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EDA continues progressing towards added jobs

By Linda Waggener

If you love infrastructure - those pipes and cables and roads and wires that go in or under the ground to make things work - then you probably want to get involved in the monthly Columbia Adair County Economic Development Authority meetings.

Things are moving slowly but surely toward jobs in the future in the Green River Commerce Park. Project Engineering Manager Bobby Morrison gets very excited about the huge new sewer installation happening now in the GRCP. He shares with everyone to just go out and see it for themselves.

All these things matter when future job holders in the park need to turn the lights on, fire up the computers and machines and flush the toilets. These are the basics that if made ready, along with the new build-ready pad and entry road, influence corporations to locate here where everything is ready to locate.

At the August meeting Chairman Larry Walker presided. Board members present included secretary and vice chair Doyle Lloyd, treasurer Michele Powell, board members Richard Phelps, Tim Hardwick, Bobby Morrison and Robert Flowers. Rob Wilkerson was unable to attend. Consultant Heather Spoon was present as was Adair county Judge Executive Larry Russell Bryant.

All the work being done, grants being applied for and received, and outreach communications, equals a very proactive agency working for Columbia and Adair county. Board meetings are public, held in the Welcome and Development center, 201 Burkesville Street, Columbia, on the third Tuesday of each month at 8amCT.

Chairman Walker says for those who want to learn about the EDA and what happens in the group it's all on the state website at the Department of Local Government, .

This story was posted on 2024-08-21 22:58:08
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At the EDA August meeting

2024-08-21 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener,
Around the table in the Welcome and Development Center, members of the Columbia Adair County Economic Development Authority continued working on details for grants in completion stages and grants to be applied for at the August meeting. Pictured from left are: EDA vice chair and secretary Doyle Lloyd, treasurer Michelle Powell, Project Engineering Manager Bobby Morrison, board member Richard Phelps, Chairman Larry Walker, board member Robert Flowers, Adair Progress editor Dennis Crump, Adair County Judge Executive Larry Russell Bryant and EDA consultant Heather Bryant Spoon.

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Just go out to the GRCP and see that work

2024-08-21 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener,
EDA Special projects Director Bobby Morrison points to photos of the massive sewer project being completed at the Green River Commerce Park. He gets very excited about infrastructure, especially the huge new installation, and he encourages everyone to just go on out there and see it for themselves.

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