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Kentucky Color: - 'One of my Favorites!' - Hypericum

'According to most sources there are over 400 species in the Hypericum genus which includes St John's wort. It is a perennial which mostly dies back to the roots each winter. So, not at all sure which of the 400 we have in our yard but Libby and I sure do like it.' - BJF
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By Billy Joe Fudge

To quote the late Marian McPartland, famed NPR Piano Jazz host, this is "one of my favorites". If you remember her at all, she always played at least one duo with each week's guest and each time she would proclaim that the chosen number was "one of her favorites".

I find myself in the same position in that each beautiful thing is "one of my favorites" and this perennial Hypericum, currently blooming in our yard certainly falls into that category.

According to most sources there are over 400 species in the Hypericum genus which includes St John's wort. It is a perennial which mostly dies back to the roots each winter. So, not at all sure which of the 400 we have in our yard but Libby and I sure do like it.

The blooms are showy up close but not impressive from distance although the foliage is quite a rainbow of hues of green and purple.

This story was posted on 2017-06-16 05:36:23
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Kentucky Color: - 'One of my Favorites!' - Hypericum

2017-06-16 - Green Hills, Columbia, Adair County, KY - Photo by Billy Joe Fudge, retired district forester, Kentucky Division of Forestry, President of Homeplace on Green River.
To quote the late Marian McPartland, famed NPR Piano Jazz host, this is "one of my favorites". If you remember her at all, she always played at least one duo with each week's guest and each time she would proclaim that the chosen number was "one of her favorites". I find myself in the same position in that each beautiful thing is "one of my favorites" and this perennial Hypericum, currently blooming in our yard certainly falls into that category.

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