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Friday, November 23, 2007
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Artists' Open House Dec. 1 and Dec. 2, 2007

Adair County Artists Open House events are scheduled for next Saturday and Sunday, December 1 & 2, 2007.

Highland Raku Studio, and The Heart's Image Studio/Gallery will be open on Saturday, December 1, 2007, from 10:0am to 5:00pmCT and on Sunday, December 2, 2007, from 1:00pm to 5:00pmCT.

At Highland Raku Studio, located at 7917 Burkesville Road (KY 61), works featured will be by:

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2007-11-23 09:41:37 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Local Arts Scene

New crossing, CWB at Russell Creek

2007-11-23 - North end, Columbia Western Bypass - Photo By Ed Waggener.
FOR NOW, CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CROSSES RUSSELL CREEK over a low dry bridge to the left of the far fill on the north end of the Columbia Western Bypass. This picture was taken Friday morning, November 23, 2007. Fills are complete on the east and west banks of Russell Creek. An impressive 700-ft bridge will tie them together. Seeding is underway and in many places grass has already reached a deep green along the Bypass. The building across the KY 55 in the center of the photo is United Citizens Bank North 61 Branch. No story. Clicking ReadMore accesses the Today, November 23, 2007 feature.

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Friday Lexington Herald had AC bragging information

Today's (Friday, November 23, 2007) Lexington Herald newspaper has a preview of the 2007-2008 high school basketball season. Coach Mark Fudge's season looks good, according to the preview. Among the pearls: They rate Darron Ballou No. 10 in the state, Adair County Boys No. 16 in the State and No. 1 in the Fifth Region, and place three Adair County Boys players among the top 10 in the Fifth Region: Ballou, Nick Fudge, and Kalen Kimberland.

Related links: Click here for picture by Doyle Lloyd of all three in action at Rupp Arena last year.

Click here to see related Lexington Herald online link.

2007-11-23 09:26:38 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Sports

Letter: Best tasting turkey he ever had

To the editor,

We purchased a turkey cooked by Joe Barbee at the B & B Barbeque on Campbellsville street. That was the best tasting turkey that I have ever had. It was absolutely delicious. I want to thank Joe and his family for helping to make our Thanksgiving feast so enjoyable.

s/Allen Owens

2007-11-23 09:15:35 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Food

Today, Fri., Nov. 23, 2007: Shop Columbia early today!

Scroll to end of feature for any Today, November 23, 2007 standout, stand alone, no story photo(s)

Spotlighting, in brief, today's EVENTS for Day 326 of 2007 (39 days remaining).
  • Today: Salvation Army Christmas Kettle at Columbia Wal-Mart
  • Today: Many offices closed
    The Adair County Board of Education Central Office. Adair County government offices and City of Columbia offices are closed today.
There are 32 days until Christmas, 8 Days until the 17th Annual Christmas in Columbia

For Events in detail, including dates into next year, Click Here

  • Bargains every day: But be sure to be here at Best Buy Clothes and More starting at 7:00am, Friday, November 23, 2007 for Day after Thanksgiving, just like the ones in the big cities! Early Bird Sale at Best Buy Clothes & More
  • Columbia Music Center, 503 Greensburg ST, Columbia, KY 42782. Musical Instruments, Music Lessons. Phone (270) 384-1011. 12noon-6, M, Tues. Thurs, Fri. 9-2 Sat. Closed Wed, Sun. Click here or access from Side Ad.
  • 11:00am-6:00pmCT: DAIRY DIP.
  • 6:00 and 8:00pmCT: Columbian Theatre, Disney's "Enchanted," rated PG plays nightly at 6:00pmCT and 8:00pmCT and Sunday at 2:00pmCT and 4:00pmCT only.
Much more, inside (or below), including "Driver's Seat" quick links to sites of local interest, including Adair County Public Library, local, state and national news sources.

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2007-11-23 06:30:43 | Comments | Printable version

ENCORE in concert 2:00pm Sun., Dec. 2, 2007

Group will perform at Dream Depot on second day of "Christmas in Columbia." in fundraiser for trip to Disney World in Orlando, FL, in February 2008

By Patty Jones
Special story

The Adair County School's Show Choir, "ENCORE", will present a special Christmas program at the Dream Depot on Sunday, December 2, at 2:00pmCT.

The show entitled, "A Trip Down Christmas Lane", will feature the talented group of 4th, 5th, and 6th graders from both John Adair Intermediate School and Adair County Elementary School.

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2007-11-23 06:16:29 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Local Arts Scene

Adair deer hunt numbers looking right analysis

Danny's in his gunshop and all's right with the world.

On Thanksgiving day, Adair County Hunters moved into the top spot in the 2007 Deer Hunt for the Greater Adair County Hunting area as reported on the Kentucky Fish & Wildlife Telecheck, moving to the county's rightful place above Green County.

The report for 11/22/2007 was as follows:
  • 1) Adair County, 716
  • 2) Green County, 714
  • 3) Casey County, 667
  • 4) Cumberland County, 556
  • 4) Metcalfe County, 556
  • 6) Taylor County, 487
  • 7) Russell County, 312

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2007-11-23 06:09:39 | Comments | Printable version

Send Christmas Events now for inclusion in CM Events

Please send announcements of your organization''s 2007 Christmas programs and events now for inclusion in the Events calendar. Use Contact/Submit button at the end of the Events calendar to email. Please include contact information, including name of reporter.

