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Epicurean Kentuckian: D's Pizza - made just rigghhhttt

Sycamore Springs columnist says D's sates her longing for great pizza she enjoyed back in Pennsylvania. Critic's pizza judging credentials unquestionable, she says: when it comes to pizza, I do know what a good pizza is. As I have worked in pizza shops back home more years ago than I care to admit

By Cynthia A Meyer
Posted from Sycamore Springs

Last night I finally had the opportunity to get a D's Pizza. I was really not sure what to expect, however I was not disappointed!

The pizza crust was just right... not too thick, not too thin, was not a prepackaged, prepared cookie cutter design, but made fresh when I ordered it.

Granted there was a short wait, but it was worth it! There was an ample sufficiency of toppings, anymore would have been a superfluous abundance (with all due respect to Doc Roger's double toppings).

The sauce was excellent as well ! It was as good cold for breakfast as it was when it was piping hot. I regret I did not take a picture of my masterpiece, as I started to snarf it down as soon as I got it home.

I wonder how D's pizza would do with a mini Stromboli ? ? ? ?

Needless to say I was very impressed with the service and the finished product, the likes of which I have not enjoyed in South Central Kentucky. Seems I will not have to travel back home to my native Northwestern Pennsylvania roots to get a good pizza now. - Cynthia Meyer

PS... And yes Ed, when it comes to pizza, I do know what a good pizza is. As I have worked in pizza shops back home more years ago than I care to admit--Cynthia A Meyer

This story was posted on 2012-07-01 18:57:30
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