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Kentucky Color - Old King Charles may still swim Crocus Creek

Even legendary Adair County fisherman, Coy Furkins, the greatest bank fisherman of them all, was never able to land Old King Charles, the gargantuan fish which vexed the writer, and his father Ordell Fudge and fishing buddies Donald and Steve Campbell. For all that is known, the monster fish still swims the big holes of Crocus Creek.
The next earlier Kentucky Color: Kentucky Color: Artist loggers

By Billy Joe Fudge

Along with my dad, Ordell Fudge, Steve and his dad, Donald Campbell and the Great Wooded South's greatest bank fisherman to ever live, Coy Furkins, I have spent many priceless days and nights fishing up and down the most majestic Crocus Creek which spans parts of Adair, Russell and Cumberland County. It's many fishing spots some of which are the Swimming hole, the Landslide hole, and the Church house hole yielded many record catches none of which were recognized by any "official" organizations but they were records none the less.

My great-uncle Coy spent a lifetime searching for Old King Charles which was the biggest fish ever in the Great Wooded South. Old King Charles, according to Coy, fit into the category somewhere in between Big Foot and the Abominable Snowman which are all bigger than life creatures living is vast unexplored regions of the world such as the North West of the United States, the Himalayas, and of course the Great Wooded South.

Coy never did land Old King Charles to the best of the understanding of those who knew him best, for no matter the gargantuanist of each potential Old King Charles it seemed, according to Coy, that they were all just offspring of his nemesis.

Coy and Old King Charles knew each other well for I've heard Coy's side of the conversation many times. Each time a hook would be straightened, a 20 lb test monofilament line would be broken or one of three Zebcos propped upon 5 gallon worm buckets would suddenly flip over a bucket and into the water before Coy could lay hands upon it, Coy could be heard dressing down Old King Charles with a firm warning that his day was coming.

Now that Uncle Coy has gone to that Great Wooded South in the sky, there are many who are carrying on his quest to catch Old King Charles. Coy passed on his secret to us concerning the bait needed to tempt Charles beyond his ability to resist. You see earthworms dug out in nature are anemic and undernourished and Coy discovered the secret to growing the gigantic earthworms required for attracting the largest of fish; dish-water. For those of you who have been wasting the worm food of the gods by running your dish-water into the septic tank or down into the sewer system, you need to wise up and find you some 5 gallon buckets because any containers of smaller stature are extremely insufficient for storing and transporting, Old King Charles, dish-water infused, fish bait.

Since it is still winter you still have time to prepare for your own, Old King Charles quest. A list of necessary items needed includes: 3 heavy duty Zebco Rod and Reels, at least two 5 gallon buckets filled with a little dish water laced dirt and earthworms, all covered with a few hardwood leaves to prevent evaporation, a minimum of 20 pound test monofilament line, some real or manufactured leisure time, and a dogged determination to bring home Old King Charles or at least one of his kids.

This story was posted on 2012-01-08 20:50:50
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