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Daily News for Sunday, November 15, 2009
Letter: More on the bungalow About: http://www.columbiamagazine.com/photoarchive.php?photo_id=32635>Postcard House Possible Match Ann Curtis writes: Dear Pen, 2009-11-15 19:26:08 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback
Letter: Reason Pipes Were Painted Red About: Downtown Details Jefferson Alley Jelaine Harlow writes: If my memory serves me correctly the pipes in this photo were painted red several years ago when my late husband Billy Phillips and his son painted the bank. The reasoning behind this, and correct me, Robert Flowers if I am wrong, was to bring attention to them in the narrow alley so drivers would be less likely to hit them. 2009-11-15 19:22:26 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback
Reader asks how much is enough for schools About: The difference 21 per person per year can make To ColumbiaMagazine.com All I hear is how much it will cost on an average, enough. How much is it going to cost each one of us. I am a business owner and have talked to several people and one person who is a big property owner told me it would make $4,000.00 difference in his taxes; and, yes, I said "difference." In today's aconomy people are just making ends meet; that is, people that work for a living. There are a lot of exploded salaries in the county, but for people that work for a living, and I speak for me and several people, we are taxed to death. This country was founded on taxation without representation and look what we have become. Something I would like posted for every one to see is how much tax dollars are collected in Adair County for the school on utility bills alone. I have asked a few people and no answer. If you post this or not is up to you and I am not trying to make anybody upset. Just telling my side and asking how much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is enough.Thank you. s/Larry Foster, Jr. Thanks for your comment. You're right. A person with approximately $8,000,000 (Eight Million Dollars) in property assessment in Adair County would pay $4,000 difference in taxes if the tax needed to get a new Col. Wm Casey school wins on the ballot. If your assessment is in the $70,000 range, however, it will cost approximately $35 more, per year, in taxes. The amount of money collected by the school board and spent by the school board is public record. The office isn't open at this time (Sunday afternoon) so we can't answer your question on utilities tax, but it easy to get during business hours. Thanks for stating your position in a courteous manner. -EW 2009-11-15 17:45:47 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback
Great American Smokeout is Thur., Nov. 19, 2009 About: Wants smoking banned all Adair Co KY public places To ColumbiaMagazine.com: This Thursday is the Great American Smokeout, a perfect opportunity to promote and encourage peple to give up smoking and have a healthy environment free of the toxins from second hand smoke. s/Jelaine Harlow 2009-11-15 17:06:33 | Comments | Printable version
CWC: Yes. We will fix things when there is a problem I don't know of a town, state, or country for that matter, that doesn't have children, or taxes. -SHAMARIE CLAIBORNE Commentary written in response to letter from Jim Beard Commentary by Shamarie Claiborne I generally try to create a solution to problems and stay out public debates, but I cannot stay out of this one any longer. I take personal pride in being a member of Adair County, I am proud of our local government, I am proud of this community. With that being said - people who move here from other parts of the nation I try to welcome and make them feel at home here, I encourage them to become active in our society, and I appreciate their fresh input. The conflict comes when those that are not raised here want to act as if we are backwards. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2009-11-15 13:52:51 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Commentary
On CWC Question: Agrees new school needed, but wants different approach The writer of the article below agrees that the school needs replacing, but thinks a different approach is needed. While there may be some validity in a few of his stands, that there a need for improving critical thinking, and math and science skills, we think that point merely substantiates the need for finding an immediate solution to a critical problem, NOW. There will be time for him and others to start attending school board meetings, running for the offices, and giving critical advice from close up. We'd also disagree with the assertion that the school board does not have a very definite plan about how the money is spent. His article does meet CM's standards for civil discourse, and is printed in that spirit. -EW About: CWC: Is it fair for everyone to have to pay for better school building Commentary by Jon Halsey At an age when I no longer have kids in school (but do have great-grand-kids) I've paid a good chunk of change to support public schools even though my own children went to tuition based schools. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2009-11-15 13:51:17 | Comments | Printable version
Von Flatt Price shares great memories of Old Columbia Written after seeing: Memorable Old Columbia, KY: A doorway to the past, a photo by Pen By Von Price Flatt Oh My God! Did this bring back old memories from when growing up. I can remember my Dad, Otha Flatt, going there - to C.R. Hutchison & Sons - and buying so many things. So many of the old stores bring back memories: Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2009-11-15 12:54:03 | Comments | Printable version
