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Daily News for
Friday, May 1, 2009
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ACHS Golf Boosters Golf Scramble is Sat., June 6, 2009

By Kim Goodin

The Adair County High School Golf Boosters will be sponsoring a Golf Scramble. Registration begins at 10:30amCT with a Shotgun start at 12:30pmCT, Saturday, June 6, 2009. at The Pines at Lindsey Wilson, 275 Country Club RD, Columbia, KY.

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2009-05-01 22:27:05 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Sports

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Tremendous, enthusiastic crowds at 2009 Trinity Youth Revival

2009-05-01 - Trinity United Methodist Church, Columbia, KY - Photo by Shellie Elmore. Trinity UMC photo. PRAISING HIM: Courtney Cross, Abby Walker, Rachel Stephens, Carla Pyles, Elliot Burton, Jacob Keltner, and B.J. Steinhilber, above from left to right, took part in a the praise worship at the Community Youth Revivalat Trinity United Methodist Church, 2418 Campbellsville Rd, Columbia, KY, on Thursday, April 30, 2009. The services enjoyed tremendous crowds on Thursday and Friday nights. The revival will conclude on Saturday evening with a service starting at 6:30pmCT.
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Recurring Events through June 2009 are posted

Bookmobile schedule for May 2009 also posted

Recurring events through June 30, 2009, have been posted on the Community Events Calendar. If your club, board, organization or other recurring event is not a part of the community calendar, we hope you'll submit the event as soon using one of the Contact/Submit buttons.

In making submissions, please observe the format capitalizations, abbreviations, time, day of week, and full date and please do a final 5Ws and an H check to make sure all information is included in one email. If a mistake is made, it greatly improves accuracy if the correction is made by including the entire news item in corrected form. We request that street and street number, town and state be included for each event.

Flyers and posters sent for events or news stories are considered advertising, and may be posted as advertising. When time permits, free and non-commercial events sent to us in the form of a poster will be put into news story format, but time to do so is not always available.

Editing and proofreading assistance is appreciated. Thanks. -EW

2009-05-01 21:34:26 | Comments | Printable version

State park employee arrested for brandishing shotgun

CORRECTION RECEIVED MAY 4, 2009: Please note that the initial press release (copied below) stated that Anthony C. Byers had gone to the front desk of the park. According to Park officials, he was not at the front desk with the shotgun but was seen at the maintenance garage with the shotgun. The initial call received by KSP stated that an employee had brought a shotgun to work as a means of intimidation since he received a letter of dismissal. -TROOPER WILLIAM GREGORY.

Dale Hollow State Park employee in jail in Adair Co., KYAlbany, KY man, discharged from state park south of Burkesville, in Cumberland Co., KY, arrested after call to KSP Post 15, Columbia, KY. Trooper Bobby Maxwell and Sgt Jamie Heller are continuing investigation

By Tpr. Billy Gregory, Public Affairs Officer,Kentucky State Police Post 15, Columbia, KY

(Cumberland County) - On Friday May 1, 2009 at 8:21CT, today, Friday, May 1, 2009, Post 15 in Columbia, KY received a call from Dale Hollow Lake State Park, advising that an employee of the Park, Anthony C. Byers of Albany, KY had gone to the front desk of the park with a shotgun and one live round before going to the maintenance building.

The caller stated that Byers had just received a letter of dismissal from his employment with the Park.

Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article.
2009-05-01 19:14:41 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Police and Fire Reports

Collision on Wisdom Dock RD, Clinton Co., KY, takes life

Rain, oil slick road blamed for causing driver to lose control. One passenger dies; one driver airlifted to UK, other driver treated and released in Albany. KY

By Tpr. Billy Gregory, Public Affairs Officer,Kentucky State Police Post 15, Columbia, KY

CLINTON COUNTY - At approximately 1:00pmCT, today, Friday, May1, 2009, Post 15 Columbia received a call from Clinton County Dispatch in reference to a collision on Wisdom Dock Road.

A collision occurred when a 2006 GMC pickup operated by Summer Abston, age 16, of Albany, was traveling north of KY553 (Wisdom Dock Road), entered a curve and lost control of the vehicle due to heavy rain and a large amount of oil on the roadway.

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2009-05-01 19:00:47 | Comments | Printable version

Russell County murder suspect in custody in Campbell Co., TN

Roberto De Jesus Gomez had been wanted in connection with the stabbing murder of Jorge Gomez at the Cleveland Road Trailer Park in Russell Springs on April 26, 2009. Det. B.J. Burton of KSP Post 15 en route to Campell Co., TN, where suspect has waived extradition
See earlier story, with photo of Roberto De Jesus Gomez

By Tpr. Billy Gregory, Public Affairs Officer,Kentucky State Police Post 15, Columbia, KY

COLUMBIA, KY - At At 1:00pmCT, a call was received at Kentucky State Police Post 15, Columbia, KY, from the Campbell County Sheriff's Department (423-562-7446) in Campbell County Tennessee stating that they had Robert De Jesus Gomez in custody.

