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JIM: New Year 100 years ago,: On little cat feet

W.R. Myers was Mayor, and a new town Marshal was was named to crack down on cattle law violators. Adair County had four James Garnetts. And stream crossings became much more convenient with the erection a new bridge over the Green at Neatsville


1912 came upon Columbia and Adair County on little cat feet. The usual flurry of holiday weddings occurred in the closing days of 1911, with no fewer than six marriages reported on the front page. One of these was surprise elopement of young Miss Ivy Sublett of Cane Valley and Mr. John Faulkner of Taylor County. By the time the first edition of the News was published in the new year, the couple had returned home and received the forgiveness of "the old folks" and the congratulations of their legion of friends.

It was a marrying time in Russell County, too

Over in Russell County, Miss Mallie Murray of Sewellton and Mr. Ernest Lewis of Albany were made as one on Christmas Eve. (Older residents of Russell County, particularly in the Russell Springs area, will remember their daughter, "Miss" Louise Dowell, who taught at Russell Springs Elementary for many years after teaching in several of the county schools.)

In Columbia, the Town Board, comprised of Mayor W.R. Myers and Councilmen John Lee Walker, Charles Sandusky, Marvin Young and Bruce Montgomery, had, in the first meeting of the new year, voted to appoint L.C. Winfrey as City Attorney, J.G. Eubank as City Clerk, and Geo. R. Coffey as Town Marshall.

Citizens warned Marshal Coffey would enforce stock law

A major role of Marshal Coffey was delineated in a stern notice to the city readers of the News: "All persons will take notice that from and after this date the stock law will be strictly enforced, as we now have a Marshall to look after all violation of ordinances."

A new steel bridge spanned Green River at Neatsville

Just days in advance of the new year, a steel bridge spanning the Green River near old Neatsville was completed by the contractor and received by the Adair County Fiscal Court. The News reported it to be "a very superior structure" and that it was the fifth such bridge completed in the county in recent years. The article went on to state that two more steel bridges across Russell's creek were needed in the county, one at or near the old Cravens ford and the other near the home of Mr. R.R. Conover.

Mr. S.C. Neat continued to represent Otter & Co.

Mr. S.C. Neat, who had been a traveling salesman for the Louisville wholesaler Otter & Co. for nine years, thanked his customers for their past patronage and gave his assurance he would continue with the same old reliable firm and continue giving the same reliable service.

Judge Jones, J.R. Garnett formed law partnership

Judge W.W. Jones and Mr. James R. (J.R.) Garnett announced they had formed a partnership for the practice law, and that their offices would be located over Mr. Frank Sinclair's store on Public Square.

Dry goods store planned for Butler Building

The new firm of (T.C.) Taylor, (Marvin) Young, and (B.N.) Evans planned to immediately open a dry goods store in the Butler building, in the east corner of the Square.

So many James Garnetts

(As editorial aside: there were entirely too many James Garnetts in or from Adair County. The best remembered most likely is Judge James Garnett, who passed in 1905. His son, James (Jr.), also an attorney, had in early 1912 just removed to Frankfort to begin a four year term as Attorney General of Kentucky. Not long after the expiration of his term at the end of 1915, this James moved to Louisville, where he resided for the rest of his days and where his remains were interred. James R., mentioned in the entry above, passed in 1928, aged 45 years, and his remains were interred in the Columbia City Cemetery. The fourth James Garnett removed to Taylor County.)

The young partied heartily

The edition of January 3, 1912 duly noted that the younger set had partied heartily, there having been a gathering each evening (except Monday) for a week. Mused the writer, "There is nothing like being young. Every thing you see and hear is amusing--happy go lucky with the entire crowd, the troubles of the older set not bothering the younger crowd in the least."

Fewer drunks at Pickett's Chapel

The paper also reported there "were fewer drunks during the holidays than any Christmas for a number of years." No reason or hypothesis was tendered for this, but the observation was offered that it was the moderate drinker "is the one who ultimately makes a drunkard, hence it's best not to use [alcohol] at all unless prescribed by a physician." (The Pickett correspondent wrote that "We have had a very quiet Xmas, I haven't seen a drunk man. The boose must have been scarce this time.") - Compiled by JIM

This story was posted on 2012-01-01 15:46:01
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Scenic Adair Co., KY: Fog coming in on little cat feet

2012-01-03 - Adair County, KY - Photo by Colleen Bardin.
Finally, an Adair County picture to illustrate JIM'S story Colleen Bardin took this back in March, from her porch, and entitles it: "On little cat feet." The photo is a poetic illustration of Carl Sandburg's poem title. Clicking ReadMore accesses "JIM: New Year 100 years ago: On little cat feet."

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