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Tuesday, February 17, 2009
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Letter: Damon Honaker is very nice for donating hair

About: A story of a haircut and of a great kid


I go to school with Damon. He is my friend he told me his hair was eight inches and he donated five. He is very nice for donating.

s/Eli Jackson

2009-02-17 17:24:22 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback

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For ADAIR: A tribute to the Adair Co. Band

2009-02-17 - Eastern High School, Middletown, Jefferson Co., KY - Photo by Shamarie Claiborne.
A hush falls over the crowd, when Adair County takes the field. The Adair County Marching Band is the subject of a new poem by Adair County poet Billy Joe Fudge, in his latest, "ADAIR." Above, taking the field are, from front, Kasey Feese and Todd Smith. Others in the photo include Dustin Huckaby and Luke Maupin.

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Letter: Honor for new resident ratite

About: Emu which posed for portrait by Lawrence Hamilton at Dr. Downey place


This is a bird which chose to take up residence in Kentucky. That is a compliment to all Kentuckians, so lets re-pay him by announcing that he is indeed a Kentucky Bird. Thanks.

s/Celia Downey

2009-02-17 17:20:24 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback

Seat caning class at AC Extension Service March 13, 2009

There will be a seat caning class on Friday, March 13, 2009, beginning at 9:30am CT at the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service located at 409 Fairground Street. The cost is $20.00 and you must register for the class by March 6, 2009. The pattern may vary. For more information please contact Kelli Bonifer at (270) 384-2317

2009-02-17 16:38:42 | Comments | Printable version

LWC will present pianist James Nalley

By Duane Bonifer, LWC Director of Public Affairs

One of America's rising pianists will perform the music of Europe, Asia and America Friday night recital at Lindsey Wilson College, Columbia, KY.

Pianist James Nalley will be in concert at 7:00pmCT on Friday, February 20, 2009 at W.W. Slider Humanities Center Recital Hall. His concert is free and open to the public. It is part of the college's 2008-09 Cultural Affairs Series

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2009-02-17 16:35:10 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Local Arts Scene

Two from Green Co., KY, on SCC Fall 2008 Dean's List

By Dave Cazalet, Jr., SCC Director of Public Affairs

Denise R. Rose and Tanya Deshae Russell of Green County earned the Somerset Community College Dean's List for the Fall 2008 Semester. The enrollment at SCC is more than 7,300 students. Only 570 SCC students or about eight percent (8%) made the SCC Fall 2008 Dean's List.

In order to be honored as a member of the SCC Dean's List, a student must maintain a 3.5 Grade Point Average (GPA) and be a full-time student at Somerset Community College. A full-time student must take classes totaling at least 12 credit-hours during a semester, excluding developmental classes.

Somerset Community College is a comprehensive two-year institution of higher education. SCC has campuses in Somerset and London, centers in Clinton, McCreary, Casey, and Russell Counties.

2009-02-17 10:35:21 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Education

Obituary: Mrs. Mabel Parson Martin, 91, Green Co., Ky

Mrs. Mabel Parson Martin, 91, of Campbellsville and Greensburg, KY, passed away on Monday, February 16, 2009, in Brandon, MS.

The funeral service will be conducted on Thursday, February 19, 2009, at 10amCT, at the Cowherd and parrott Funeral Home, 206 S. Main Street, Greensburg, KY, with burial to follow in the Campbellsville Memorial Garden, 3878 Greensburg RD, Campbellsville, KY. The family requests visitation from 5:00-8:00pmCT on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, at the funeral home.

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2009-02-17 10:30:55 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Obituaries

February 2009 homemaker leader training on laundry

By Kelli Bonifer
Adair County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences

The Homemaker Leader training will be held on Thursday, February 26, 2009, beginning at 12:00pmNoonCT, at the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service located, 409 Fairground Street, Columbia, KY.

The lesson will be on "Laundry." Pam York, Russell County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences will be teaching the lesson. Only yesterday, women used a scrubboard, washtub and a bar of lye soap to do the family laundry.