Detective Jim Jeffries was walking into a local courthouse there when a Hispanic male approached him and advised him that he had been involved in a stabbing in Russell Springs, KY.

Gomez was taken into custody and his identity was verified through physical description and interview.

Detective B.J. Burton is currently en route to Campbell County Tennessee where Gomez has waived extradition. Upon returning to Kentucky, Gomez will be lodged in the Russell County Jail.

2009-05-01 15:39:07 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Police and Fire Reports

Adair County winners in LCA Showcase of Stars announced

Winners include Reese Pearson, Lily Pearson, Savhanna Pearson, Sarah Thompson, Lydia Tiller, Kayla Garrison, Holly Pyles, Cassie Rowlett, Abigail Thompson, and Bailey Harris

By Tony Rose, Adair Co. Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development.

I would like to congratulate the participants of the 2009 Lake Cumberland Area Showcase of Stars, held Saturday, April 25, 2009, at Lindsey Wilson College, Columbia, KY.The following 4-H members participated in the Talk Meet:

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2009-05-01 15:27:46 | Comments | Printable version

KSP Post 15, Columbia, KY plans traffic checkpoints

By Tpr. Billy Gregory, Public Affairs Officer,Kentucky State Police Post 15, Columbia, KY

COLUMBIA, KY - The Kentucky State Police, Post 15, Columbia, which provides coverage for Washington, Marion, Taylor, Casey, Russell, Green, Metcalfe, Monroe, Clinton, Cumberland and Adair counties will be conducting periodic traffic safety checkpoints at locations approved by the Kentucky State Police Policy and Procedures Manual. These checkpoints will be conducted in an effort to enforce the traffic laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Special attention will be paid to occupant protection (seatbelt adherence), sobriety and insurance and registration violations.

2009-05-01 15:12:45 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Police and Fire Reports

Adair Co. Sheriff's Dept. issues activity report for April 2007

One of these signs could save your life, or the life of someone you love

Don't forget your address marker! You may purchase one at the Adair Co. Sheriff's Office. Markers are $10.00. Proceeds go the Chamber of Commerce. They are especially important for all businesses, schools, fire stations, funeral homes, playing fields, campus buildings, churches, and cemeteries, as well as your home to make it easier for Emergency Services to find you more quickly when you need them! One of these signs could help save the life of someone you love If you are unsure of a Street Number, call your local 911 center, using the administrative number, not 9-1-1, and ask for the Address Coordinator. The Adair County 911 Center is located at 107 N. High Street, Columbia, KY. Phone (270) 384-4760. Ask for Mary Allender.

Adair County Sheriff's Department
Ralph Curry, Sheriff
500 Public Square - Columbia, Kentucky 42728
(270) 384-2776

Activity report for April 2009
  • 10 Warrants of arrest served
  • 2 Criminal cases opened
  • 5 Emergency protection orders Served
  • 8 Domestic abuse cases worked
  • 4 Non-Injury accidents worked
  • 11 Injury accidents worked
  • 3 Out Of county transports
  • 19 Citations written for criminal activity
  • 72 Civil process papers served
  • 12 Criminal summonses served
  • 125 Subpoenas served
  • 53.5 Hrs of court security provided
  • 223 Vehicle inspections done

(ADV) CM SITE TIP: To expedite postings of your events, always give complete addresses, include street and street #, city and state. If the venue is not marked by the street number or one of these signs, please suggest the importance of the sign to the responsible administrator. Remember, to help you, emergency responders need to be able to find you.

2009-05-01 13:30:13 | Comments | Printable version

(ADV) Make music with classifieds

Add a Piano to the list of Musical Instruments in classifeds. It's in Musical Instruments and we already had has both a Bach trumpet and an Emerson flute advertised. Here's the piano one:
Like new Emerson flute for sale
I have a like-new Emerson flute with case. No dents, great sound. Really nice flute - $300. Contact Sandra Vanarsdale at (270) 250-1606.
Whether you're looking for the best Healthcare, for Services including lawn mowing, or a good Auto or Truck, classifieds are the place to look, every day. There are are over 150 listings today, many with photos.

2009-05-01 12:19:48 | Comments | Printable version

62 SCC students get EKU scholarships which cuts tuition in half

Several Adair, Casey, Russell Co., KY students from SCC earn transfer scholarships to EKU which dramatically cut cost of junior year at Eastern Kentucky State University in Richmond, KY

By Dave Cazalet, Jr, SCC Director of Public Affairs

Sixty-Two Somerset Community College students will be transferring to Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) with special scholarships that reward them for their academic work by reducing their tuition for their junior and senior years in college.

Included in the 62 are Amber Rich, Adair Co.; Laurie Bryant, Jeffrey Husted, Amanda Rowland, Joshua Smith, and Sherry Boggs, all from Casey Co,, and Carrie Keith of Russell County, KY

Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article.
2009-05-01 11:41:01 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Education

Obituary: Randall Lee Wheet, 65, Greensburg, KY

January 29, 1944- April 26, 2009

Mr. Wheet was an Adair Co, KY native, a member of a prominentColumbia family; he was a businessman, a recycler, following in the traditionof one of his father's many business interests

Mr. Randall Lee Wheet of Greensburg, KY, son of the late Luther Wheet andMaude Hale Wheet, was born on January 29, 1944 in Columbia, AdairCounty, KY, grew up on Jamestown Street, Columbia, KY, and attended public schools here.

