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Festival concludes on a note of joy

2005-06-26 - Columbia, KY - Photo Linda Waggener. ONE COULD ONLY FEEL JOY AT THE OLD FASHIONED OUTDOOR CHURCH SERVICE which concluded the 2005 Folklore Festival. These singers had the crowd rocking along, tapping their toes and raising their hands in agreement. The setting and the message allowed for the focus to be simply on whats between the heart and our Creator. Musicians were Rev. Joseph Payne, speaker; Rev. Joe Richardson on lead guitar; Rev. Leon Lasley on the keyboard, and J. T. Payne on the drums. The lead singer was Rev. Marvin Washington. Singers from left to right, front row, are Susie White, Geraldine Miller, Meagan Lasley and Joyce Bradshaw; in back are, from left: Ricardo Hughes, Yolanda Bradshaw, Della Hughes and Sharon Payne. (I asked Rev. Payne after one of her solos if Sharon was Mahalia Jackson, 'the Queen of Gospel Music', and he told me proudly that she was his sister who sings regularly at the Eunice Church of God).

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