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Two Adair groups receive cash gifts from AT&T

Two local groups, the Adair Heritage Association and JOY Ministries, each received gifts of $1,000 from AT&T Monday. Checks were presented in Columbia to Lee Ann Jessee, who worked with Rep. Bam Carney and Sen. Max Wise to make the connection for both groups.

Present at JOY Church for the first gift were Tyler Absher and Krystal Cundiff, members of Joy Church across from the Municipal Building in Columbia; Maggie Coleman, Carol Thomas, Linda Waggener and Lee Ann Jessie with Joy Ministries; and Rep. Bam Carney and Sen Max Wise.

In her comments to the groups receiving the gifts, AT&T regional director of external and legislative affairs, Hollie Spade, thanked Rep. Carney and Sen. Max Wise for helping good local volunteers in their areas of service to connect with the corporation.

Rep. Carney said he was grateful to AT&T for making investments in this area and working with local people. He was pleased he could help with the contacts.

Maggie Coleman said, "Monies will be used to help people in crisis through the effort of JOY House, a ministry of JOY Ministries.

This story was posted on 2016-01-12 22:04:34
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JOY Ministries receives gift from AT&T

2016-01-13 - Joy Church, Campbellsville St., Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener.
JOY Ministries received a gift of $1,000 from AT&T Monday. Present to receive the gift were, from left, Tyler Absher and Krystal Cundiff, members of Joy Church; Maggie Coleman, Carol Thomas, Linda Waggener and Lee Ann Jessie with Joy Ministries; and Rep. Bam Carney and Sen. Max Wise.

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Adair Heritage Association receives gift from AT&T

2016-01-13 - historic Adair County Courthouse, 500 Public Square, Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener, lifetime member of the Adair Heritage Association.
The second of two $1,000 gifts to local groups was presented to the Adair Heritage Association at the courthouse Monday by AT&T. Pictured are the four who were central to making the connections, from left: Sen. Max Wise; Hollie Spade, AT&T regional director of external and legislative affairs; Lee Ann Jessee, Adair Public Library director and board member of the AHA; and Rep. Bam Carney.

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