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2009-02-17 09:52:37 | Comments | Printable version

23 from Russell Co. earn SCC Fall 2008 Dean's List

By Dave Cazalet, Jr., SCC Director of Public Affairs

Twenty-Three (23) students from Russell County earned the Somerset Community College Dean's List for the Fall 2008 Semester. The enrollment at SCC is more than 7,300 students. Only 570 SCC students or about eight percent (8%) made the SCC Fall 2008 Dean's List.

The students are: Natalie Corinne Winstead, Britenay Samone Brown, Billie R. Clark, Tricia Jean Coffey, Valarie Ann Cooper, Loretta Mae Dickerson, Emily B. Grider, Colleen Guffey, Tonya Nicole Hadley, Marjorie M. Johnson, Carrie Ann Keith, Lynsey C. Knight, Bethany N. Lusk, Derrick Allen Ping, Amanda L. Popp, Sharon Ann Price, Andrew B. Rexroat, Landon M. Skeens, Cory W. Slone, Christmon Hunter Cole Tarter, Lauren A. Villani, Amber N. Whittle, Sarah A. Bonner, and Justin C. Williams.

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2009-02-17 09:44:18 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Education

Five from Cumberland Co. earn SCC Fall 2008 Dean's List

By Dave Cazalet, Jr., SCC Director of Public Affairs

Five (5) students from Cumberland County earned the Somerset Community College Dean's List for the Fall 2008 Semester. The enrollment at SCC is more than 7,300 students. Only 570 SCC students or about eight percent (8%) made the SCC Fall 2008 Dean's List.

The students are Katherine Alexander, Kenneth Nelson Johnson, Daniel J. Blakley, Sarah K. Scott, and Donna N. Smith.

In order to be honored as a member of the SCC Dean's List, a student must maintain a 3.5 Grade Point Average (GPA) and be a full-time student at Somerset Community College. A full-time student must take classes totaling at least 12 credit-hours during a semester, excluding developmental classes. Somerset Community College is a comprehensive two-year institution of higher education. SCC has campuses in Somerset and London, centers in Clinton, McCreary, Casey, and Russell Counties.

2009-02-17 09:26:41 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Education

Heritage Skills instructors presentation at AC Extension Office

Instructors with old-time crafts skills are invited to present ideas on March 10, 2009 for presentations at two-day retreat at Jabez, KY

By Audrey Myers, Green Co. Extension Agt. for Family, Consumer Sciences

Do you have a craft skill from days gone by? Examples of these are basketry, quilting, tatting, stain glass, canning, doll-making, painting and much more. If so, and you would like to share your talent with others, come join us at the 2009 Heritage Skills Planning meeting at 9:00amCT, Tuesday, March 10, 2009, at the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service, 409 Fairground Street. Here we will choose the classes that will be offered at the 2009 retreat and discuss new ideas. The Heritage Skills Retreat will be August 28 & 29 in Jabez, KY.

If you are planning on teaching a class you must fill out a class description form available at your local County Cooperative Extension Service. You must have the item you will be teaching present with you that day and a copy of the class description form. Teachers are volunteers and partial reimbursement is provided. For more information please contact Audrey Myers, Green County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences at (270) 932-5311 or .

2009-02-17 08:48:13 | Comments | Printable version

Poetry: ADAIR. A tribute to the Adair Co. Band

There's a hush over the crowd . . . and Adair County arrives on the field

By Billy Joe Fudge

At every band competition I have attended since the early nineties I have been so impressed with every facet of our award winning band program. I would often notice the crowd, particularly that part of the crowd from the other schools competing against Adair County.

Comment after comment such as, "I thought we did great until I saw Adair perform" and "where the heck is Adair County anyway".

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2009-02-17 08:30:07 | Comments | Printable version

Chocolate lab missing from Old Glensfork RD home

A chocolate lab that lives on the Fletcher farm on Old Glensfork Road is missing. He was last seen on Friday, February 13, 2009, around noon. He answers to the name of Max. If you have seen him or he has shown up at your home please call Anita or Billy Fletcher at (270) 384-4780 or (270) 634-1097.