A Kindred Spirit: Romance, Richard Gere, and Tennis Shoes I have often accused my husband of not getting what it means to be romantic. Remember the movie Shall We Dance with Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez? There is a scene in the movie that never fails to make my heart skip a beat. Remember when he comes up the escalator to see his wife? She's at work and he is wearing a tuxedo and carrying a dozen roses. Oh my goodness, does your heart not melt? The next earlier Teresa Kindred column, A Kindred Spirit:Why the chiropracter is my best friend Romance, Richard Gere and Tennis Shoes by Teresa Bell Kindred www.nanahood.com Bill, my husband, has worked hard at understanding the female psyche and what it takes to keep me happy. We've been married 29 years and it's taken him awhile but he's finally catching on. One of my favorite "He just doesn't get it" stories happened when our twins were born. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2009-11-15 12:31:47 | Comments | Printable version
Carol Perkins: GPS Carol Perkins examines the advantages of Global Positioning System devices, and comes to the conclusion that extremely limited: they are only for those who actually follow directions The next earlier Carol Perkins story: Deliver the Letter. The Sooner the Better By Carol Perkins My first experience with a GPS (Global Positioning System) was with some of my friends on a road trip to Atlanta via Boaz, AL. I had traveled this route several times when Guy was working in the area, so I felt I could get us from Edmonton to Huntsville and then to Boaz easily. However, because one of the women had a GPS in her purse, the others thought we should try to follow it just for fun. This gadget was new to all of us. After rummaging through her possessions, the owner pull out the small screen and plugged the cord into the cigarette lighter. Whoever was riding in the front had to hold the GPS up to the window in order to have satellite service. Someone typed in BOAZ, AL and the "voice" took over from there. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2009-11-15 12:15:13 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Carol Perkins
Obituary: Eleasia (Lisa) Rinehart, 59, Taylor Co., KY She was a member of the Robinson Ridge Baptist Church and was a former employee of Fruit of the Loom, Campbellsville, KY Eleasia "Lisa" Rinehart, 59, died Saturday, November 14, 2009, in Campbellsville, KY. Funeral services will be at 11amET/10amCT, Tuesday, November 17, 2009, at the Parrott & Ramsey Funeral Home, 418 Lebanon AV, Campbellsville, KY, by Rev. Jim Collison. Burial wil be in Campbellsville Memorial Gardens, 3678 Greensburg RD, Campbellsville, KY. Visitation will be Monday, November 16, 2009, after 5pmET/4pmCT at the Parrott & Ramsey Funeral Home. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2009-11-15 11:14:04 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries
Robert Stone, Sonnet: When you have read - a sonnet When You have read - a sonnetby Robert Stone When you have read my eyes then you will see- - - Robert Stone 2009-11-15 10:23:47 | Comments | Printable version
Card of thanks from the family of Neal Smith To all who have helped: The family of Richard Smith (Neal) would like to thank all you who gave any act of kindness or just thought of us in the time of Neal's accident. There is no way we could mention each one individually.There was such an outpouring of love with money, phone calls, visits, and most of all your prayers. A special thank you to The Adair County Ambulance Service, Westlake Cumberland Hospital, Stat Flight, and all the personnel whom assisted the accident and the prompt response and care he received. When the days looked dark and gloomy it was comfort knowing you was all thinking of us. Neal is doing better however; he still has a lot of hills to climb in which he still needs prayer. Everyday looks brighter for him and we believe he will have a full recovery. Again you will never know how much we appreciate everything that you have done. Thanks again with love, s/Ruth Smith and Neal, Cassie, and Jayden 2009-11-15 06:30:21 | Comments | Printable version
CWC: Is it fair for everyone to have to pay for better school building About: The difference $21 per person per year can make Eddie: What about those of us that don't have kids in Adair County Schools? Is it fair for me to pay taxes for something that does not or will never apply to me or my family or is the act of a local socialist goverment? And I will do as dictated by those who look to the poor and middle class to support their lifestyles. s/1SG (ret) JIm Beard Thanks, as always, for adding your comments on CM. Your question is on the mind of a lot of people who don't have kids. Many people may have felt that way at first, until they looked at what would happen to the whole economy if we don't do the best we can the kids, and many of them find the tax worth the sacrifice. Some who signed the petition are changing their minds, we hear. And some who've taken a second look at the tax find that it isn't falling unfairly on the poor and middle class, but on the very wealthy, who will paying 100's of times what the poor and middle class will pay for the new schools -EW 2009-11-15 06:21:30 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback
CWC: Children deserve the best education that is available About: The difference $21 per person per year can make To ColumbiaMagazine.com: There's only one thing better to have than a good education and that is Salvation. The children deserve the best education that is available. s/Sue Perkins 2009-11-15 06:09:16 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Education
Writer agrees: CWC would be 48 years old About: Writer clarifies age of Col Casey School It is 48 years old To ColumbiaMagazine.com: I think that 48 years old is the correct age because we attended first grade at the old school up on the hill and started second grade in the brand new CWC. s/Sue Mullins 2009-11-15 05:48:22 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback
