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Kentucky Derby Museum visit to ACPC

By Laura Marcum

Last week the Kentucky Derby Museum visited ACPC. Heather Hill, the KDM Outreach Coordinator, was the presenter. Each grade level had a different presentation. Kindergarten had a program entitled "Horse Tales". These students both listened and participated in horse themed stories. They also explored different elements that make up a story.

First grade had a program entitled "Racing Colors". These students learned that jockeys silks are filled with many shapes and colors. They also learned about Jockey safety equipment before designing their own jockey silks.

Second grade had a program entitled "Mathin' Around the Track". These students learned what it takes to win the Kentucky Derby. It takes a fast horse and a whole lot of math. Students were making a "real world connection" as they helped solve math problems while preparing their horse for the Kentucky Derby. This activity included using number properties and operations, measurement, geometry, probability, and algebra.

This story was posted on 2020-03-16 15:48:27
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Kentucky Derby Museum visit to ACPC

2020-03-16 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Laura Marcum.
Heather Hill from the Kentucky Derby Museum talks about the silks that jockey wear for the Kentucky Derby.

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David Boyd tries out a jockey's helmet

2020-03-16 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Laura Marcum.
David Boyd tries out a jockey's helmet and goggles during the 2nd grade Kentucky Derby Program last week. Heather Hill, the presenter, pulls up slides on a screen in back.

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