2009-02-17 08:29:32 | Comments | Printable version

Bean soup luncheon proceeds go to MCHS scholarship fund

Metcalfe County Homemaker's Annual Bean soup Lunch Fundraiser is today,Tuesday, February 17, 2009 from 10:30amCT until sell-out, at the Extension office back meeting room, 422 East Street, Edmonton, KY. Cost is $5.00 and includes homemade white and pinto bean soups, cornbreads, desserts with carrot/celery sticks, relish, chopped onion and coffee, tea or lemonade to drink - take outs available on request. All 100% of proceeds will go to support the annual $700.00 scholarship, that is awarded annually to a deserving college bound senior graduating from Metcalfe County High School.Thanks for your support! -LYNN BLANKENSHIP

2009-02-17 08:10:31 | Comments | Printable version

Columbia-Adair Co. Water Commissions approves 2009 budget

C-AC Water Plant's biggest immediate need, back-up generators, included in GM Lenny Stone's Ten Year Plan presented at the meeting

By Ed Waggener

The Columbia-Adair County Water Commission approved a budget for 2009 which anticipates a $488,900 operating margin for the year at its February 12, 2009 meeting.

The C-AC anticipates revenues of $1,501,500, and expenses of $1,012,60.

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2009-02-17 04:03:26 | Comments | Printable version

AC Water District adopts higher nonrecurring rates

Rates will go into effect June 1, 2009. Biggest change is Connection Tap-On fee, which increases from $400 to $600. Nonrecurring rates had not been raised since 1986
Click on headline for full story plus recurring charges chart

By Ed Waggener

The Adair County Water District raised charges for nonrecurring charges for the first time since 1986 at its board meeting Thursday, February 12, 2009. The new will go into effect on June 1, 2009.

The biggest increase will be in the Connection Tap-on Fee, which will go from $400 to $600. "Our raw costs for tap-on connections is over $525," Lenny Stone, general manager of water district said.

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2009-02-17 03:25:27 | Comments | Printable version

Former CU students to speak at Ransdell, Wed. Feb. 21, 2009

By Hillary C. Wright, CU student news writer

"Having a Christian Marriage" is the topic of the Rev. Jeff and Julie Winn Eaton's Campbellsville University's chapel address Wednesday, February 18, 2009, at 10:00amET/9:00amCT in Ransdell Chapel. The public is invited to attend.Eaton, of Lawrenceburg, is lead pastor of Hope Community Church in Frankfort; he has pastored four other Kentucky Baptist churches in the last 21 years.

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2009-02-17 02:22:40 | Comments | Printable version

Nine people died on KY highways February 9-15, 2009

From Tpr. Billy Gregory, KSP Post 15, Columbia, KY

FRANKFORT, KY - Preliminary statistics* indicate that nine people died in nine separate crashes on Kentucky roadways from Monday, February 9 through Sunday, February 15, 2009.

Eight of the crashes involved motor vehicles and six of those victims were not wearing seat belts. Single-vehicle crashes occurred in Bourbon, Hancock, Harlan, Jefferson, Kenton, Larue, Logan and Washington counties. Two of these crashes involved the suspected use of alcohol.

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2009-02-17 02:10:36 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Police and Fire Reports

Letter: Liked Bird Counting people picture

About: "Cardinal looking in counting people"


Perfect shot!!!!!!! Love it! Great catch!

s/Shamarie Claiborne

2009-02-17 01:39:13 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback

25 from Casey County on SCC Dean's List

By Dave Cazalet, Jr., SCC Director of Public Affairs

Twenty-Five (25) students from Casey County earned the Somerset Community College Dean's List for the Fall 2008 Semester. The enrollment at SCC is more than 7,300 students. Only 570 SCC students or about eight percent (8%) made the SCC Fall 2008 Dean's List.

