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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
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Adair County Fiscal Court August 9, 2005 monthly meeting

  • Jail has record billings, huge rosanear harvest
  • Sheriff Cheatham getting cruisers, losing personnel; wants Merit Board
  • Sheriff says he'll be a candidate for re-election
  • Economic development consultant says city has "suspect" for manufacturing plant
  • Bills approved despite bill which bugs official
  • Road work, financial report unanimously approved; no court orders, no budget transfers
  • Approval given to resolution for surfacing roads
  • First reading given to speed limits for Miller Subdivision roads
  • Other business

By Ed Waggener
Adair County Fiscal Court, in its regular monthly meeting August 9, 2005, got good news from the jail operation, good news on economic development progress, and heard the news that the Sheriff's cruisers will be in this month. The court expanded areas with speed limits. Members of the Court learned of a disagreement with the City of Columbia over a recruiting raid on the sheriff's department. And, already, the busy court heard from Judge Vaughan that a special called meeting is needed to deal with the tax rate, a new transfer station contract, and the animal shelter.

County Judge Jerry Vaughan presided, with all magistrates and most county officials present on a night when the Courthose Square was filled with cars staying late for District Court and coming early to "The Dukes of Hazzard," at the Columbian Theatre.

And the Sheriff became one of the first county officials to officially state that he is a candidate for re-election.

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2005-08-09 23:07:08 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Adair County

Green County bank robbed at gunpoint at around noon Tuesday

  • Robbers make getaway in white pickup truck

  • Last seen on KY Highway Number 323

Anyone with any information please contact the Kentucky State Police at 1-800-222-5555.
At 12:50 p.m., Tuesday, August 9, 2005, the Deposit Bank and Trust at Summersville was robbed at gunpoint.

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2005-08-09 16:29:51 | Comments | Printable version | See topic Police and Fire Reports

Birthdays and Anniversaries for August 9
Happy Anniversary, Dan and Marty Burris | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Anniversary, Harmon and Nancy Parnell (1955) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Anniversary, Todd and Felicia VanArsdale (1997) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Caleb Reed (2013) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Chasity Murphy (1993) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Chris Goodson | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Dawn Reliford (1990) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Jerry Lee Burton | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Landon Pennington (2012) | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Linda Walker | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Marsha Bennett | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Mason Adams | (Updates/Corrections)
Happy Birthday, Wilburn Cheatham | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birhtday, Sandra Gosser Lawhorn (1952) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, D. W. Crawley, Jr., Taylor County, KY (1929-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Paul Short, Burkesville, KY (1939-2019) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, John Wesley (J.W.) Spears, Burkesville, KY (1938-2019) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, David L. Henderson, Sr., Campbellsville, KY (1931-2020) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Ann Russell, Adair Co., KY (1934) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mr. James Bradley Thompson Taylor Co., KY (1947) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mr. Leslie (Bill) Ray, Green Co., KY (1934) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Sandra Ruth Lawhorn, Russell Co., KY (1952) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, James Curtis Williams, Russell Co., KY(1929-2014) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Emma Hughes, 92, Flatwoods community (1922-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Norma Vibbert, 74, Burkesville, KY (1941-2015) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Merle J. Decker, 100 years, Jabez, KY (1915-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Anna C. Johnson, Campbellsville, KY (1934-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mr. Johnny Webb, 58, Kettle, KY (1958-2016) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Darrell King, 78, Liberty, KY (1938-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Beula Nell Pickett Jewell, Campbellsville, KY (1948-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Donald Wheatley Sr., Taylor Co., KY (1936-2017) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Ledie Royce Babbitt, 71, Green County, KY (1946-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Dale Melton, 69, Adair County, KY (1948-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Robert Ray Brown Knifley, Adair County, KY/Russell Co., KY native (1941-2018) | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Ann Wethington McFarland, 86, Campbellsville, KY (1935-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Barbara Ellen Caulk Edwards, 88, Greensburg, KY (1934-2023) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Darla Stephens Gossage, 52, Russell Springs, KY (1970-2023) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Dewayne Whited, 78, Liberty, KY (1944-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Gladys Maedell Meadows Milby, 81, Green County, KY (1938-2019) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Jackie Hayes Kimbler, 86, Columbia, KY native (1934-2020) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, James Dewey King, 78, Casey Co., KY native (1944-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Janice Delaine Corbin, 68, Adair Co., KY (1939-2008) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Loretta J. Cook, 79, Jamestown, KY native (1941-2021) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Maedell Whitlock, 71, Adair Co., KY native Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Mavis Adams, 89, former resident of Adair Co., KY Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Richard (Ricky) Blythe, Sr., 68, Liberty, KY (1953-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, William Benningfield, 82, Taylor Co., KY native (1939-2022) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)
In Memory Birthday, Zelma Lotter, 80, Adair Co., KY native (1943-2023) Obituary | (Updates/Corrections)

Events scheduled for Tuesday, August 9, 2005
All events are listed in Central Time. Submit your upcoming event using our Contact Form.
The events database was created in late 2007, and doesn't contain any data for earlier dates.


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