Rev. Joey N. Welsh A time for everything, even on borrowed time ANOTHER ANGLE: the occasional musings of a Kentucky pastorA Time for Everything, Even on Borrowed Time a timely reprint of an earlier article posted October 6, 2006 By The Rev. Joey N. Welsh E-mail: joey_n_welsh@hotmail.com In one of my columns earlier in the summer I referred to one of my favorite chapters in the Bible, Ecclesiastes 3, that speaks eloquently to so many situations in life. Its opening verses came to mind the other day because they speak to death as well as to life situations. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 reads: "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:Though death is a part of our reality, we often do our best to deny its place in the grand scheme of things. Our society seems intent on defying the aging process, and we have developed surgical procedures to help in our denial. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2009-11-15 05:42:28 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Commentary
KY Color: Yellow leaves of Redbud tree By Billy Joe Fudge Red Bud is generally considered to be the earliest color in the spring here in Kentucky but most haven't noticed that it is also about the last color in the fall. A beautiful late season yellow that is often mottled with green and brown can be seen in our yards, along our streets, edges of fields, and rural roadsides. Of course, Red Bud leaves are heart shaped and easily recognized by their shape in combination with the zig zag shape of the twigs. This is the only genetically programmed crooked twig with which I am familiar. Looks like a perfect solar collector. Red Bud is very susceptible to heart rot and the wood is not very strong even though it is very hard. Red Bud trees in urban landscapes must be pruned correctly to increase their life span, enhance their beauty, and prevent the multiple forks from premature splitting. 2009-11-15 05:30:57 | Comments | Printable version
Chuck Hinman: IJMA No. 349: Ever Read a Telephone Book? It's Just Me Again 349. Ever Read A Telephone Book? Next earlier Chuck Hinman story, Lost: Middle C Reader comments to CM are appreciated, as are emails directly to Mr. Hinman at: charles.hinman@sbcglobal.net by Chuck Hinman Have you read any good telephone books lately? I grew-up on a farm near Liberty, Gage County in southeast Nebraska. It was in the 1930s, seventy some years ago. Even though those years were spent in an economically depressed time, our large two-story farm home was relatively new and nicer than most houses in town. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2009-11-15 05:25:44 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Chuck Hinman - Reminiscences
Agrees with Debbie Murray on smoking ban Wants smoking banned all Adair Co KY public places, letter from Debbie Murray To ColumbiaMagazine.com: I agree with you and I see this as an example of "Promoting the General Welfare." s/Charles Marshburn 2009-11-15 04:36:19 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback
Adair Co. Ministerial Association Thanksgiving service at Trinity The Adair County Ministerial Association will be having a Thanksgiving service on Tuesday, November 24, 2009, from 7-8pmCT at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2418 Campbellsville Road, Columbia, KY. Everyone is invited. Everyone is asked to bring a non-perishable food product. Thank you. -Jerry Saylor 2009-11-15 04:31:44 | Comments | Printable version
Veterans Day 2009 album and links No place in the land tries harder to show appreciation for its veterans than Adair Co., KY. From an 11 year tradition at its Walmart store, to its community leaders, churches, schools, and governmental units, to the new tradition being forged by Lindsey Wilson College honoring all of South Central Kentucky's men and women who have proudly served in the military, Columbia, KY, has been a focal point this past week in remembrance. This album brings together many of the links and photos from the past week. On Sunday morning, November 15, 2009, photos are still being added. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2009-11-15 03:47:43 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Veterans and Veterans Day
Obituary: Gladys Richerson O'Banion, 85, Taylor Co., KY She was a member of Campbellsville Baptist Church and a former employee of Fruit of the Loom Gladys Richerson O'Banion, 85, died November 11, 2009, in Campbellsville KY. The funeral service will be Monday, November 16, 2009, at 11amET/10amCT at Parrott & Ramsey Funeral Home, 418 Lebanon AV, Campbellsville by Dr. James E. Jones. Burial will be in Campbellsville Memorial Gardens, 3678 Greensburg RD, Campbellsville, KY. Visitation will be after 5pmET/4pmCT, Sunday, November 15, 2009. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2009-11-15 03:15:03 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries
Tom Chaney No. 43: A Mirror Unto Life Of Writers and Their Books, No. 43 from 11 Dec. 2005, Tom Chaney essay, A Mirror Unto Life The next earlier Tom Chaney Book Review No. 230 a review of Grand, Gloomy and Peculiar: Stephen Bishop at Mammoth Cave, by Roger Brucker By Tom Chaney bookstore@scrtc.com When I was teaching college freshman how to write - a process not fraught with a great deal of success - one of my favorite essays to use for a model was by Tennessee Williams entitled "The Timeless World of a Play." I've not read it for years, but I still remember one example he gives to illustrate how theatre gives us a chance to step out of the pressure of life to contemplate what we cannot remove ourselves from in the reality of time. Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2009-11-15 02:56:17 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Tom Chaney: Of Writers and Their Books
LWC Mens Basketball finishes strong in 68-63 win over Bluefield Raider freshman Kalen Kimberland, former ACHS player from Columbia, KY, comes off bench to add eight points in first half By Dan White, LWC Assistant Sports Information Director CAMBELLSVILLE, KY - In a game where neither team wanted to go away, Lindsey Wilson College won the battle of attrition over Bluefield (VA) College, 68-63, on Saturday at the Lou Cunningham Classic hosted by Campbellsville (KY) University. Senior Andrija Tintor led the Blue Raiders with a season-high 17 points, including 15 scored in the first half. Tintor scored the first six points of the game for Lindsey Wilson Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article. 2009-11-15 02:33:41 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Sports
