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Spring schedule for the Adair Co. Genealogical Society

The Adair County Genealogical Society meets on the first Monday of most months, at 5pmCT, at the Genealogy & History Center. Though our meeting schedule is planned well in advance, there are times when changes are made to the set list of offerings. Here are the meetings for the next two months, into the month of May.

The March 6 meeting will be a program by Mike Watson on Adair County's contribution to the Mexican War, with some information on those we know to have participated.

Upcoming ACGS meetings:
  • March 6, 2023: Adair County and the Mexican War, Mike Watson, 5pmCT
  • April 1, 2023, Saturday Session: Migration Routes into Kentucky and Adair County, Noon-2pm CT
  • April 3, 2023: Monday regular meeting: Darlene Franklin Campbell, DNA in Research, 5pmCT
  • May 1, 2023: Monday: Local Cookbooks, Unusual Recipes, and More..., 5pmCT
Note that we have sandwiched in a Saturday Session on April Fool's Day--but no fooling, it will be held on that day. More details on each of these as the time draws nearer.

All meetings will be held at the Adair County Genealogy & History Research Center, 307 Greensburg Street, Columbia, KY 42728; 270-280-1024 or

This story was posted on 2023-02-24 10:31:22
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William Francis Cabbell

2023-02-24 - Columbia, KY - Photo courtesy Mike Watson.
This is a sketch of William Francis Cabbell, private, Company B, 4 KY Foot Volunteers, of Adair County; born 29 July 1829 Pulaski County, died 12 March 1903 Adair County, buried in the Cabbell Cemetery, near Zion, Adair County, son of Samuel and Rebecca Cabbell; married Ann Elizabeth Montgomery in 1851 Fentress County, TN. He contracted mumps and malarial fever or typhoid while in service and lost all his hair; a pensioner.

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