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Carol Perkins: Being Famous

Previous Column: Opposites Attract

By Carol Perkins

I want to write a letter to Prince Harry and tell him that if he REALLY wants privacy I know a place where he can live where no one will bother him. Probably no one would even know who he was except for the red hair and beard that he wasn't "from these parts." When they heard him speak, they might suspect he wasn't from the United States, but they would only be interested in "What brings you here, young man?"

At least that interests me when I meet people new to our county. I guess they probably think that I mean, "What in the world brought you to this faraway place?" I can't help but wonder.

A person can buy property in this area at a steal compared to prices in other states, so I'm told. The Prince could find one of these long-lost farms in the hills where the sun has trouble showing her face. Put an electric fence topped with barbed wire across the top and buy two of the meanest dogs he can find to run around the fence and bark, even if no one is in sight. (I can give him a couple of barking dogs.) He could live so far back that he'd have no phone service (ouch) or cable service (never work) and only come to town for groceries. I have a solution to his "lack of privacy."

In all fairness, none of us can imagine what it would be like to be chased, spied upon (China is good at this), or harassed. Guy asked me a few days ago if I could be famous would I be? "Sure," I said. Then he wanted to know for what I would be famous. "For writing a book that will live long after me like "To Kill A Mockingbird." I doubt people chased Harper Lee, but they do likely visit her town and wanted to see where she lived. I could handle that.

Are famous people happy? They sure worked hard to get there. Sometimes you get what you ask for and then whine about it. Frankly, most of us have a hard time shelling out sympathy. If I ever become famous, I will let you know how it feels!

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This story was posted on 2023-02-04 11:07:40
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