The students are: Ashley Hope Swanson, William Vincent Bixby, Jessica A. Byrd, McKinsey Campbell, Leslie M. Clark, Lavonna Marie Durham, Lacey M. Edwards, Diana Louise Gentry, Ashley B. Godbey, Robyn M. Grider, Jeffrey A. Husted, Kevin Howard Jones, Andrea M. McGowan, Jessica N. Miller, Ashley Lynn Murphy, Kevin Parker muse, Jennifer L. Patterson, Samantha F. Payton, Terri L. Peavey, Zack E. Pennington, Joshua Isaac Smith, Meghan R. Tarter, Sarah M. Ware, Charles Lyle Warner, Whitney L. Weddle, Callie S. Phillippe, and Brittany S. Luttrell.

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2009-02-17 01:12:47 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Education

The Dream Depot presents the incomparable Sharon Payne

The Dream Depot proudly presents "Sharon Payne," Saturday, February 21, 2009 at 7:00pmCT. Please join us for a night of gospel music with this outstanding singer. The Dream Depot is located at 106 Jamestown Street in Columbia, KY. Call (270) 634-2894 for reservations. The seats are going fast. Admission is Adults: $6.00; Children:12 and under $4.00. -ELAINE BENNETT.SPONSORED

2009-02-17 01:06:21 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Local Arts Scene

Letter: Sees Northern Harrier hawk catch robin at GRCP


I went out to the Commerce Park this afternoon between 5 and 5:30pm and low and behold, the first thing I saw was a Northern Harrier catching a Robin. What a sight! 100% identification. Look at, click on Northern Harrier. The gray is perfect, white spot at base of tail, black wing tips on lower surface, andhunted by flying about 2 feet above the surface.

s/Billy Joe Fudge

2009-02-17 00:58:00 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Letters and Reader Feedback

Today, Tues., Feb. 17, 2009: Dairy speaker at LWC

Check CM Celebrations for birthdays and anniversaries today, and for the months of February and March.

Spotlighting, in brief, today's events for Day 48 of 2008. 317 Days remaining in year.
  • Today: ACPL Bookmobile at Pellyton. Feb. 2009 Printable Bookmobile Schedule
  • 08:00amCT/9:00amET: Safe Senior Drivers class Feb. 17, 2009, at Taylor County Extension Office
  • 10:30amCT till sold out: Bean Soup luncheon at Metcalfe Extension Office, Edmonton, KY: Proceeds all go scholarship fund
  • 11:45amCT: Rowe Farms sponsors dairy speaker at Chamber luncheon, Cranmer
  • 03:00pmCT: Dr. Heilman will be present for second book signing at CU
  • 04:00pmCT: Deadline sign-up for KSP driver class at Adair Co. Extension Office
  • 04:30pmCT: Adult Book Club at Adair Co. Public LIbrary
  • 04:30pmCT: Little League sign-up for all ages at Blue Building, Joe Johnson Little Park
  • 05:00pmCT: ACHS Girls Basketball hosts Bardstown High School
  • 05:30pmCT: Edmonton-Metcalfe County Chamber meets, Chamber meeting room
  • 06:00pmCT: Corn Toss Tournament at VFW Hall. RFL event
  • 07:00pmCT Jaycees meeting, 819 Jamestown ST, Columbia, KY
  • 07:00pmCT: ACHS Boys Basketball hosts Bardstown High School, ACHS gym
  • Reminder: Send mail from home to Adair Countians who are deployed to war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan. How to mail to servicemen and list of addresses

For events in detail and to scan future events into 2009, Click here

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 Fifty-one(51) Cases in Adair Circuit Court (Judge James Weddle). No (0) cases in District Court (Judge Michael Loy). Click Here to check Adair Court schedule at the Kentucky Court of Justice Website. To visit Adair Circuit Clerk site, Click Here

Click Here to access facts from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia about this day in history.

The Great Backyard Bird Count 2009 is still being tallied!

