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Kentucky Color: The Physical

By Billy Joe Fudge

Several years ago, I had a physical which was required for a life insurance policy. The nurse came to our home to draw blood, take my vital signs and query me concerning my health history. Everything went pretty good with me answering "no" to nearly everything.

Went pretty good until, she asked me my Doctor's name.

I thought for a few seconds and replied that I didn't have one.

She immediately asked, "why not?"

"Well" and with hesitation I said, "they both died".

She said, "oh, I'm sorry".

I said, "thanks but that was some time back".

She asked, "when are you going to get another one"?

I said, "I don't know".

She asked, "Why not"?

I said, "cause I don't know, when I will, need one".

She, with hesitation asked, "uh, uh, don't you think you need to get one lined up, you know, just in case"?

I asked, "just in case of what"?

She answered, "just in case you get sick".

I answered, "I ain't getting sick. At least I ain't planning on it".

After a great l-o-n-g pause she asked, "how long has it been since you've been to the Doctor"?

After a great l-o-n-g pause to get my figures right I answered, "17 years".

She shot back really fast, "man, you might have something really bad wrong with you and not even know it"!

I shot back really fast, "I don't like your way of thinking and when did they start putting questions like these on medical history inquiries"?

She said, "I have another applicant to go see".

This story was posted on 2015-03-05 10:27:54
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