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Billy Joe Fudge: Pinewood, 3Trees, Black Stallion & Cold Slaw

PINEWOOD SHOPPING CENTER - Our community is growing. BJF looks forward to opening of 3trees. Has checked Black Stallion in Monticello and was impressed they passed the critical "Cold Slaw Test" (he wants you to let that sink in) and passes honors on the subject to several others. (Epicurean Kentuckian blessing for the secret ingredient in Captain D's, and asks opinions of others for "Good Cold Slaw DIVERSITY Awards"
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About: Comments re photo 77455 Pinewood Shopping Center progress Signs up for 3trees locations

By Billy Joe Fudge Love the picture and am so pleased that our community is growing.

Looking forward to the opening of 3trees - Columbia and a big thank you to all the businesses, groups and individuals investing in our future.

Recently Libby and I were passing through Monticello and stopped in at the "Black Stallion". Wow, impressive indeed. Good variety, good food, good service and for me they passed my personal "cold slaw test".

I happen to believe that if you can't make good "cold slaw", you can't cook. Might not be a good litmus test for you but it has served me well over the years.

Just a few of my "good cold slaw DIVERSITY awards" are: "Chopped finest award" - Famous Recipe, "Go back for more award" - Ok Country Cooking, "Include the cabbage stalk award" - Captain D's, "Stringiest award" - Cracker Barrel and the "Largest serving award" goes to J Alexander's.

I would love to hear from you Great Wooded South citizens concerning your personal palate preferences for "good cold slaw" and, if your eating establishment did not make the "good cold slaw DIVERSITY awards" list, don't be discouraged; I'm sure I like yours too, and you'll probably pop up on the 2019 or a later award listing.

- Billy Joe Fudge the writer is President of Homeplace on Green River, and an authority on Eats, from proper Souse to Gourmet Grouse, in-between and beyond.

This story was posted on 2018-03-01 09:52:35
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