Click for Links to Over 100 Birds of Kentucky Photos

Birds of Kentucky: HERON with catch.
Photo by PEN
Great Backyard Bird Count
GBBC: The Observation is over, but Checklists for observations The latest scan of the listings for the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) early Tuesday morning, February 17, 2009 showed Columbia #1 in check lists of all communities in Kentucky, and No. 7 in United States.

If you need help submitting your lists, call Barbara Armitage at (270) 250-2979, go to the Adair County Public Library, or contact the Columbia-Adair County Chamber of Commerce at (270) 384-6020. If you don't want to use the internet to report, the Adair County Garden Club will take your written lists and enter them for you.
  • To check rankings of checklists in Kentucky Click Here
  • To submit your checklists in the Great Backyard Bird Count Click here to
  • To check the Top Ten Lists in the Great Backyard Bird Count Click Here

(ADV): What's Cooking in Adair County, KY, today:
Click restaurant names for hours, directions, and prices.
  • Betty's OK Country Cooking
    BUFFET MENU: TUESDAY, February 17, 2009: MEATS: CATFISH. COUNRY FRIED STEAK w/White Gravy. BAKED HAM. Mashed Potatoes. Green Beans. Fried Potatoes. Breaded Cauliflower. Harvard Beets. Peas and Carrots. Corn. Pinto Beans. Rolls/Cornbread. On the buffet cold bar, Pasta Salad plus Coleslaw. Peaches. Pears. Cottage Cheese. Pepper Relish. Sweet Onion.
    TODAY'S SPECIAL DESSERTS: Sugar Free Butterscotch Pie. Plus our really big regular list of favorite cakes and desserts.
    BREAKFAST: Served anytime. New! Served on Tuesdays and Thursdays only Real Fried Potatoes for breakfast!

  • Bob's Country Kitchen & General Store, KY 206, Vester, KY
    BREAKFAST ANYTIME: Served anytime! Try this 89 cent one: 39 cent Cinnamon Roll + Bottomless Cup of Coffee, 50 cents = Total 89 cents
    ON THE $4.99 HOTBAR: Tuesday, February 17, 2009
  • FRIED CHICKEN!!! cooked the old fashioned way. With Mashed Potatoes, White Gravy. Biscuits. Fordhook lima beans/w Green Beans. Sliced tomatoes. Sweet Green Onion. Chicken and one of each or all the sidesJust $4.99!!! Extra Chicken, $1.89 for Chicken Breast or Chicken Quarter. A real treat.
    OUR COOKIE FACTORY IS HERE: Oatmeal Raisin, Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Peanut Butter, and Cranberry Chocolate Chip fresh baked in the Magic Bob's Cookie Oven, 69 cents each/or 3/$2.00; Pig-out special, $7.99 for a dozen.
    DESSERTS: Cherry Delight. Turtle and Plain Cheesecake. .
    DELIVERY: Yes, Bob's delivers. $25 minimum. Some limits. Call (270) 384-6774.NOW OPEN UNTIL 6:00pmCT each evening. Thanks for a great Saturday, January 31, 2009! -BOB HAMLETT.

  • Buffalo Hills
    Located at 906 Greensburg ST in the Curves Building, Columbia, KY.
    Lunch hours 10:30-1:30 Mon -Fri Serving nutritious and delicious 1/3 pound Buffalo burgers, buffalo hot dogs and an outrageous 3 bean buffalo chili.
    YOU'LL LIKE OUR COZY DINING TABLES. Eat in, or call ahead for takeout orders (270) 385-9092. To make them taste best, our Buffalo burgers are grilled to order. The slight extra time is worth it. They are so good!
    ALSO: Smoothies, Christian Gifts, Tanning Beds.
    Buffalo Meat--America's Original Health Food. Buffalo steaks, roasts, burger and brats available for your grilling at home! Open10am-7pm Mon-Tue & Thurs.-Fri. 10am-6pm Wednesdays. Closed Saturdays, Sundays. Jim & Carol Leib, Owners. We accept Visa, MC, and Discover Credit Cards. Dr. Smoothie smoothiesEnjoy a refreshing, healthy drink. In the Curves Building on Greensburg St.