Special News, Ads, Sun., Nov. 15, 2009 Great reading TODAY. the Sunday, November 15, 2009 Sunday CM DAILY NEWS is available at the following links, just in case you missed it on then. Wonderful to enjoy all week long. May include some special stories to be read or re-read from earlier in the week
KENTUCKY SWINE FLU STATUS:Latest update, as checked at 3:19mCT, November 13, 2009, lists ( Follow updated lists, political announcements at Election 2010 in CM Classifieds SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION Don't let the flu get you down, we have the FLU VACCINE available First Come-First Served Basis $15.00 SPONSORED Order online Do your shopping from home, with Wal-Mart Site-to-Store (SM). 2009-11-15 02:20:25 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Today Birthdays and Anniversaries for November 15 Happy Anniversary, Chris and Jessica Abrell (1999) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Adam Darnell | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Alexis Rodgers | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Allen Glass | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Bonnie Lawhorn | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Brittany Burton | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Bryan Morris (1985) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Bryce Russell (2007) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Carolyn Ann Parnell Head (1965) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Charlie M. Crawhorn (1972) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Charlotte Kelsay (1989) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Connie Young, Bonnie Lawhorn's twin (1973) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Cromer Martin Shive (1910) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Elizabeth Lieske | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Hailey Hare | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Jon Cionko | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Joshua Popplewell | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Kayla Green | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Kendall Melton (2007) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Kimberly Slaven | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Linda Christian Ashbrook | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Maghan Riggleman | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Mason Louis Pyles (1996) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, McKenna Reid | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Reta Corbin Moss | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, T. J. Wheeler (1987) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Thomas Sears | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Tiffany Hammond (1992) | (Updates/Corrections) Happy Birthday, Zachary Morgeson (2004) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Buford R. (Smitty) Smith, Adair Co., KY (1924-2019) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Mr. Roy C. Miller, 78, Russell Co., KY (1931) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, McKinley Ray Carpenter, 72, Casey Co., KY (1937) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Margarete Beard Neat, Casey Co., KY; Adair Co., KY native (1916-2011) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Mrs. Clemontine Thompson, Green Co., KY (1933) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Cuvier S. Scott, 100, Adair Co., KY (1911) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Mrs. Nelda Lafawn Philpot Nettles, Cumberland Co., KY (1932) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Gladys Barnett, Taylor Co., KY (1921) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Janice Eads Pevely, Casey County, KY (1949) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Linda K. Spieker, Adair County, KY (1940) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Betty Foster, Adair County, KY (1930-2013) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Darren Thomas Moore, Adair County, KY (1978-2014) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Billy Gene Blankenship, Taylor County, KY (1936-2015) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Nancy Aria (Ara) Mullins, 97, Taylor Co., KY (1917-2015) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Linda Marie Coons, 60, Russell Co., KY (1955-2016) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Margaret McIntyre Kimbler, 74, Adair Co., KY/Cumberland native (1942-2014) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Brenda Fay Lawless, 66, Russell County, KY/Adair Co., KY native (1950-2017) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Gary Burke, Jr., Liberty, KY (1966-2017) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Josh Cochran, 25, Taylor County, KY (1988-2017) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Linda Lawless Ashbrook, 74, Russell County, KY (1943-2018) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Della Daugherty Snedaker, 73, Cumberland County, KY Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Everett Ezra Long (1940) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Hattie Lois Clark (1897-1978) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Louise Foley Grider, 78, Russell Springs, KY (1942-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Mary Margaret Bryant Grider (1846-1936) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Nona Marie Grider Cook (1924-1996) | (Updates/Corrections) In Memory Birthday, Stuart Craig Hare (1975-2006) | (Updates/Corrections) Events scheduled for Sunday, November 15, 2009 All events are listed in Central Time. Submit your upcoming event using our Contact Form.
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