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Kentucky Color: An Answer to an age old question

When their natural nesting place, in Cameron's basketball goal, was taken down, naturalist feared he'd never see the Wren family again.
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By Billy Joe Fudge

For years, cute little Wrens have been laying their eggs and raising their family inside the housing of the break away mechanism of my son, Cameron's basketball goal.

Each year, for weeks after the babies hatched I would watch them fly in with food for the chicks and fly out with chick manure to keep things tidy and healthy for their family.

After taking down the goal a couple of years ago I just sort of figured I would not be seeing them again but out of the blue, I began to see them flying out of one of our hanging ferns.

After a little investigation, I found this tiny nest with four eggs (linked photo) about the size of the end of my pinky finger.

The nest seems to have a little horse hair or part of an old tired, discarded toupee adding to the comfort factor of the accommodations.

Additionally, I'm hoping that these little eggs will finally answer the age old question, "do blue and brown match"?

This story was posted on 2016-08-07 04:32:18
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KY Color: Answer to age old question

2016-08-07 - Green Hills, Columbia, Adair County, Ky - Photo by Billy Joe Fudge.
For years, two cute little Wrens had used the break-away mechanism on a basketball goal for their nest. When the goal was taken down, Billy Joe Fudge feared he'd seen the last of the diminutive entertainers. But this year, he writes, "I found this tiny nest with four eggs about the size of the end of my pinky finger. The nest seems to have a little horse hair or part of an old tired, discarded toupee adding to the comfort factor of the accommodations." He adds, " I'm hoping that these little eggs will finally answer the age old question, "do blue and brown match"?

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