  • The Dairy Dip
    Tuesday, February 17, 2009:
    Place your order for our delicious SOURDOUGH BREAD:
    REMEMBER, WE ALSO DELIVER for orders of $15 or more.
    SPECIAL WINTER HOURS: We are now open from 10:30am to 4:00pmCT, Monday thru Friday. Closed Saturday and Sunday.

  • Ol' Joe Barbee's B&B QUE
    BULLETIN!!!: Joe's will open next the first weekend in March, 2009. Friday and Saturday, March 6 & 7, 2009. Closed now through February.
    OL JOE'S BARBECUE SAUCE in the bottle with his likeness, makes wonderful gifts for all occasions. Now in two flavors: 1) Ol Joe's Original Barbecue Sauce, and 2) Ol Joe's Mustard Barbecue Sauce which send the best from Adair County. It is on sale, in 16 oz. bottles ($4.00 per bottle; $37.95 per case of 12; add 50 cents per bottle for Christmas bows) at Ol' Joe's B&B QUE, Campbellsville Road, Columbia, KY. Buy a bottle for everyone on your Christmas list! Gift certificates available, too. Call today, (270) 384-2360, to order the sauce, or to to arrange Ol Joe's sure-to-please catering service. MENU

    Next to Downey's Gun & Pawn and Downey's ATV's and Motorcycles. 702 Campbellsville Road, Columbia, KY. Phone (270) 384-9833. Hours: Mon-Friday, 4:00am to 2:00pmCT. Sat. 4:00am to 12noonCT.BREAKFAST: Cooked to order. Pick up breakfast sandwiches quick at Quick Stop.
    SPECIAL: Tuesday, February 17, 2009:
    COUNTRY FRIED STEAK w/Gravy. Mashed Potatoes. Green Beans. Roll. Just $5.25
    Call ahead for large carryouts; we'll try to have it ready when you get to the Quick Stop: (270) 384-9833

  • Rerun's Holmes Bend General Store
    BREAKFAST: Cooked to order. Served anytime.
    SPECIAL TODAY, Tuesday, February 17, 2009: We're having OPEN GRILL today, with everything cooked to order. Try our humongous BIG MOUTH CATFISH with 2 pieces of Catfish, Lettuce, Onion, and Tomato. It's simply the best catfish sandwich, there is, at least that's what customers here think.

    AT RERUN'S, the boy born to cook is Serving Simply the Best Food on Green River Lake!
    Desserts: Today: Peach Cobbler ($1. per generous Rerun sized servings) Blackberry Cobbler ($1. per generous Rerun sized servings) Enjoy Rerun's HUGE Chewy, Chocolaty BROWNIES, only 50 cents each. Great take-home treats.
    FRIDAY: Big Seafood specials.

  • Adair County School District menus February 2-27, 2009-
    Tuesday, February 17, 2009 BREAKFAST: Bacon and Cheese Biscuit. Juice/Fruit. Choice of Low Fat Milk. Cereal choices and toast offered daily at breakfast. LUNCH: CHICKEN FILET ON BUN or PORK RIB ON BUN. Baked Potato. Butter/Sour Cream. Broccoli w/Cheese. Sherbet. Choice of Low Fat Milk. Salads available daily. Fruit and/or juice offered daily with lunchSpecial Advertising

    Ja Ci's Boutique is having a STOREWIDE SALE!

    Order online
    Do your shopping from home, with Wal-Mart Site-to-Store (SM).

    Westlake Family Practice
    is now open Mondays through Fridays. Dr. Robert Kell. Details: CM Healthcare

    Submit Your Classified Ad now, using our Contact/Submit form.

