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Letter: Pray for revival

Personal commentary by Chris Murphy

In recent attempts to prevent Christians from standing against alcohol, people have resorted to name calling. They refer to anyone who is against the sale of alcohol as hypocrites and other names. Some of these people claim to be Christians themselves. I have a couple things to say to that. First Not everyone who says I am a Christian is a Christian. Second there are those who are Christians who haven't come to a place of understanding in this area who may say things they regret later. Either way the proper response should be a response of love and forgiveness.

The problems comes in for those of you who are sitting back and not saying anything because you are afraid they will call you a hypocrite . I have heard some people say, "Well I won't go to their church" , to that I say, "you aren't going to that person's church anyway. That sounds so ridiculous. You don't like something someone says so you're going to get back at them by not doing something that you're already not doing. My goal in this particular case isn't to get you to come to my church. My goal is to keep you from bringing something in my county that will be bad for my county. If you don't want to go to my church because of it its no big deal because you aren't' going to my church anyway .

Ultimately though your eternity matters very much to me but don't try to pretend that you are going to forfeit your eternity and end up going to hell just because you don't like something someone says or how they say it. That is something that will not stand up before God on judgement day. "Lord your people stood up for something they believed in and I didn't like it and I didn't like how they approached it, so I decided to go to hell because of it". COME ON nobody falls for that.

If you aren't going to church, if you aren't a Christian, if you haven't been saved, its not because someone has hurt your feelings over the alcohol issue, or anything else for that matter. You aren't a Christian simply because you don't want to be. Stop lying to yourselves and everyone else. If you wanted to be saved you would be seeking out salvation and how to get saved.

For those of you who are holding back because you are afraid you might offend someone and they might not go to your church you need to understand being a Christian isn't about getting people to go to your specific church. Among other things, it is about the love that God has shown and his grace and mercy toward people.

Our first response as Christians to God's love, grace, and mercy is to love God with everything within us because he has saved us. Our second response is to love our neighbor as ourselves. These are the two great commandments. Loving our neighbor doesn't mean that we can't ever say anything because we are afraid they will accuse us of judging them. Loving our neighbor does NOT take first place before loving God. In fact you can't properly love your neighbor unless you love God first. Loving your neighbor requires that we tell them the truth. So don't be afraid to speak out about the topic at hand.

You are better off to take a stand for God even if it offends people and, even if you don't say just the right thing, or if your emotions get the better of you and you mess up in taking a stand than to sit back and not to take a stand at all. God knows the intent of your heart and what others think in comparison to that doesn't matter all that much. (I am not saying that you should intentionally try to insult or hurt people though. That would be wrong.)

Here is my stand. Legalized alcohol is bad for this community and we don't need it in here. This vote isn't about people's right to have a glass of wine with dinner. They can do that now. This vote isn't even about people having the right to drink whatever drink they want to drink. They can do that now.

When you clear away all the arguments and the "smoke" around the issue it boils down to this. This attempt to get alcohol in Adair county has came about because these people trying to get it in here are misguided in their ideas of right and wrong. These people, whether they are Christian or not, or whether they are atheists or not, are blinded by Satan. (Don't bother to try to tell me that not everyone is as Christian and that not everyone believes in God. I am perfectly aware of that but it doesn't change what the truth is. ) At best they are selfish.

They want the ease of going to a restaurant and sitting down and drinking without having to go out of town to get it . Some are claiming that it will be cheaper than the bootleggers.

Ultimately these people are making the decision to try to bring alcohol in our own front door because of very selfish reasons. There is no concern for their neighbor. There is no concern for people who will be tempted to drink when they go to town who otherwise wouldn't be. There are promises of the possibilities of newer and better restaurants . (you're willing to place temptation in front of people who have a problem so you can eat better without leaving the county. Your god is your belly in that case.) , others are claiming it will bring industry to our county. As though alcohol is some great savior. In all of these claims I have to ask this question then. Why isn't Static, Tennessee a busy metropolis? They have alcohol there. The answer to that is; because we are being lied to. Alcohol doesn't bring these things we have been promised and it won't bring those things.

My stance against this isn't a stand against the people who are involved in trying to get this here but it is my attempt to stand on the side of God on this issue. Regardless of what politicians and other people who support the wet vote promise us, its not alcohol that will build up Adair county. The Bible says that righteousness exalts a nation. If you want Adair county to do good and to prosper seek after Jesus Christ the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Adair county doesn't need alcohol we need to turn our hearts to Jesus. We need revival. Pray for revival. --Chris Murphy

This story was posted on 2016-03-06 06:30:52
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