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Chuck Hinman: IJMA. An Email From My Son

Chuck Hinman: An Email From My Son. Chuck is thankful for his son's remembrances of breakfasts and stock car races they shared when Paul was young.
Next earlier Chuck Hinman column - How and Where I Met God

By Chuck Hinman

An Email From My Son

In his story "Picture It!" Chuck had written; As the days roll by here at Tallgrass Estates, it seems I am fully satisfied spending more and more time in my recliner, not reading or watching TV but just reminiscing the events that come to mind of a long and fulfilled life. I have pictures out my ears but I rarely refer to them. My best reminiscing is done when I have the TV turned off and lean back in my recliner and just let my mind wander through more than eighty well-lived years.

I am constantly reminded of how good God has been to me over the years. My body parts are showing signs of wear but I don't hurt. My mind is debatably sharp so that I could live forever on memories.

I am amazed how God has equipped my mind so that I can picture in detail through my mind's eyes events that happened so long ago. And what a joy that brings as I wait for the Lord to call me home.

Chuck recalls good times with young son

Like for example -- my mind's eye picture of Paul when he lost his first tooth. I remember the incident like it was yesterday, but where, oh where can the picture be?

Paul, our son is so precious to me! I reminisce fondly the many Saturday mornings when just he and I left the house early without the women tagging along to have a men's breakfast at Jack's Lighthouse Cafe. Everyone made over him and I was so proud to be his Dad! I still picture those special mornings in my mind's eye!

Son Paul remembers breakfasts and stock car races

Here is son Paul's response:
Hi Dad!

Yes, I remember our Saturday morning breakfasts when I was little! I remember sitting with you at a counter service, at a diner (Jack's Shack on West Frank Phillips Boulevard here in Bartlesville, Oklahoma) having pancakes. And remember the Saturday morning when that tree fell on our car (on Sunset Boulevard as we were driving out to Lake Hudson) after breakfast?

I remember some people (I think some men) in the diner, talking to me and you but I don't remember about what.

Something else that I fondly remember is our Friday night outings to Lakeside Speedway in Dewey to watch the stock car races. I remember Gary Fickle's #28 blue Chevy, Sonny Truitt's super modified, Podge Catlin's orange '57 Ford, that little white Jeep that used to drive around the track and that pool cue I won in the drawing one night while we were there. Most of all, I remember how you used to 'rev up' old Blackie, our '62 Chevy as we hurried out of the cow-pasture parking area of the speedway; how we used to have a foot-race to the car, too! Those were the days -- wonderful, special times that I will always have in my memories!

Yes, thank the Lord for them all and thank the Lord we have good ones!

Love, Paul
Chuck is thankful for son's remembrances

Note from Paul's Dad:

Unless you are a doting father, there is no way you can feel the feeling of reading what your adult son wrote (An Email from My Son) about his memories of good times with his Dad. I am awe-struck with tears flowing all over the place -- not sad tears but tears of happiness. Connie and I were fearful we would never know the fulfilling joy in life of having children -- we just had to be patient!

When God gave us Paul -- I could hardly wait for the day he and I could do things together. And now, years later when I am old and feast on memories, Paul writes so poignantly of those times. You can't imagine how thrilled I was to be seen in his company -- holding his little hand -- father and son! It doesn't get much better than this -- except to read what your son said about those days in his own mid life!

"Beat you to the car!"

Paul's Dad -- Chuck Hinman

Written by Chuck Hinman. Emailed Saturday, 8 August 2009.

This story was posted on 2013-09-29 04:20:45
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