    Article continues... click title or click here to read whole article.
    2009-02-17 00:46:10 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Today

Birthdays and Anniversaries for February 17
Happy Birthday, Addison Phillips | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Brianna Bertram | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Briar McVay (1998) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Brooke Harmon (1993) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Caitlyn Grace Kelsay | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Casey Bennett (1985) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Chris Watts | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Connie Phelps | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Dakota L Stotts (1998) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Dale Smith | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Debbie Dunn | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Deborah Curry | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Delores J. Fletcher | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Fran Neat | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Gene Robinson | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Jessica Stotts (1992) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Jordan Lee Young | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Kenny Buck of Browning-Pike (2002) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Lester Tallon | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Misty Curry (1987) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Ronnie Slaven | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Stephen Westmoreland | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Willis Benningfield, Elkhorn, KY (1933-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Evelyn Grant McCloud (1920) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mr. Randy Simpson, Green Co., KY (1948) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Barbara J. Stephens, Russell Co., KY (1943-2010) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Audrey Pearl McGowan, Russell Co., KY (1923-2011) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Jenny Lynn Coffey, Russell Co., KY (1953) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Ruth Overstreet, Taylor Co., KY (1929) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Casey Adam Bennett, Adair Co., KY (1985) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Charles Leon Hines, Casey County, KY (1942) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Grethan Wethington, 89, Columbia, KY (1923) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Reebie Humphrey, Marrowbone, KY (1919-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Colleen Meece Foley, Russell County, KY (1936-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Ricky Humphress, Adair County, KY (1962-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Bonnie Gale Ashbrook, Adair County, KY (1948-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mrs. Alva Mae Morrison, 96, Green Co., KY (1919-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Michael Wethington, Taylor Co., KY (1976-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mrs. Geraldine (Lawson) Brewer, 72, Taylor Co., KY (1943-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Michael Cheatham, 59, Adair Co., KY (1956-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Phillip Lee Stapp, 70, Russell County, KY (1945-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Bettie Marie Black, Russell County, KY (1957-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mrs. Genia Fay Sherrill, Taylor Co., KY (1961-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Paul Daniel Peavley, 74, Hustonville, KY (1942-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Norene Klein, 90, Knifley, KY (1926-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mrs. Connie Ann Humphrey, Adair Co., KY (1961-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Raymond Melvin Broussard, Jr., Taylor Co., KY/Calcasieu Parish, LA native (1950-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Woody Gosser , 74, Russell County, KY (1943-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Edwin Murphy, Casey County, KY (1923-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Elizabeth Anna Bell Denson Emerson, Casey Co. KY (1921-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, William T. (Buddy) Cooper, Putnam Co. IN/Adair Co., KY native (1940-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, David Louis (Buck) Veatch, Taylor County, KY (1945-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Cleo Underwood, 91, Campbellsville, KY (1930-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Dwight Douglas Miller, Jamestown, KY (1954-2020) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Earle P. Clark, 59, Greensburg, KY (1962-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Frances Harmon Pendleton | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Glen Atwell, Green County, KY (1922) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Johnny Thomas Greer, 63, Greensburg, KY (1958-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Nelma (Sue) Stargel Loy, 79, Adair Co., KY native (1942-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)