He departed this life on Sunday, April 26, 2009 at his home in Greensburg,KY. He was 65 years, two months and 27 days of age.Cremation was chosen and a private memorial service was held by thefamily.

Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article.
2009-05-01 11:00:53 | Comments | Printable version

What is Swine Flu? What should we do?

By Dr. Phil Aaron

Swine Flu is one of the "A" flu viruses; it is spread through the air when people cough or sneeze.

The symptoms are 1) sudden onset of fever (usually high) 2) headaches 3) cough 4) sore throat 5) nausea 6) dizziness ) 7) chills 8) sensitivity to light and sound. If a person has several of these symptoms, there is a need for concern.

Swine Flu is not spread by eating pork or food. This flu is spreading globally; a confirmed case has already been made in Bowling Green.

If you have several of the above symptoms and they are mild 1) merely stay at home 2) Wash your hands 3) Cover your sneezes.

If you have no symptoms, simply avoid contact with those who are sick.

If you have severe symptoms don't panic! This flu is treatable. 1) Seek medical care 2) Obtain nasal swabbing 3) your provider will treat you if indicated 4) there are two excellent antivirals available: Tamiflu and Relenza.

There are several unknowns about how severe this flu outbreak will be. Using Public Health's three "S's" it depends upon the public's susceptibility whether we can withstand this strain of flu 2) the speed in which the virus is spread 3) and the severity of the cases the Swine Flu virus produces. In this situation it pays to stay updated with a changing situation.

2009-05-01 10:10:28 | Comments | Printable version

Creative Ministry Worship at Bearwallow UMC

Bearwallow United Methodist Church, 6132 Liberty Road, Columbia, KY, will host a Creative Ministry Worship Service. Sunday, May 3, 2009 at 6:30pmCT, under the direction of Mr. Greg Allen, Assistant Principal at Adair Co.Middle School, the Russell Springs United Methodist Church Student Life Group & Youth Praise Band will share God's love in a Creative Ministry Worship Service.

Through the Youth Praise Band and singers, His name is exalted through dramatic and humorous skits, interpretive worship, and black light ministry. Refreshments will be served. Everyone is invited to attend. Bearwallow is located six miles East KY 206 in Adair County, KY. For more information, call (270) 384-5215. -TERESA BRIGHT

2009-05-01 08:55:25 | Comments | Printable version

Welcome, Crappie USA, Inc., to Holmes Bend, Green River Lake

Pre-tournament seminar at 7:00pmCT, this evening, at LIndsey Wilson College; tournament gets underway in earnest Saturday, May 2, 2009, at Holmes Bend, Green River Lake, Adair County, KY

Adair County welcomes a major leagues fishing event today. Big crowds are already arriving for the Crappie USA Inc., tournament at Green River Lake for the fishing tournament, which gets underway with a pre-tournament seminar this evening, Friday evening, at 7:00pmCT, May 1, 2009, at the Lindsey Wilson College, Dining & Conference Center, 430 Helen Flatt Drive, off Lindsey Wilson Street, Columbia, KY.

"We've been extremely busy," this morning, Stevie Cornelison at Holmes' Bend General Store. "There's a lot of people already at the lake for the crappie tournament," he said.

According to Larry Crecelius "The tournament weigh-in will be held beginning at 3:00pmCT, Saturday, May 2, 2009, at the Holmes Bend Marina & Resort at Columbia, KY. We are looking for a great weigh-in on the 8200 acre Green River Lake, which is known for excellent crappie action. This is the perfect opportunity for non-competitors to come and learn how the big ones are caught. Interviews of the top 5 teams will be conducted after the weigh in."

Check all of the Larry Crecelius story at: "Crappie USA event May 1-2 on Columbia, KY's Green River Lake" for more information on the tournament.

2009-05-01 08:26:43 | Comments | Printable version has latest swine flu information

Swine flu central for Kentuckians is now at this link: KY Health Alerts with latest swine flu updates. The site is updated continuously during the swine flu pandemic.
Healthcare in CM Classifieds.

2009-05-01 08:12:54 | Comments | Printable version

(ADV) Great band instruments now in CM classifieds

The most interesting news is often in the Classifieds. Right now, there's big news in many categories, but this shouldn't be overlooked. Musical Instruments has both a Bach trumpet and this new ad, for an Emerson flute, just in:
Like new Emerson flute for sale
I have a like-new Emerson flute with case. No dents, great sound. Really nice flute - $300. Contact Sandra Vanarsdale at (270) 250-1606.
Whether you're looking for the best Healthcare, for Services including lawn mowing, or a good Auto or Truck, classifieds are the place to look, every day. There are are over 150 listings today, many with photos.

