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Huisman to speak at CU April 7 chapel service

By Ariel C. Emberton

Campbellsville, KY - Josh Huisman, senior pastor of New Hope Community Church, will be speaking at Campbellsville University's April 7, 2021, chapel service at 10amET.

According to the church's website, Huisman has a passion for creativity and is always looking for new and interesting ways to share the timeless truths of the gospel. It is not uncommon for him to use music, drama and storytelling throughout his messages.

Huisman and his wife, Sarah, began their time at New Hope in the youth ministry. For eight years they served the teenagers before Huisman transitioned into the senior pastor position.

He received his Master of Theological Studies from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary.

Huisman and his wife have four children: Tyler, Jordan, Mary Beth and Alyssa.

All chapels are televised on WLCU (Comcast Cable channel 10 and digital channel 15), streamed on Campbellsville University's Facebook page and and can be found at

This story was posted on 2021-04-06 06:33:28
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