2007-11-23 05:52:46 | Comments | Printable version

CU celebrates 10th anniversary of water safety program

Program works closely with Taylor schools, but Headstarters from Adair, Casey, Green, and Russell County have benefitted from CU acquatics classes

By Linda Waggener
Special story

Campbellsville University's WHALE Tales water safety education program is celebrating its 10th anniversary with an estimated 3,000 fourth graders from Campbellsville and Taylor County Elementary Schools having been taught water safety education at the CU swimming pool.

CU's Department of Human Performance's 21-hour Academic Aquatics Management Minor Program has, for this past decade, partnered with the 4th grade teachers in both systems to provide this unique learning opportunity for the children, according to Dr. John Mark Carter, professor of recreation and aquatics who has been a professor at CU since 1998.

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2007-11-23 05:51:58 | Comments | Printable version

Birthdays and Anniversaries for November 23
Happy Anniversary, Gayle and Dr. Ronald P. Rogers (1972) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Anniversary, Gerald and Sonja Chafin (1985) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Anniversary, Harrison and Shirley Moss (1982) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Anniversary, Lannie and Cosby Monday (1946) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Anniversary, LV and Bernard Janes (1946) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Anniversary, Ronnie and Norma Scott | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Anniversary, Stevie and Cheryl Mitchum | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Alissa Barnes | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Anthony Horne | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Becky Sharpe Chapman (1963) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Brenda Popplewell | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Crystal Vertrees | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Jessica Fryman | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Kaden Lee Birdwell (2005) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Keith Couch | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Larry E Goodin | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Leisa Keith (1970) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Lori Sargent | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Mary Murphy | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Ocean Grace Santiago | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Preston Lashley | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Robert Bell | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Rodney Karnes | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Terry B. VanArsdale | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Joyce Wolford, Campbellsville, KY (1926-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Tina Lois Conner, Russell County, KY native (1925-2019) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, James Edward Timlin, Jamestown, KY (1930-2019) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Orman Coy Hawthorne, Green County, KY (1923-2019) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Virgil Bastin, Middleburg, KY (1924-2019) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Ralph Dean Bernard, Columbia, KY native (1949-2020) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Glenda C. Turner Green Co., KY (1948) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Dale Grant, Adair Co., KY native (1950-2010) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Wanda Lou Whitlow, Green Co., KY (1949-2011) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mitchelene Kelly Lanham, Green Co. KY (1942) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Joe Russell Barbee, Adair County, KY (1920) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Barbara Hatcher, 76, Adair Co., KY (1935) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Randall Wayne Higgason, Green County, KY (1946) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Barbara Dabney, Taylor County, KY (1941- 2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Clyde Nelson Hughes, Russell Co., KY (1925-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Emma Jean Brockman, 90, Green Co., KY (1924-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Kathy Carmicle Emerson, Casey County, KY (1961-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mr. Howard T. Warren Jr., Green Co, KY (1945-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, David Parsons, 63, Taylor County, KY (1951-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, John (J.C.) Shofner, Taylor Co., KY (1947-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Kevin D. Glover, 45, Russell Springs, KY (1970-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Stanley Edward Sciegaj , 66, Russell Co., KY (1949-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Samuel Andrew McKinney, Casey Co., KY (1985-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Freddie Burton, 79, Adair County, KY (1936-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mrs. Lucille Scott, Cumberland Co., KY (1922-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, William Isaac Haggard, 80, Casey Co., KY (1935-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Gary C. Russell, Casey County, KY (1932-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Beulah F. Pettyjohn, 89, Casey County, KY (1928-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Raymond Loy, 75, Adair County, KY (1942-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Alice C. Evans, Metcalfe County, KY (April 23, 1855) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Eris Dunbar, 89, Russell Springs, KY (1933-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Franklin Stephens, 82, Adair Co., KY (1936-2019) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, James Lewis (Jim) Clark, 57, Adair County, KY Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Jay Wheeler, 80, Adair Co., KY Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Josh Ford, 30, Louisville, KY (1990-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Lois Pearl Wilson, 83, Columbia, KY (1937-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mary Ellen Lee, 90, Columbia, KY (1931-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Nolan Ryan Gibson, 26, Metcalfe Co., KY (1990-2017) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Sue Cheatham, 69, Green Co., KY Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)

Events scheduled for Friday, November 23, 2007
All events are listed in Central Time. Submit your upcoming event using our Contact Form.
NoonCTSalvation Army Christmas Kettle at Columbia Wal-Mart
The Adair Unit of the Salvation Army Christmas Kettles, red and blue, will be located outside IGA on Wednesday, November 21, 2007, and outside Wal-Mart each Friday and Saturday beginning November 23, and December 22, 2007. Or, you can send your donation to:The Salvation Army, P.O. Box 1085, Columbia, KY 42728. Just be sure to designate whether it's red or blue. -KELLI BONIFER and ELLEN ZORNES. | (ID:602, Comment)
AC Board of Education Office closed Friday after Thanksgiving
The Adair County Board of Education Central Office wil be closed Thursday, November 22, and Friday, November 23, 2007, for the observance of Thanksgiving. | (ID:623, Comment)
Friday after Thanksgiving
Adair County government offices and City of Columbia offices are closed today. | (ID:626, Comment)


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Phone: 270.403.0017

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