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Columbia City Council, 4 Dec. 2017 - REPORT

In action at the Monday, December 4, 2017 regular session

  • Council approves new City Attorney
  • Ordinances get readings
  • Tiffany Kessler named to Retail Academy Training trio-to-Atlanta
  • Retiring City Attorney Marshall Loy praised by all for service to city
  • Lindsey Wilson's 2017 NAIA National Volleyball Team, Adair Band, Christmas in Columbia organizers recognized.

Click on headline for complete story

By Ed Waggener

Major news from Monday night's Columbia City Council Meeting came during the Mayor's announcements after the regular business on the agenda had been taken care of.

Mayor Hardwick announced that City Attorney Marshall Loy, after having held the job through the administrations of several mayoral administrations over the past 20 years, will be stepping down at the end of 2017 and that he has asked new attorney Dustin Warren, who is establishing an office on the square in Columbia, if he would be interested in the job.

In his introduction he noted that Mr. Warren has family in the city, parents Dennis and Lisa Loy and step-brother Grant Loy.

He is a graduate of Adair County High School, a graduate of the University of Kentucky with a degree in business and has his law degree from Samford University.

On the recommendation of City Attorney Loy, the Mayor asked the Council to vote on the new hire. On a motion by Dr. Ronald Rogers, with a second by Linda Waggener, the Council unanimously approved Dustin Warren to be Columbia City Attorney. He will start the job at the first meeting of the New Year, January 2, 2018.

In other matters the Council:
- Heard the 1st reading of Ordinance No. 2016-02 - An ordinance amending ordinance No. 2016-01 Known as the "Alcohol Beverage Control Ordinance" which is an effort to prevent bars in the City of Columbia, and

- Heard the 1st Reading of Ordinance No. 920.108 - An ordinance amending the Columbia Zoning Regulations and Columbia Official Zoning Map.

Tiffany Kessler asked to be part of Retail Academy advance party to Atlanta
In additional Mayor's announcements, he said he had asked Tiffany Kessler to attend the Retail Training Academy training in Atlanta, GA, representing the City, one of the three entities sharing the goal to train and recruit more retail business to Adair County. He said others going will be Mark Dykes for the EDA and Ellen Zornes for the Chamber of Commerce.

In the time allotted for Council announcements, each Council Member offered thanks and praise for the job City Attorney Marshall Loy has done over the years. Each also wished the citizens a Merry Christmas and happy New Year. Additional Council comments included:
- Council Member Craig Dean reported that he'd had a call about Glen Mary Drive having constant water running across it and residents are worried about ice as temperatures drop and would like that to be checked.

- Council Member Linda Waggener asked for special recognition for the Lindsey Wilson Volleyball Team that has just won its first national title, and she commended the Chamber of Commerce and many volunteers for an awesome Christmas in Columbia celebration.

- Council Member Craig Lasley said that while he hadn't been working with the City Attorney as long as the others, he appreciated everything he'd done along the way.

- Council Member Ronald Rogers echoed praise for the national title won by the LWC Volleyball team and for Christmas in Columbia. He also congratulated the Adair County High School Marching Band on their recent championship win.

- Council Member Pamela Hoots expanded on the Mayor's mention of their meeting with Greg Eastham as the engineer for the Greensburg Street sidewalk plans. She said there will be a meeting next week of the Sidewalk Ped-Safety Committee where Eastham will be present. His first job will be to submit the plan for state approval. After that is received, easments will be sought. Mary Anne Loy, leader of the Sidewalk Committee, was present but made no comments.

- Council Member Mark Harris questioned Mayor Hardwick about when the "mess" at the corner of Campbellsville and Merchant Streets will be completed. The Mayor said he'd called the state and they told him they had been told it was finished. He advised them it is not completed and sent photos to show the status.
The meeting was lightly attended. In addition to Mayor Curtis Hardwick, City Clerk Rhonda Loy acting as session recorder, City Attorney Marshall Loy, all members of the Council - Craig Dean, Linda Waggener, Craig Lasley, Dr. Ronald Rogers, Pam Hoots, and Mark D. Loy, and Police Chief Jason Cross, and members of the media, Mary Ann Loy, chief advocate for sidewalks, was present.

COLUMBlA CITY COUNCIL holds its regular monthly meeting each first Monday at 6pmCT in City Hall, 116 Campbellsville ST, Columbia, KY. The meetings are open to the public. Mayor Curtis Hardwick. Councillors Craig Dean, Linda Waggener, Dr. Ron Rogers, Pam Hoots, Craig Lasley, and Mark Harris. City Clerk Rhonda Loy. City Attorney Marshall Loy. City Police Chief Jason Cross. City Gas Superintendent Ron Cook. City Sanitation Department Superintendent O'Shaughnesy Frazier. City Street Department Superintendent Donnie Rowe

This story was posted on 2017-12-05 21:54:16
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Christmas at City Hall Columbia: Visions of sugarplums . . .

2017-12-05 - City Hall, 116 Campbellsville Street, Columbia, KY - Photo by Ed Waggener,
There's a little boy in all at Christmas time, and the dean of the Columbia City Council, Craig Dean, shows his here as he studies the top the staff-decorated Christmas tree in a playful moment before the last scheduled Council Meeting of the Year, Monday, December 4, 2017. Perhaps he has visions other than sugarplums for this holiday season -- perhaps of more Cardinal victories, perhaps of continued good times in Columbia. Cheer and good will, as usual, was the rule this season. -- EW

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City Attorney Marshall Loy: High praise as tenure nears close

2017-12-05 - City Hall, 116 Campbellsville Street, Columbia, KY - Photo by Ed Waggener,
The highpoint of last night's Columbia City Council Meeting was the realization that City Attorney Marshall Loy, City Attorney through the administrations of several mayoral administrations, will be stepping down at the end of 2017. He was universally praised by Mayor Hardwick and all members of the council. At the meeting, the council, on the recommendation of Mayor Hardwick and a motion by Dr. Ronald Rogers, with a second by Linda Waggener, approved Dustin Warren to be City Attorney. Mr. Warren will assume the office in January 2017, City Clerk Rhonda Loy said. Joining Rogers and Waggener in the vote of affirmation were Council Members Craig Dean, Craig Lasley, Pam Hoots, and Mark D. Harris. -- EW

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Columbia City Attorney spot will have new face next month

2017-12-05 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Ed Waggener,
Outgoing Columbia City Attorney Marshall Loy, fourth from right, offered his thanks to everyone he'd worked with over the 20+ years he has held the job. He said it had been a pleasure working with each administration. Council Member Craig Dean offered to just move over one chair and do the job but was advised by Mayor Hardwick that he'd have to get his law degree. The Council gave unanimous approval to the Mayor's choice of Dustin Warren for the position.

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New look at Campbellsville & Reed/Merchant Streets

2017-12-07 - Between City Hall/FM2/Adair Judicial Center/Grissom Martin Funeral Home - Photo by Linda Waggener,
The new cleaner, less intrusive traffic lights are in place at one of Columbia's busiest intersections. The jury is still out - maybe it permanently hung - on the benefits. Some are adopting a wait and see. But in City Council - see accompanying story - some voiced a rather harsh verdict. Civil discourse comments are welcome, whether you totally dislike the new version, whether you see it as a definite improvement, or whether you are an advanced thinker who knows that traffic lights in cities are totally uncalled for - but better not say that now - just wait a few decades or a century. - EW. Clicking Read More accesses the detailed City Council meeting.

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