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RIDES: Bobby Pelston wins election bet over Chirpy Nell

2019-03-03 - Public Square, Columbia, KY, in front of the Barber Shop on the corner of Campbellsville Street and the Square - Photo Columbia Statesman/Adair County News archive by Paul Hayes, 1980, shared by Carolyn Plahuta.
VICTORY RIDE is the information on this photo from back when Lerman's was an active store, in back of these dudes on the public square in Columbia. Paul Hayes wrote, "Wheelbarrows have never really caught on as a normal mode of transportation, but for paying off a bet, they can't be beat. Before last week's presidential election, Adair County school bus drivers Bobby Pelston, riding, and Chirpy Nell, pushing, made a bet on who would be the next president, with the loser having to give the winner a ride around the square in a wheelbarrow. So, when Bobby's Republican candidate Ronald Reagan defeated Chirpy's Democrat Jimmy Carter, Chirpy paid off by wheeling Bobby around town Saturday afternoon."
(The late Paul Hayes, editor, and his mentor, the late Ed Waggener, publisher, wrote extensively about politics in the 1970s and 1980s.)

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