2009-05-01 08:02:28 | Comments | Printable version

Foreigners: Old Coddger has higher AC naturalization standards

Concerning the immigration status of a certain former Georgian, Charles Marshburn, the famous Man in the Tractor Seat, the Fairplay philosopher, the provocative iconoclastic incomer


He may have been here a while but, I bet he doesn't know to put a piece of onion in each hill of potatoes so their eyes will cry and water themselves, so they will go even in a drought.

I guess my standards are a lot higher than yours as to the qualifications of being a "NON-Foreigner".

"OC" is, as every Adair Countian knows, is short for "The Old Coddger"

2009-05-01 07:34:29 | Comments | Printable version

Obituary: Wayne E. Brown, 78, Columbia, KY

He was a respected farmer of the Sulphur Creek Road area

Wayne E. Brown, 78, Sulphur Creek RD, Columbia, KY, died Tuesday night at T.J. Samson Community Hospital in Glasgow, KY.

The funeral service is at 10:00amCT, Friday, May 1, 2009, at Wilson Funeral Home, 391 E. Steve Warriner DR, Russell Springs, KY. Interment will be in Bethel Cemetery.

Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article.
2009-05-01 07:24:34 | Comments | Printable version

BJ Fudge: On pickett, and paling or slat fences

About: Memorable Old Columbia KY from Hill of Lindsey Wilson 1909"

Hey Ed,

Is that the steeple of the Presbyterian Church I can see against the treed background off to the south of the Courthouse?

Also, a paling fence is sometimes referred to as a picket fence, but a picket fence is made of sawed and identically sized pickets.

Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article.
2009-05-01 07:09:38 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback

Fish Stocking: A note for Mr. Marshburn


These foreigners need our help.

The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife can be contacted (through local officer) and they will help with pond stocking. Check out Fish and Wildlife at:

s/Old Coddger

Thanks for the kind assistance. But Holy Salvation on Butterp'int Ridge! This man is no longer a "foreigner." He's a born again Adair Countian, with inalienable rights just as if he'd been delivered by Dr. Salato at Adair Memorial Hospital. He's eaten pickle dog. He can drive a tractor. He can whittle and spit. He wants fresh fish on the farm. What more can one ask? -EW

2009-05-01 07:02:10 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback

All Yard Sales in have Streets, Street #'s

Another big yard sale has arrived for today, and it has the Street # included. Thanks. That makes it much easier to map out directions to the yard sales using Google Maps.Thanks to everyone for joining the effort to safe time, save gas, and help with public safety by using the complete address in announcements.
Huge Yard Sale today, Friday May 1, 2009
1103 Greensburg ST, Columbia, KY
Given by Pheobie Franklin and Carrie McQueary
We have baby boy clothes 0-12months, girls clothes, juniors clothes, shoes, kitchen canisters/4 place setting/pitcher and bowl set. Kitchen fruit decor. A fisher price rainforest jumparoo, boys clothes 4-8, some plus size clothing, purses, video now, movies, and much more. Given by Pheobie Franklin and Carrie McQueary.
Thanks. Thanks for the inclusion of the Street # with the Yard Sale. As a matter of fact, it looks all the big list of Yard Sales in have Street and Street #'s. For our readers, entering "1103 Greensburg ST, Columbia, KY" in the Google search box will bring up a Google Map from which a route to the address can be obtained, from any starting point." -CM

2009-05-01 06:49:25 | Comments | Printable version

Adair SAR to meet at, 24 Burnett RD, Columbia, KY

For the monthly meeting in May, the Adair County Search and Rescue will be meeting at 7:00pmCT, Thursday, May 14, 2009, at South Side Church Of Christ, 24 Burnett RD, Columbia, KY. If any questions or need directions contact Jeff Collins at (270)-250-3935. -MARC Evans ACSR

Thanks. Thanks for the inclusion of the Street # with the announcement. It's so important for Emergency Response Units, such as the Adair County Search and Rescue Team. For our readers, entering "24 Burnett Road, Columbia, KY" in the Google search box will bring up "Church of Christ Southside," with a Google Map from which a route to the address can be obtained, from any starting point." -CM

2009-05-01 06:33:24 | Comments | Printable version

Says caution light should be installed at dangerous crossing

About: A traffic light needs to be installed, CWB traveler says


I avoid that area: However everyone I talk to comments on how dangerous that intersection is. With so many accidents at that intersection one would think the State would put up a caution light. It is a highly traveled road with only more accidents waiting to happen.

s/Alice Wheeler

2009-05-01 06:23:24 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback

Today, Fri., May 1, 2009: AC Schools closed for funeral

Spotlighting in brief, today's events for Day 121 of 2009. There 244 Days remaining in year:
  • Today, all Day: Adair Recycling Trailer at Old Walmart Shopping Center, Jamestown ST, Columbia, KY
  • 08:00amCT: Adair Co. Public Library Bookmobile is in the Gradyville, KY area Today.
  • 8:00amCT: Rescheduled Registration for kindergarten at Col. Wm. Casey Elementary School, Asst. Supt. Brenda Mann has announced.
  • 08:00amCT: No school in Adair County on Friday, May 1, 2009Due to the death and for the funeral of a student, Haley Marie Luttrell


  • 10:00amCT: Funeral service at Adair County High School gymnasium, 526 Indian Drive, Columbia, KY, for student Haley Marie Luttrell, 17

    The Revival is being held at 6:30pmCT each evening, Thursday, April 30, Friday, May 1, and Saturday, May 2, 2009, at Trinity UMC, 2418 Campbellsville Rd, Columbia, KY. Worship by Steadfast. The speaker will be Eric Gilbert. Testimonies will be given by Ricardo Hughes, Josh Withers, and Sarah Irvin-Gardner.

