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Birds of Kentucky: Chickadee lands at Tucker's Station

2009-01-28 - Bull Run Road, Columbia, KY - Photo by Barbara Armitage.
BARBARA ARMITAGE writes: "The very minute it stopped snowing this afternoon the yard at Tucker's Station was suddenly filled with birds of all types. The homemade suet bags were in demand . I think that after two days of bad weather they were hungry. I am trying to attract different species by tempting them with lots of birdie treats. This ones new. Can you tell me what it is? So far I have about 10 different birds that I can identify Id like to learn a few more before the Birding 101 class on February 7, 2009. I want to be ready for the Great Backyard Bird Count February 13-16, 2009." Editor's note: Maury Lewis identifies this bird as a Black-Capped Chickadee, which makes sense, since this was photographed less than one-half mile from Chickadee Lane off Bull Run Road. We're still waiting for Nuthatch, I guess. Sorry about the earlier editor's note ''What you have here, it looks like to me, is a nuthatch or, as we call them locally, a Sue Bird after the matron saint of nuthatches, Sue Stivers, who keeps a yard full of them and most diligently reports on them during the Great Backyard Bird Watch. I've never seen one, but they must be most delightful creaturesm as she described them to me last year. They hop down tree trunks, Sue Stivers says, which makes me think they are the Clown Princes of the bird world, occupying the same rank in birddom as Manxes do in the cat world. Thanks for being nice to them. We need all the nuthatches in Adair County we can get. Additional note: If a real ornithologist would answer Barbara Armitage's request for an ID, it would be appreciated.' It was an honest mistake. A little anticipatory, but not what would come under the crime of 'lying on the internet.' -EW

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