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COF copes with not winning the lottery

Things go on pretty much as usual at the COF household up in Knifley

By The COF

Well, Miz Emily says we didn't win the lottery.

(How wuz I s'post ta know ya had ta buy a ticket, besides, if I had a dollar ta spend I'd spent it on a couple pieces of Wonder bread, a slice of rag baloney, a sliver of onion topped with hoop cheese alongside a bottle of RC).

But it's all ok. The missus put a pot of homemade vegetable soup on the stove this morning and she'll slip a pone in the chamber this afternoon.

After the chores are done, I'll draw up a churn of ice cold buttermilk from the creek and we'll sit down and thank the Good Lord for his blessings and for sending us the dogs to keep our feet warm and the cats to keep our laps warm.

COF at Dun Roman
High o'er beautiful Downtown Knifley
Where 3 rooms and a path are all we need.

This story was posted on 2016-01-14 05:23:38
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