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EDA provides updates on potential jobs in GRCP

From Heather Spoon and Bobby Morrison

Progress is happening at Green River Commerce Park! Cumberland Pipeline has not allowed the weather to slow them down one bit. The EDA Board couldn't be more pleased with the work that has been completed so far.

We must prepare this Park for occupancy. When a company comes along and wants to locate in the Park, we cannot say, "Give us 12-18 months to find the money and get the utilities to the location." Those opportunities will pass us by quicker than we can blink. They will move on to a community that has prepared for their arrival.

Status update:

Pennyroyal upgraded their bottling company ($6.8 Million) to a full throttle distillery ($35 Million). It takes a little longer to get that kind of money secured. Things are progressing.

Phillips Tank & Structure is operating in the building they purchased on HWY61 and has hired a few employees. They are operating out of that building and making improvements to it now.

A south side entrance permit to connect the road to HWY 55N has been approved. This project will take place after the water line project is completed.

Hope this helps those of you who are following the exciting momentum of progress toward jobs for Adair Countians!

This story was posted on 2024-08-07 23:25:16
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Pennyroyal Barrel Company meeting held Friday

2024-08-07 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Jackie Montgomery.
Pennyroyal Distillery leaders met at the Columbia Adair County Welcome and Development Center Friday. Architects renderings shared at the meeting are works in progress for their location coming to the Green River Commerce Park. Ross Hutchison, at left, is pictured with architect Kyle, Doug Beard, Paige Nickel, Jim Rutledge, Carrie Ann, architect Derek, and Dan Griff. Once adjourned, they all went and ate Betty’s OK Country Cooking at Jim's request.

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Sewer project at Green River Commerce Park

2024-08-07 - Adair County, KY - Photo by Bobby Morrison, EDA Special Projects.
Getting this sewer collection set is the most difficult job of the whole expansion project, according to Bobby Morrison, projects leader on the Green River Commerce Park. He cites Cumberland Pipeline's excellent work, especially overcoming problems caused by all the rain and mud. He said that most contractors would have stopped work instead of fighting the recent weather challenges.

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Cumberland Pipeline at Green River Commerce Park

2024-08-08 - Adair County, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener,
Cumberland Pipeline battled heavy rains and storms bringing in the sewer project at the Green River Commerce Park. EDA Special Projects Manager Bobby Morrison said this local company did an excellent job, especially with the weather they had to contend with which would have stopped many others. The crew, from left: equipment operators DJ Smith, Kyle Roach, and Ray Maslin, Superintendent Brad Davidson, Operations Manager Jeremy Sneed, CP owner Bo Ellison, and operator John Partin.

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