Events scheduled for Tuesday, February 17, 2009
All events are listed in Central Time. Submit your upcoming event using our Contact Form.
8:00amCTSafe Senior Drivers class Feb. 17, 2009, at TC Extension Office
A class for Senior Drivers will be held at the Taylor County Extension Office, 1143 South Columbia Avenue, Campbellsville, KY, on Tuesday, February 17, 2009, from 9:00am to 2:00pmET Billy Gregory, Public Information Officer with the Kentucky State Police Post 15, Columbia, KY, will give an update on traffic laws. teach adults to avoid accidents, and teach them how to cope with changing reflexes. Auto insurance companies will give varying discounts to graduates of the class. Participants should call (270) 465-4511immediately so workbooks can be ordered. The cost is $3.00. Participants should bring their own lunch. -BECKY NASH, Taylor County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Services. | (ID:3802, Comment)
11:45amCTRowe Farms will host February 17, 2009, Chamber meeting
The Columbia-Adair County Chamber of Commerce will meet Tuesday, February 17, 2009, at 11:45amCT, at Lindsey Wilson College Dining Center. Guest speaker will be Maury Cox, Executive Director, Kentucky Dairy Development Council Corporate. Corporate Sponsor will be the Rowe Farms of Columbia. All Chamber members are encouraged to attend. Prospective Chamber members are also invited to attend. -SUE STIVERS Executive Director | (ID:3908, Comment)
3:00pmCTDr. Heilman will be present for second book signing at CU
If you missed having your book autographed by Dr. E. Bruce Heilman, member of Campbellsville University's Board of Trustees who is chancellor at the University of Richmond, you will get another chance Monday, February 23, 2009, when Heilman will be on campus autographing at the Barnes & Noble University Bookstore from 4:00pm to 6:00pmET. -JOAN C. McKINNEY | (ID:3944, Comment)
4:00pmCTDeadline for KSP driver class at Adair County Extension Office
The Kentucky State Police will be offering a mature driver improvement class in Columbia for anyone age 55 and over. The class will be held at the Adair County Cooperative Extension Office on Tuesday, March 3, 2009, beginning at 10:00amCT. Please register by calling (270) 384-2317. The registration deadline is February 17, 2009. The class will be 4 hours long and each participant must attend the entire course to receive the certification. Upon course completion the student will receive a certificate which, under Kentucky law, entitles anyone over the age of 55 to a three year discount on their insurance. There are no tests. -TPR. BILLY GREGORY | (ID:3870, Comment)
4:30pmCTAdult Book Club
The Adult Book Club meets every third Tuesday at 4:30pmCT at the Adair County Public Library, 307 Greensburg ST, Columbia, KY. Phone (270) 384-2472. Library Director Lee Ann Jessee and Ernestine Bennett are the Adult Book Club leaders. All adults are invited to attend. | (ID:3685, Comment)
Little League sign-up Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Sign-ups for Adair County Little League Baseball will be Tuesday evening, February 17, 2009, from 4:30pm to 7:30pmCT, in the Blue Building at the Joe Johnson Little League Park in Columbia, KY. The sign-up will be for all ages. -SCOTTY CARTER | (ID:3943, Comment)
5:00pmCTACHS Girls Basketball hosts Bardstown High School
The Adair County Girls Basketball team is in action tonight at Adair County High School gym vs. Bardstown High School. | (ID:3947, Comment)
5:30pmCTEdmonton-Metcalfe County Chamber meets
The Edmonton-Metcalfe County Chamber of Commerce will meet on Tuesday, February 17, 2009, at 5:30pmCT in the Chamber Meeting Room. Items on the agenda include 2009 Calendar of Events, introducing new directors, and announcing the recipients of the January and February Business Spot Light. Everyone is invited to attend.-GAYE SHAW, Executive Director | (ID:3941, Comment)
6:00pmCTCorn Toss Tournament Feb. 17, 2009
Corn Toss Tournament will be held Tuesday, February 17, 2009, at 6:00pmCT in the VFW Building at the Fairgrounds, Columbia, KY. The cost is $16/team if you sign up before 2/13; $20/team at the door. Call Jennifer Redford @ 384-2265 to sign up. Or if you have any questions. All proceeds will benefit Adair County Relay for Life. Winner takes home new boards. | (ID:3779, Comment)
7:00pmCTJaycees meeting
Regular meeting, at 7:00pm CT, of the Columbia-Adair County Jaycees, at Fiesta Mexico Restaurant, Jamestown Street, The C-AC Jaycees meet each 1st and 3rd Tuesdays here at 7:00pm CT. -GREG THOMAS | (ID:3659, Comment)
ACHS Boys Basketball hosts Bardstown High School
The Adair County High School Boys Basketball team in action at Adair County High School gymn at 7:00pmCT. | (ID:3946, Comment)


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