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Beulah Chapel presents two Christmas plays 10 Dec 2017

Two delightful Christmas plays in one evening
Click on headline for announcement with cast and crew photo

By Kim Goodin

Beulah Chapel Brethren in Christ Church, 4262 Liberty Road, Columbia KY will present two Christmas plays. Performances of "Just A Little Christmas" and "A Heartfelt Christmas" will be Sunday night, December 10, 2017, at 6:30pmCT.

The Cast & Crew:

Jr. Burton, Phyllis Wright, Elijah Bennett, Caleb Bennett, Brayden Bennett, Casen Carter, Skeet Carter, Aaron Branham, Emily Bennett, Pastor Clifton Bennett, Matthew Wright.

Ernestine Bennett, Marilyn Radford, Bertha Goodin, Wanda Burden, Pam Spires, Georgina Roy, Jean Bryant.

Jennifer Carter, Sheila Taylor, Rosemary Bennett, Margie Collins. Latisha Baker, Dylan Baker, Logan Baker, Clayton Stone, Emma Stone, Aubrey Spinks, and Jackson Bennett. - KIM GOODIN

This story was posted on 2017-12-07 03:03:27
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Beulah Chapel Church Christmas Play - Cast and Crew

2017-12-07 - Beulah Chapel Brethren in Christ Church, 4262 Liberty Road, Columbia, KY - Photo by Kim Goodin.
Beulah Chapel Brethren in Christ Church, 4262 Liberty Road, Columbia KY will present two Christmas plays in one evening. Performances of "Just A Little Christmas" and "A Heartfelt Christmas" will be Sunday night, December 10, 2017, at 6:30pmCT. Pictured above are the cast and crew: Front row, from left - Jr. Burton, Phyllis Wright, Elijah Bennett, Caleb Bennett, Brayden Bennett, Casen Carter, Skeet Carter, Aaron Branham, Emily Bennett, Pastor Clifton Bennett, Matthew Wright. 2nd row - Ernestine Bennett, Marilyn Radford, Bertha Goodin. 3rd Row - Wanda Burden, Pam Spires, Georgina Roy, Jean Bryant. Back row - Jennifer Carter, Sheila Taylor, Rosemary Bennett, Margie Collins. Not pictured Latisha Baker, Dylan Baker, Logan Baker, Clayton Stone, Emma Stone, Aubrey Spinks, and Jackson Bennett. - KIM GOODIN

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