  • 09:00amCT/10:00amET: All-Day. WEBKINZ EXTRAVAGANZA
    at Mary Anne's Hallmark, Green River Plaza, Campbellsville, KY


  • 06:30pmCT: Revival at Beechgrove SBC, KY 900, near Glens Fork, KY

  • 7:00pmCT; Crappie, USA pre-tournament seminar at Lindsey Wilson College, Cranmer Dining & Conference Center, 430 Helen Flatt Drive, off Lindsey Wilson Street, Columbia, KY
  • 07:30pmCT: Neil Simon play Rumors
    at Hodge Center, LWC
  • For events in detail, future events in 2009, Click here

Read like a daily newspaper
Friday, May 1, 2009Two (2) Cases in Adair Circuit Court (Judge James Weddle). No (0) cases in District Court (Judge Michael Loy). Click Here to check Adair Court schedule at the Kentucky Court of Justice Website. To visit Adair Circuit Clerk site, Click Here

At 5:35amCT, there are three big events in Celebrations To submit your Celebration, use any Contact/Submit Button Add a photo, with a personal message (message on Archives Photo only) for suggested $7.95. Honor system: Send payment to, PO Box 906, Columbia, KY 42728.

What's Cooking in Adair County, KY
Click restaurant names for hours, directions, and prices.
  • Betty's OK Country Cooking
    Friday, May 1, 2009!
    CATFISH. TENDERLOIN Breaded or Grilled. STUFFED CRABS. SPAGHETTI w/Meat Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Green Beans. Cooked Cabbage. Fried Apples. Corn Nuggets. Baby Carrots. Harvard Beets. . Pinto Beans. Rolls/Cornbread. On the buffet cold bar. Coleslaw. Peaches. Pears. Cottage Cheese. Pepper Relish. Sweet Onion.
    TODAY'S SPECIAL DESSERTS: Sugar Free Cheesecake. Plus our really big regular list of favorite cakes and desserts.
    BREAKFAST: Served anytime. Betty's serves breakfast the way you like it, from a complete big menu, including grits, and many items you don't get anywhere else. Folks rave about our Western Omelet, link sausage, and pancakes.

  • Bob's Country Kitchen & General Store, KY 206, Vester, KY
    BREAKFAST ANYTIME: Served anytime!
    Friday, May 1, 2009
    ON THE HOTBAR: Bob's wonderful FRIED CATFISH today, with Hushpuppies. Potato Wedges. Fried Apples. Pinto Beans (as a Soup, $1.99) plus Coleslaw. Sliced Tomatoes. Sweet White Onions. All for $5.29Extra pieces of Catfish, Just $1.29 each!
    DESSERTS: Butterscotch Pie. Chocolate Pie. Lemon Pie. Cocanut Pie.
    DELIVERY: Yes, Bob's delivers. $25 minimum. Some limits. Call (270) 384-6774.GAS UP and DIESEL UP while we fix your carry out!NOW OPEN UNTIL 7:00pmCT each evening.

  • Buffalo Hills
    Located at 906 Greensburg ST in the Curves Building, Columbia, KY. Non-Smoking Facility
    Business is booming
    and after you taste a buffalo burger, you'll understand why.
    FOR YOU EXTRA HUNGRY EATERS, we've added the 1/2 lb Bodacious Buffalo Burger. 8 ounces of low fat, great tasting buffalo, still with less than 1/2 the fat than conventional fast food 1/4 lb burgers!
    TRY OUR NEW SMOOTHIE FLAVORS: Northwest Berry, a delicious blend of boysenberry & blackberry, and our Lemonade Cooler.
    ALSO: Smoothies, Christian Gifts, Tanning Beds. Buffalo Meat--America's Original Health Food. Buffalo steaks, roasts, burger and brats available for your grilling at home! Open10am-7pm Mon-Tue & Thurs.-Fri. 10am-6pm Wednesdays. Closed Saturdays, Sundays. Jim Carol Leib, Owners. We accept Visa, MC, and Discover Credit Cards. Dr. Smoothie smoothiesEnjoy a refreshing, healthy drink. In the Curves Building on Greensburg St.

  • The Dairy Dip
    Columbia's most established eatery, at 114 Jamestown ST, Columbia, KY.
    REMEMBER, WE DELIVER for orders of $15 or more. (270) 384-4644.
    Friday, May 1, 2009!
    We're in FULL, 7 days a week Summer Time Mode, and Summer isn't even here. Check out all our great Dairy Dip cold desserts. Great Hotdogs. Traditional Barbecue Sandwiches. Special treats like Fried Pickles. Have a picnic: In your car, under the colorful picnic umbrellas, or call ahead and let us pack your picnic for the Lake or to take to one of Adair County's wonderful parks.Remember we are up and running 7 days a week now. Our evening hours will continue to extend as weather permits.PATRICIA WILLIS, proprietor
    CALL AHEAD for special or expedited orders, (270) 384-4644.
    SUMMER HOURS: We are now open from 10:30am to 7:00pmCT, Seven Days a Week!

