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Kentucky Color - GWSU Research Project: Fogs-in-August

A Bold Proposal for addition to Columbia Calendar of Fairs & Festivals: A gathering of Fog Watchers on the First Day of August, to get the only really scientific predictors of the number of Snow Days in the coming winter (as practiced by Larry Smith, the Fog-is-a-Factor weather man at the Big Dawg). Herein, Billy Joe Fudge, adds to Great Wood South University research and debunks Dark Age beliefs about Garden Spiders.
Click on headline for complete GWSU white paper w/pictorial accompaniament

By Billy Joe Fudge

Yes, number one of the annual August fogs showed up right on queue on the third day of August in the year of our Lord, two thousand and eighteen.

Much ado was made about it, as it should have been, and I for one would like to propose that the local Powers That Be, look in to establishing an annual festival in Adair County for August 1st.

The festival should consist of a gathering in Downtown Columbia beginning at 3:00 AM and ending at 7:00 AM. The purpose of the festival would be marking the first fog of August or in the event of no fog that morning; a get up early in August to count fogs, practice event.

Great Wooded South University Research Project underway

At any rate, I just wanted to alert the general public to a Great Wooded South University research project that has been fully funded and is currently underway. This important research project is purposed to debunk a couple of Dark Age beliefs carried over in some segments of our population. The two beliefs are; A - Grass Spiders are August Fog Spiders and B. these said to be August Fog Spiders are carried to us by the first fog of August.

We at Great Wooded South University in the spirit of all government funded research projects, are hoping to have a paper produced by the end of 2027. This will be achievable in the event that there can be no more federal funding garnered for the purpose of refining the research to its lowest common denominator.

Great Wooded South University researchers, to legitimize their being chosen for this current research project, point to a couple of successful research projects on which they worked several decades ago.

Successful GWSU research established in the literature

Yes, research often flies in the face of the status quo but when it comes to investigative research we at Great Wooded South University have assumed the business card motto of an early American folk hero, Paladin; Have Gun Will Travel! - Billy Joe Fudge The author, Billy Joe Fudge, is a frequent contributor to He is president, Homeplace on Green River, found many days in Downtown Columbia, KY, at Libby's Gift Boutique & Southern Accents, 107 Burkesville Street, Suite B, Downtown Columbia, KY, beside Walker Realty.

This story was posted on 2018-08-05 05:26:49
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KY Color: Fogs-in-August & Debunking notion of Fog Spiders

2018-08-05 - Green Hills, Columbia, Adair County, KY - Photo by Billy Joe Fudge, Newly ensconced Down Townie.
"I just wanted to alert the general public to a Great Wooded South University research project that has been fully funded and is currently underway. This important research project is purposed to debunk a couple of Dark Age beliefs carried over in some segments of our population. The two beliefs are; A - Grass Spiders are August Fog Spiders and B. these said to be August Fog Spiders are carried to us by the first fog of August." Billy Joe Fudge explains some scientific connections in the accompanying research paper. Click Read More to access complete white paper dealing with highly topical issues, nowadays.

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