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Travel: Forest Gump Hill, Extreme Southern Utah

2024-05-17 - Utah - Photo by Robert Ellis, Robert Ellis Woodworking.
Robert writes, "This location on Highway 163 has become a hotspot for tourism. The State of Utah has installed several pull-offs for visitors wanting to take a selfie here. With Monument Valley in the background, this is the hill where Forest Gump ended his cross-country run in the movie. Even with the reduced speed signs on this stretch of the road, it's still quite dangerous as there's lots of traffic constantly flowing both ways.

It reminded me of being at the ocean and seabirds darting out to the waters edge for a morsel of food, only to rush off quickly because of the next wave to come crashing in. In this place it was the tourists running out on the highway between the few seconds of a break in traffic to take a selfie or short video. As mentioned, it was somewhat dangerous but also exciting in a strange way. Well worth the stop!

I used the opportunity to do some street/landscape photography. At first glance, viewers will assume I befriended these tourists in order to take a pic, but no. So, what's really going on is revealed in the photo...and hard to spot. Care to guess?"

Paired Photo: Travel: Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park

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