  • El Triunfo #2
    605 Fairgrounds ST. Columbia, KY. (270) 384-9834, in the former location of Donut Express. Open 7:00amCT-11:00pmCT, 7 days a week. Veronica Fernando, manager.Specials, Friday, May 1, 2009
    1. BREAKFAST: Enjoy a full Mexican breakfast, with Eggs scrambled with Chorizo, Avocado sauce, Mexican Cheese, Flour Tortilla, Just $2.50
    2. LUNCH:
      Special for Friday, May 1, 2009
      To be announced
    3. BAKERY: Our bakery case is full today, with plenty to choose from, including conchas
    4. GET YOUR FREE Spanish Language for Kentucky newspaper here, while supplies last. LA VOZ
    5. FINALLY, please pray for our good friend, Maria Zuniga, who was in a bad car accident on US 127 in Russell County. She needs financial assistance now, for medicine and for a special wheelchair needed during her recovery. If you would like to help, Contact us at El Triunfo #2 or call (270) 384-9834
    Stop in today for a little bit of authentic Mexico, right here in Adair County. El Triunfo #2, 605 Fairgrounds Street. Columbia, KY. 42728. Open 7am-10:30pmCT, 7 days a week. Phone (270) 394-9834. -VERONICA FERNANDO, Manager.

  • Mulligan's at The Pines at Lindsey Wilson
    275 Country Club RD, Columbia, KY. (270) 384-3613. Mike Hamlett, Manager.
    Newly renovated 70-seat dining room with beautiful views all around is now Open to the Public. Non-Smoking Facility
    MULLIGAN'S GRILL IS OPEN ALL DAY: Every Day, including Fridays and Saturdays. Order from the Open Grill. Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Chili Dogs, Chicken Strips, BLT, Grilled Cheese, Nachoes, Chicken, Chicken Salad on Croissants, along with French Fries, Onion Rings, Tater Tots and Cheese Sticks. Freshly brewed coffee and cold drinks.
    Friday, May 1, 2009!
    • Salmon patties
    • BBQ Ribs
    • Mashed potatoes/gravy
    • Macaroni & tomatoes
    • Fried cabbage
    • Soup of the Day-Pinto Beans w/cornbread muffins
    • Salad bar
    • Desserts
    • Hot rolls
    VISIT OUR BUFFET Monday-Friday, 11:00am to 1:00pmCT: Soup Salad Bar, just $4.25. Full Meal Deal, all you care to eat, including full Buffet with Wonderful Garden Fresh Salad Bar, Soup of the Day + Dessert Bar, Just $6.25!!!!
    THE PINEWOOD GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE WITH ITS 70-SEAT DINING ROOM, now open to the public seven days a week from sunrise to twilight with an open grill, and now featuring a full lunch buffet served from 11:00am to 1:00pmCT Monday through Friday. Pinewood Golf Course 2009 Special Events Printable Calendar

  • Ol' Joe Barbee's B&B QUE

    Open Saturday, May 2, 2009
    Kentucky Derby Party Food.
    Call now! (270) 384-2360 to delight your guests
    Availability of Perfect Barbecue from Ol' Joe's is limited.
    Dining Room Non-Smoking Facility; Smoking permitted in Picnic Area
    Ol Joe's B&B Que, 824 Campbellsville Rd, Columbia, KY.
    has the Best Ribs in America. wonderful Barbecued Chicken. Kentucky Wings. Pulled Pork Sandwiches. Loaded Potatoes. Wickedly Delicious Desserts
    Large Orders for Kentucky Derby Parties are now being taken. But please hurry. Capacity is Limited!
    Call today, also, to order Ol' Joe's Sauce (270) 384-2360, MENU

    Next to Downey's Gun Pawn and Downey's ATV's and Motorcycles. 702 Campbellsville Road, Columbia, KY. Phone (270) 384-9833. Hours: Mon-Friday, 4:00am to 2:00pmCT. Sat. 4:00am to 12noonCT.
    BREAKFAST: Cooked to order. Pick up breakfast sandwiches quick at Quick Stop.
    Friday, May 1, 2009!
    Two Big Choices today>
    1. Slawburger (w/Hot or Mild Slaw)+ Tater Tots or French Fries Just $4.25
    2. Two (2) Slawdogs (w/Hot or Mild Slaw) + Tater Tots or French Fries Just $4.25
    Yes, of course we have SKI!
    Call ahead for large carryouts; we'll try to have it ready when you get to the Quick Stop: (270) 384-9833

