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Office Work: Looking for someone to work 5 to 6 hours a day, some days more hours. Office work. Email me at -Debbie Bennett
(Expires: 2025-03-26 | Updates or Corrections? Mention Ad ID 17940)

Ask us about our "Buy here, Pay Here" auto sales plan.
Discount Rent-A-Car has late model, reliable cars and vans for rent. Conveniently located at 4100 Knifley Road, Columbia, KY 42728. Billy Rice, owner. Monday-Friday, 8am-5pmCT. Saturday, 8am-12 Noon. Call 270-384-6117. Cell 270-634-0327. Home: 270-384-5233. God Bless America
(Expires: 2030-05-21 | Updates or Corrections? Mention Ad ID 12994)

RATES and TERMS, CM Classifieds/Advertising Effective Oct 15, 2019:
Rates subject to change at any time
PAID Classifieds
Animals for sale, Business Listings, Employment, What's Cooking, Official Public Notices, Rentals, Real Estate and Auctions, Reunions, Services.

Free Classifieds
Yard Sales, Animals, For Sale, Freecycling, Lost and Found, Miscellaneous, Venues for Meetings, Wanted. Free ads are for INDIVIDUALS living in Adair, Casey, Cumberland, Green, Metcalfe, Russell and Taylor Counties.

Charges: Paid Categories: Text only $10 for up to four lines per month. $2 per per month each additional line

TO SUBMIT YOUR CLASSIFIED with choice of Classification using any Contact/Submit button. It's that simple.

(Expires: 2099-01-01 | Updates or Corrections? Mention Ad ID 8403)

Thinking about a Reunion? Here are some handy lists:

Adair County High School Graduating Classes: 2017, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 1958 1962, 1963, 1965, 1967, 1971, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987.

Other Lists: ADAIR Band 2013, ADAIR Band 2014, Columbia High School, graduates 1913, Columbia High School, graduates 1940, Knifley High School, graduates 1950, Metcalfe County High, 1966, Jamestown High School, 1946
(Expires: 2118-08-15 | Updates or Corrections? Mention Ad ID 14036)

For Sale
For Sale: Upholstered chair $20, Bar stool $5, Coffee maker $5, and women's jeans $4 each Phone 270-378-6684. -Brenda
(Expires: 2025-03-26 | Updates or Corrections? Mention Ad ID 17941)

Yard Sales
Garage Sale Friday & Saturday, March 28th & 29th, 8:00 until ?, 610 Campbellsville Road, New & used hand tools, Worx trimmer, battery powered tools, heaters, chairs, bedding, lots of toys, knives, chest of drawers, wooden tables, bookcase, decorative signs, flat panel monitors, DVD player, dog tie outs, pump sprayers, Keurig, lamps, shoes, brass items, kitchen utensils, garden tools, old salt & pepper shakers, odd bolts & nuts, grab boxes, small kitchen appliances, assortment of rings & jewelry, Nespresso machine, bakeware, home decor, pots & pans, crystal, XL men's clothing, dishes, glassware, suitcases, baskets, household items, music cds, DVD movies, books & a whole lot more. -James Roberts
(Expires: 2025-03-30 | Updates or Corrections? Mention Ad ID 17942)

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Contact us: Columbia Magazine and are published by Linda Waggener and Pen Waggener, PO Box 906, Columbia, KY 42728.
Phone: 270.403.0017

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