorite columns, stories with perhaps some links to albums, and to news from the past week and beyond. SUNDAY with CM - JULY 10 , 2011 for July 10, 2011 and your favorite writers + important news stories:

2011-07-16 06:12:43 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Today

Birthdays and Anniversaries for July 16
Happy Anniversary, McDonald's of Columbia (1992) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Anniversary, William G. Hobaugh, II, and Leila A. Hobaugh (1983) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Angela McVay | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Anna Nicole Curry (1980) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Austin Day (1998) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Charlie Furkins (2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Connie Cheatham | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Emma | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Greg Burton (1966) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Greg Keltner | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Jim Richards (1936) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Joe Hare | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Jordan Knifley | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Kathy Goodin | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Kayla Chambers | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Lauren Grant (2007) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Noah David Keltner (2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Sharon Payne | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Sherica Karnes | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Shirley Mings | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Tori Kimbler (2001) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Tyler Cowan | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Zayne Tyler Grant, 2011 | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Monica K. Turner Heitz , 56, Greensburg, KY (1961-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Charles H. Caudill, Russell County, KY (1959-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Letha Marie DeWitt, Green County, KY (1934-2020) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Sarah Kay Irvin Gardner, Adair Co., KY (1980) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Graham Lemmon, Green Co., KY (1933) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Jane B. Hutchison, Adair Co., KY (1933 | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Thomas J. (Bean) Price, Green Co., KY (1955) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mr. James T. Stearman, Green County, KY (1926) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Milton Stephens, Adair Co., KY (1919) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Faye Arnett, Salyersville, KY (1933) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Paul E. Ladebauche, Adair County, KY (1925-2013) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Earl Ray Noel, 88, Casey Co., KY (1926-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Lewis Hartford, 64, Burkesville, KY (1950-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Terry M. Dabney, Taylor Co., KY (1952-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mr. Sylvester Ingram, 54, Green Co., KY (1961-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mrs. Carolyn Franklin Jones, Green County, KY (1942-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Vineta Roy, 89, Nancy, KY (1927-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, William Paul Morris, 46, Edmonton, KY (1970-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Jerry Darrell Jeffries, 68, Savoyard, KY (1948-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Ineze Loy Mills, 85, Taylor Co., KY/Russell County, KY native (1932-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Ralph K. Anderson, Jr., 70, Cumberland Co., KY (1947-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Johnny (Wheelman) Wheeler, 54, Taylor County, KY (1963-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Rebecca Seaborne Brown, 62, Taylor Co., KY (1955-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Alvin Cravens (1957-1992) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Austyn Tylar Deel, 22, Russell Springs, KY (1998-2020) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Billie Derringer, 79, Casey Co., KY native (1941-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Bonnie Barnett, Campbellsville, KY (1946-2014) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Brenda Sue Wilson, 78, Columbia, KY (1945-2023) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Cheryle Darlene Stockton, 40, Greensburg, KY (1982-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Donald Cranston (Crank) Farmer, Marion Co., KY (1933-2018)] | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Eugene Hodge, 88, Casey Co., KY (1932-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Jordan Isaiah Caven, 24, Green Co., KY (1996-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Rebecca Ann (Becky) Hamm, 67, Ozark, MO (1947-2015) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Sheila Diane Coomer, 61, Columbia, KY (1962-2024) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, William Leon Jewell, 79, Green Co., KY (1943-2023) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, William Leon Jewell, 79, Greensburg, KY (1943-2023) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)

Events scheduled for Saturday, July 16, 2011
All events are listed in Central Time. Submit your upcoming event using our Contact Form.
8:00amCTAdair Farmers Market Open 409 Fairground ST, Columbia, KY
The Adair Farmers Market is now open at the Adair Extension Office, 409 Fairground ST, Columbia, KY, for the season, each Tuesday and Friday, from 6am-10amCT, and each Saturday, 8am-12pm noon CT. - Nick Roy, Adair Co. Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources | (ID:13228, Comment)
8:30amCTMaude Smith Clothing Center at Union Chapel UMC open today
The Maude Smith Clothing Center, in the Union Chapel United Methodist Church, 999 HWY 1058, Jamestown, KY, (next door to the Union Chapel Elementary School), is open 8:30am-10:00amCT, every 3rd Saturday of every month. Clothing is limited to one large bag which the church will furnish. Pastor Shane Frederick | (ID:12851, Comment)
9:00amCTBeef Cattle Show. Adair Co. Fair, 413 Fairground ST, Columbia, KY | (ID:13355, Comment)
11:00amCTFuneral services in Columbia, KY, for Irene Pelston, Adair Co., KY (1937-2011) | (ID:13422, Comment)
NoonCTCorn Toss Tournament. Adair Co. Fair, 413 Fairground ST, Columbia, KY | (ID:13356, Comment)
Chimes at noon in Downtown Columbia. Two selections. | (ID:13443, Comment)
1:00pmCTGolf: The Pines Ladies Club Championship
The Pines at Lindsey Wilson, 275 Country Club RD (MAP), Columbia, KY.
| (ID:11636, Comment)
Joint funeral service in Edmonton, KY for Bro. Frank (1941-2011) and Jane Fishback (1943-2011) | (ID:13412, Comment)
4:00pmCTFuneral service in Burkesville, KY, for Mrs. Ruth Helen Sharp Norris Walker, Cumberland Co., KY, (1929-2011) | (ID:13445, Comment)
5:00pmCTEvening Chimes in Downtown Columbia. Two selections. | (ID:13444, Comment)
6:00pmCTCarnival Opens. Adair Co. Fair, 413 Fairground ST, Columbia, KY | (ID:13357, Comment)
Floral Hall Opens. Adair Co. Fair, 413 Fairground ST, Columbia, KY | (ID:13358, Comment)
7:00pmCTLawnmower Derby & Demolition Derby: Big Cars. Adair Co. Fair, 413 Fairground ST, Columbia, KY | (ID:13359, Comment)
Wood Carver. Adair Co. Fair, 413 Fairground ST, Columbia, KY | (ID:13360, Comment)
Funeral service in Campbellsville, KY, for Vaniel Romine, Taylor Co., KY (1926-2011) | (ID:13426, Comment)
8:00pmCTBand. In the Middle of Nowhere. Adair Co. Fair, 413 Fairground ST, Columbia, KY | (ID:13361, Comment)
10:00pmCTGive-Aways. Adair Co. Fair, 413 Fairground ST, Columbia, KY | (ID:13362, Comment)


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