  • Rerun's Holmes Bend General Store
    BREAKFAST: Cooked to order. Served anytime.
    Friday, May 1, 2009!
    FROG LEG FEAST TODAY: Three (3) Golden Brown FRIED FROGLEG PAIRS + Choice of up to 3 sides, for $9.95
    ALL YOU CAN EAT CATFISH and COUNTRY HAM SPECIAL. One or both, all you can eat!For just $8.95! Choose one or the other. And get Baked Bens. Corn. Green Beans. French Fried Potatoes. Coleslaw. Potato Salad. Any other side. Hushpuppies. Cornbread.
    Also, SEAFOOD FEAST all day today: Pick from these great Rerun seafoods: Fish Meal $6.95, Shrimp Meal $7.95, Froglegs, $9.95, Oysters Meal, $8.95, Clams, $7.95. Side items: Fries/Onion rings, Potato Wedges/Spicy Fries, Potato Salad/Cole Slaw, Bake Beans, Hushpuppies. Meals come w/2 sides and huspuppies. Seafood Platter $9.95! comes with your choice of 3 meats and 2 side items & hushpuppies.
    SPECIAL EVERYDAY: BIG MOUTH CATFISH SANDWICH. MAYFIELD'S ICE CREAM is the best. DESSERTS:Rerun's is the Chocolate Capitol of Green River Lake. Enjoy Rerun's HUGE Chewy, Chocolaty BROWNIES, only 50 cents each. Fried Apple Pies, a Rerun & Lindy Special. Great take-home treats.

  • Adair County School District menus April 6-May 1, 2009-
    Non-Smoking Facility
    MENUS for Monday, May 4, 2009:BREAKFAST: Chocolate Gravy and Biscuit. Juice/Fruit. Choice of Low Fat Milk. Cereal choices and toast offered daily at breakfast. LUNCH: CHEESEBURGER ON BUN or CHICKEN FILET ON BUN. Lettuce/Tomato. French Fries. Broccoli w/Cheese. Sherbet. Choice of Low Fat Milk. Salads available daily. Fruit and/or juice offered daily with lunch
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Big event continues today, May 1, 2009 MARY ANNE'S HALLMARK in Green River Plaza, Campbellsville, KY. Coming: Webkinz Extravangza Friday-Sunday, May 1-3 2009.

Ja Ci's Boutique Ja Ci's has new shipment of handbags & wallets. Plus ED HARDY Inspired Tees

Shoe Prices reduced at Best Buy Clothes and More. Visit today.

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Let's us help make yours prettier, too!

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Reminder: Send mail from home to Adair Countians who are deployed to war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan. How to mail to servicemen and list of addresses

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2009-05-01 04:51:44 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Today

Kindergarten Preregistration change from May 1 to May 7, 2009

By Brenda Mann, Asst. AC School Supt.

Due to the cancellation of school, the last Adair County District kindergarten registration scheduled for Friday, May 1 has been rescheduled to 8:00am to 2:00pmCT, Thursday, May 7, 2009, at Colonel William Casey Elementary, 220 Gen. John Adair DR, Columbia, KY.

The student does not have to be present at registration.
To be eligible to attend kindergarten a students must be five (5) on or before October 1, 2009.Parents are to bring the following items the day of kindergarten registration:
  • Student's certified birth certificate (a hospital certificate is not a valid birth certificate)
  • Student's Immunization record
  • Student's Social Security Card
For questions regarding kindergarten registration, contact Kim Barnett at (270) 384-3367 or Alissa Barnes (270) 384-0077.

2009-05-01 04:19:21 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Education

Birthdays and Anniversaries for May 1
Happy Birthday, Ashleigh Durham | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Bailey Harris (1998) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Brandon White | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Jordan Willis | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Karli Jessie | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Lee Ann Sullivan (1960) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Lois Ann White | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Lonnie McAllister | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Redith George | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Stephen McQueary | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Tia White (1985) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mary Versie Streeval, Columbia, KY (1926-2019) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Danny Miller, Russell Co., KY native (1953-2019) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Joyce Huber, Campbellsville, KY (1933-2019) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Julius Agee, Campbellsville, KY (1943-2020) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Rex Coffey (1962-2006) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Michael Lee Farmer (1997-2007) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Bennie Herman Jessee (1915-2008) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Wayne Brown (1930) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mary Underwood, 92, Taylor Co., KY (1917) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Altha Pyles Burton, 95, Adair Co., KY (1914) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Richard "Rufus" Capps, Burkesville, KY (1938) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Florence Wheeler, Adair Co., KY (1925) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Phillip Ray Thompson, Green Co. native, Taylor Co., KY (1947-2013) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Dewey T. Wright, 91 Green County, KY (1922-2013) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, William O. Hall, Casey County, KY (1937-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Charles Burton, 77, Adair County, KY (1936-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Rosa Helen Irvin, Adair County, KY (1929-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Lori Morgan Loy, 38, Russell Co., KY (1976-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Ruth Hayes, 84, Gradyville, Adair Co., KY (1930-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Alice L. Kohler Bacon, Burlington, KY (1922-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Jackie Tim Strode, 60, Eighty Eight, KY (1956-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Bennie (Foot) Curry, 76, Taylor County, KY/Green County native (1941-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Barabara Buchanan Lewis, Taylor County, KY (1938-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Donald (Donnie) Ruell Grant, 69, Taylor Co./Adair Co., KY native (1948-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Dorothy Knight, 92, LaCenter, KY, mother of Susan Minton, Columbia, KY. (1926-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Chester Wayne Harper, 61, Edmonton, KY (1957-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Bonnie Jean Emerson, 83, Casey Co., KY native (1938-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Clarence H. (Todd) Gardner, 94, Green Co., KY (1928-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Dr. Robert B. Brashear, 67, Columbia, KY (1953-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Eldalene Henson (Burton) Clouse, 86, Sano, KY native (1934-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, J.C. Wilson, 89, Casey Co., KY native (1933-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, James Martin (Marty) Brewner, 59, North Vernon, IN (1963-2023) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Larry G. Conover, 64, Columbia, KY (1959-2023) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Paul J. Davis, 95, Campbellsville, KY (1925-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Ronald (Ronnie) Lewis Summers, Clementsville, KY (1946-2020) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Sylvester Harmon, 87, Columbia, KY (1937-2024) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Vickie Petty, 72, Columbia, KY (1952-2024) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)

