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Carol Perkins: How my garden grows

Previous Column Freedom is a highway

By Carol Perkins

When you look at your trees, bushes, and flowers, is there a special meaning or story to go along with any of them?

A few days ago, I planted a root from a rose bush from my mother's that came from my grandmother Sullivan, so this rose bush goes back long before me. I also brought home a root from an old-fashioned lilac bush that came from my great-uncle's house. It, too, outdated my birth. I dug up some daylilies that my cousin had set out in my mother's flower bed at least ten years ago. She had brought them from her mother's garden. As they grow, I will think about their origin.

In the process of cleaning up the "fence row" as I described several weeks ago, to have a flower garden, we uncovered one of Jon's "diggers" from when he was a boy. We found a mailbox, bricks, concrete blocks, a sign, and a metal basketball goal that once sat in our driveway until someone backed over the post and down it went.

Over the years, Guy has placed leaves, dried pine needles, fallen tree limbs, and sticks on this bank.

In the summer, budding trees covered the mess, but it wasn't summer when I declared it had to go. After weeks of raking, sorting, and moving this mess to another area, we now have a cleared hillside filled with these sunflowers, bushes, and flowers. Guy said, "The wood dirt from the rotten trees that have been buried for years will grow a corpse."

I have divided this new area into sections: the sunflower/tall grass area, the rose garden, the flowering bush section, a place for lilies and gladioluses, and a couple of areas with random bulbs that will surprise me. Guy tilled a barren area of the yard for a wildflower garden. To keep the squirrels away, I doused the area with hot pepper. If I hear a coughing squirrel, I'll know he found the pepper.

I've never been good with flowers. Mainly because I wait for Mother Nature to take care of them. Now that I have a watering can, I have promised them that I won't let them die. I have turned into P. Allen Smith. I'll let you know how my garden grows.

Carol's most recent book, based on a true story, The Case of the Missing Ring, is available through Amazon, both paperback and ebook. You can contact her at

This story was posted on 2021-04-14 10:34:01
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