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Book review: Will's World, by Margery Mathis Henderson

A diagnosis of Atypical Autism was no deterrent. He's become a technology genius and is the most in-demand volunteer in South Central Kentucky, who have introduced to hundreds of Adair Countians by his friend Sue Stivers, who introduced him to us.He's very special to the staff of CM, sending wonderful news tips and comments.
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Will's World: An Exceptional Young Man as Seen Through the Eyes of His Family and Friends: This book is about William "Will" Glenn Hurt, who is now twenty-two years of age, a citizen of Burkesville, KY, whose fame is spread far beyond the borders of Cumberland County, KY.

As a young child, he was diagnosed as having atypical autism.

Later, this diagnosis was confirmed, and a completed IQ test determined his IQ to be 52.

None of this was a deterrent to Will or his family. He was already well on his way to becoming a technology genius but, more importantly, to leaving every person he met with a smile on their face and a new determination in their heart.

Will is a welcome volunteer in justice centers and courthouses around the State of Kentucky, the local school system, chambers of commerce, administrative offices of the courts, judicial conferences, and any place else he is invited.

Will has two concerns: when he has to retire and the very rare day when he may have a vacancy on his volunteer calendar.if there is anyone that would like a copy please contact or they can text me at 270-433-1143. Hard Cover $16. Softcover $11.00 - Thanks to Will Hurt for sharing his wonderful story. - CM

This story was posted on 2015-01-30 03:36:41
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Will's World is book about remarkable Cumberland Countian

2015-01-30 - Burkesville, KY - Photo cover of book by Margery Mathis Henderson.
The cover of the new book, "Will's World: An Exceptional Young Man as Seen Through the Eyes of His Family and Friends." It's about a remarkable 22 year old in Cumberland County who has become an inspiration to thousands of people who have been uplifted by knowing him. Those wishing a copy of the book may contact Will contact at or they can text me at 270-433-1143. Hardcover copies are available for $16; softcover, $11.

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