Events scheduled for Friday, May 1, 2009
All events are listed in Central Time. Submit your upcoming event using our Contact Form.
8:00amCTRESCHEDULED TO Thursday, May 7, 2009:
Registration for kindergarten at Col. Wm. Casey Elementary School

Registration for all kindergarten students enrolling in the Adair County School District will be held at Colonel William Casey Elementary, 220 Gen. John Adair DR, Columbia, KY, on Thursday, May 7, 2009, from 8:00am to 2:00pmCT. The student does not have to be present at registration. For questions regarding kindergarten registration, contact Kim Barnett at (270) 384-3367 or Alissa Barnes (270) 384-0077. - BRENDA MANN, Asst. Adair County School Superintendent | (ID:4427, Comment)
No school in Adair County on Friday, May 1, 2009
A fax has ben received from the Adair County Board of Education, which states: "This is official notification that the Adair County Schools will be closed Friday, May 1, 2009, due to the death of a student. The notice arrived Tuesday afternoon, April 28, 2009. | (ID:4510, Comment)
Adair County Public Library Bookmobile
In Gradyville, KY, area all day today
The ACPL BookmobilePrintable Schedule May 2009 | (ID:4588, Comment)
9:00amCTWEBKINZ EXTRAVAGANZA at Mary Anne's Hallmark, Green River Plaza, Campbellsville, KYSPONSORED
Schedule of Special Events at Mary Anne's Hallmark
Friday-Sunday, May 1-3. Play Games. Win Prizes. Special Group Webkinz only $1 with any $15.00 purchase. (while supplies last). MARY ANNE'S HALLMARK, Green River Plaza, Campbellsville, KY. Phone (270) 789-1616. Store hours: 10:00am - 8:00pmET | (ID:4467, Comment)
6:00pmCTRevival starts June, 2009, at First General Baptist Church
First General Baptist Church, 58 W Bear Track Road, Campbellsville, KY will be having revival starting at at 6:00pmCT/7:00pmET each night begining June 1, 2009 - ??? The church is located past the Taylor Regional Hospital on the left. Evangelist will Bro. Terry Boston and there will be special singing each night. Everyone is welcome. Call 270-384-5383 or 634-2464 for more information. -PASTOR BRO. GARY TUCKER | (ID:4692, Comment)
6:30pmCTTrinity UMC Youth Revival starts Thursday, April 30, 2009
Trinity Youth Revival will be held at 6:30pmCT each evening, Thursday, April 30, Friday, May 1, and Saturday, May 2, 2009, at Trinity UMC, 2418 Campbellsville Rd, Columbia, KY. Worship by Steadfast. The speaker will be Eric Gilbert. Testimonies will be given by Ricardo Hughes, Josh Withers, and Sarah Irvin-Gardner. | (ID:4484, Comment)
Revival at Beechgrove SBC, KY 900, near Glens Fork, KY
6:30pmCT. Wednesday, April 29, 2009: Brother David Coffey. This is an open invitation to the community to come and help us worship the Lord and give Him praise for all He does for each and every one of us. -MICHELLE COOMER | (ID:4493, Comment)
7:00pmCTCrappie USA pre-tournament seminar
7:00pmCT; Crappie, USA pre-tournament seminar at Lindsey Wilson College, Cranmer Dining & Conference Center, 430 Helen Flatt Drive, off Lindsey Wilson Street, Columbia, KY | (ID:4521, Comment)
7:30pmCTNeil Simon play Rumors at Hodge Center
Story with photo of cast
The Lindsey Wilson Players will perform the Neil Simon play Rumors at 7:30pmCT, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, April 29 and 30, and May 1, 2009, in the Norma and Glen Hodge Center, Helen Flatt Drive, Columbia, KY. Asa Swan, who is an instructor of history at the college, is directing the play. Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased by contacting the Lindsey Wilson Players box office; or by calling (270) 384-8132. | (ID:4503, Comment)


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