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Free soil testing available now in Adair County

By Nick Roy, Agent for Agriculture & Natural Resources
Adair County Cooperative Extension Service

The Adair County Soil Conservation District will be sponsoring free soil testing for Adair County landowners through April 15th. Landowners are eligible to submit up to six (6) samples for free testing through the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service.

When taking soil samples, remember that the results of a soil test are only as good as the sample itself.

Samples should be taken at a depth of 3-4 inches for no-till production and 6-8 inches when the ground is to be tilled. Samples should be representative of the field. Take at least 10 core samples from smaller fields. Larger fields may require as many as 30 core samples.

Try to limit soil samples to 20 acres or less if possible. Avoid pulling core samples from drains, near roadways, around feeding areas, and where manure has been applied within the last month.

The core samples should be placed into a plastic bucket or paper bag, mixed well, and dried. For more information contact the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service at (270) 384-2317.

This story was posted on 2023-03-08 19:34:22
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