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Money available for stormwater runoff

Letters of intent on this grant that addresses stormwater runoff are due by May 1, 2024.

Frankfort, KY - Team Kentucky, through the Green Infrastructure Assistance Program (GIAP), is seeking grant applications for projects that help rural and/or disadvantaged communities address stormwater issues by applying green infrastructure and nature-based solutions.

Runoff from stormwater can carry trash, bacteria, heavy metals, and other pollutants into local waterways. Green infrastructure, including plant and soil systems, permeable pavement, landscaping, or wetlands, works to filter and absorb stormwater.

"Green infrastructure can help reduce flows to sewer systems or to surface waters, which helps keep our waterways clean and reduce potential for flooding," said Dale Booth, coordinator for the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, Division of Water's source water protection program. "We look forward to working with our communities on these unique projects that not only address pollution, but support resiliency, and provide environmental, social and economic benefits."

Funds are provided through the U.S. EPA's Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grant (OSG) and is available for green infrastructure planning, design, and construction.

While all communities are encouraged to apply, those that qualify as rural or disadvantaged will receive priority in project ranking. Rural communities are those with a population of less than 10,000 people. A disadvantaged community is defined using Kentucky's annual Intended Use Plans, the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) , or the Environmental Justice Screening Tool (EJ Screen). Communities that do not meet definitions for rural or disadvantaged are required to provide 20 percent matching funds.

To determine if your project is eligible and to obtain the letter of intent form and other supporting documents, please copy and paste this link to the grant funding program page

For examples of green infrastructure practices visit

This story was posted on 2024-04-09 11:48:22
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