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Billy Joe Fudge: This Wet/Dry Issue is about freedom

'I am concerned by the intentions and actions of those who wave Ol' Glory and laud the Constitutional protection of the right to assemble, the right to hold and bear arms, the right to free speech, the right to religious freedom, the freedom of the press, et al; yet at the same time are willing to limit the right of their next door neighbor, their many friends and even their fellow church members to legally purchase a product which is deemed legal by almost all levels of our society and government.' - BILLY JOE FUDGE
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By Billy Joe Fudge
Personal commentary

Friends and neighbors, somehow we can't seem to grasp that this wet/dry issue is about freedom, constitutional rights and the responsibility of the individual as to his or her relationship with God.

Our founders trusted their Creator and His Wisdom in setting us free from "the law" and because of that trust, designed the Constitution with the idea that if God would empower us with the freedom to choose between righteous living and unrighteous living then they (the founders) would empower us with that same "inalienable right".

Government as with religion cannot dictate and mandate righteous living; government and religion can only guide, counsel and protect the rights of the individual as it relates to the Constitution and the Grace of God.

Yes, we as individuals and as a society must stand against evil.

However, evil most often is not standing on the street corner for all to see.

Evil is usually lurking in the shadows where it is hidden by self-righteousness, religious rhetoric, lofty justifications of governmental interventions and of course, good intentions. True evil hides behind the parade of sins which are not evil in and of themselves but are only symptoms of the fallen state of man.

Then, just when it seems all is well, evil leaps from the shadows! It leaps from the shadows after you and I and society have been lulled into lowering our defenses. Only then will true evil pounce!

True evil is not the penny-ante sinner or even their corresponding sins. True evil is hiding in the hearts of man and in the heart of a society. True evil is an entity, an entity who has come "to kill, steal and destroy".

"True evil most often comes in the form of an idea, an idea that men, mankind or society must be protected from their own devices." This idea has held great sway over the self-righteous and those with the form of religion or governments, all of which can be tempted to rob the individual of his or her individual freedom in the name of "protecting them from their own devices".

The importance of protecting the freedom of the individual cannot be overstated. Wisdom, knowledge, justice, discovery, invention, faith, hope and love cannot operate to their optimum in an atmosphere of bondage. In fact, in many cases they cannot operate at all.

I freely admit that freedom for the individual and societal freedom carry inherent risks and dangers but those risks and dangers should and must be endured because wisdom, knowledge, justice, faith, hope and love, live and prosper there.

I am concerned by the intentions and actions of those who wave Ol' Glory and laud the Constitutional protection of the right to assemble, the right to hold and bear arms, the right to free speech, the right to religious freedom, the freedom of the press, et al; yet at the same time are willing to limit the right of their next door neighbor, their many friends and even their fellow church members to legally purchase a product which is deemed legal by almost all levels of our society and government.

This story was posted on 2016-02-28 09:21:00
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