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Epicurean Kentuckian: Salivations from ex pat in sunny south

Includes recipe for baking country ham. Aside that there's nothing better than Fried Country Ham with REAL Red Eye gravy, which, she says can't be too salty. And though this Adair County native is pretty righteously smug about living in warm, sunny Florida, there are hints she still misses us - and hints she still pines for the Circle R. Click on headline for complete column.
Comments re article 80760 Carol Perkins The Country Ham

By Von Price

Formerly of this place

I just couldn't let this Country Ham story pass without making a comment. I remember my parents "Hog Killing Time". And we always had Country Hams in the Smoke house.

I must say that Country Ham is one of my most favorite meats. I swear I could eat it every day.

Seriously! I do not have blood pressure problems so the salt I do not have to worry about.

My way of baking a cooking a ham is: First I wash and scrub all of the mold off and then boil it slowly in Apple Cider.

I always buy one and keep it in the fridge at least for about 4-6 months before I bake it.

Having Baked Country Ham for Christmas is a tradition at our house.

And let me tell you there is nothing like the taste of it.

Also after I boil it I let it set over night and drain and then make a paste out of brown sugar and mustard and sometimes I add a little molasses or honey. Whichever one I have on hand.

Bake slow for about 2 hrs and it is so good. As they say, it "Makes you want to slap your Momma."

There is nothing - and I mean nothing - better than fried country ham and REAL red eye gravy. And that is another story.

It always bothers me when people say, "Oh I don't like country ham it is too salty"! We what else is it suppose to be! I have never eaten a slice of country ham that was too salty.

Everytime I used to go to Columbia to visit I always loved eating at Circle R.

That was when Mr Harper still owned it. You were never disappointed eating there.

Ok I am sorry for going on and on but for those of you who know me . . . I never see a stranger and run out of something to talk about.

BTW: Happy Valentine's Day! I know it is early. Being my age you sometimes forget things, you know!

Von Price
Sunny and warm
Englewood, FL

This story was posted on 2016-02-04 08:07:58
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