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Kentucky Color: The competition for sunlight, ground up Billy Joe Fudge finds lesson in nature: 'Every system, be it botanical, zoological, cultural or political becomes stronger and more viable through competition,' he writes. Click on headline for essay with photo By Billy Joe Fudge, Vice President, Homeplace on Green River Retired District Forester, Kentucky Division of Forestry Every plant ecosystem is layered in a battle of survival but nowhere does the layering and that battle show up as it does in a Forest Ecosystem, albeit the one which I've created in my back yard. Spearmint in the foreground in the accompanying photoi, beneath a canopy of Mayapple beneath the towering Loblolly Pine canopy some 30 to 40 feet above is competing for available sunlight to power it's effort to sustain itself and produce a healthy seed crop to assure a healthy and vibrant future for it's kind. Every system, be it botanical, zoological, cultural or political becomes stronger and more viable through competition. This story was posted on 2015-05-02 07:42:24
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