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Memorial Day--Decoration Day (Part 2 of 2)

An informative excerpt from the upcoming book The Veterans of Adair County, a historical reference work scheduled to be published within the next year. Click headline for full article, with huge list of Adair County Civil War soldiers. Due to the length of the list, it will be published in 2 parts. This article is part 2 of 2, I through Y.
Click for: Memorial Day--Decoration Day (Part 1 of 2, A-H)

By Michael C. Watson

God Bless those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in time of conflict. The long list that follows is of those men who died during the Civil War from disease or in action. They each had a strong connection to Adair County. In large part, these men either resided in Adair County or were born here. Many, many others served to return home. This is a small list from a greater work, The Veterans of Adair County, which is a massive work that will be published within the next year.

Adair County Civil War Soldiers Who died while in service (I-Y)

Ingram, Wesley, private, Company F, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 21 April 1865 Lebanon, KY, mustered 22 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 45, born Green County, 5 feet 71/2 inches, black complexion, black hair, black eyes, laborer, owner J. Ingram (another document in Service Record lists owner as Isaac Miller, Green County), enlisted without consent; died at post hospital, Cairo, Illinois, 28 January 1866 of erysipelas; hospital record stated: "...the effects are in the hands of his heirs a soldier in Co G 125 USCI."

Irvine, Henry C., 1st Lieutenant, Company F, 4 KY Mounted Infantry, enrolled 14 September 1861 Camp Burnett, TN, for three years or duration, age 22; from Columbia, died with typhoid at Nashville 23 November 1861 (AG has died 23 November, Service Record has both 21 November and 10 October, and Lt. Hector Burton stated in Adair County News in 1914 that he died 5 November). Member of the "Adair Guards" in 1860, private.

Janes, Alexander, -AG has Alexander James, private, Company J, 1 KY Cavalry, enrolled 20 August 1861 Cumberland County, age 18, mustered 28 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson--Service Records says mustered at Camp Boyle, no date; died 25 August 1862 in hospital at Murfreesboro, TN with disease--Service Record give death date as both 25 August and 1 September 1862. Alexander Janes, age 7 in 1850 Adair census in household of Samuel Janes; Alexander Janes, age 17 in 1860 Adair census, born Adair, farming, in household of Samuel and Elizabeth W. Janes; Alexander Janes, age 10 in 1850 Adair census in household of Benjamin & Susan Janes.

Janes/Jeans, John, -AG has Jaeans, private, Company J, 1 KY Cavalry, enrolled 1 September 1861 Cumberland County, age 29, mustered Camp Dick Robinson; captured 20 October 1863 at Philadelphia, TN and was prisoner of war, confined at Richmond, VA 1 November 1863, admitted to hospital 7 January 1864 with bronchitis and diarrhea, died 16 January 1864, age "25," farmer; AG reports capture, but not listed a having died.

Janes, John S., -AG has John S. James, private, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled 19 September 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 16?, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; died at Nashville, TN, 28 April 1862 of typhoid--once noted as 12 April.

Jones, George W., private, Company E, 27 KY Infantry, enrolled 12 October 1861 Campbellsville, KY, age 18, mustered 21 March 1862 Camp Underwood; "sent to Huntsville Hospital" 17 July 1862; died with typhoid 4 September 1862--one notation in Service Record has death on 1 January 1864 at Knoxville, TN, but appears in error. George W. Jones, age 6 in 1850 Adair census in household of Philip A. & Elizabeth Jones, brother of James W. Jones of Company C, 27 KY Infantry.

Jones, John T., Corporal, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled 30 August 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 20, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; appointed Corporal 1 September 1862; wounded in battle of Stone's River 31 December 1862 "wounded left ankle severe", died 24 February 1863 Nashville, TN. A John T. Jones, age 19, born KY, farm laborer, in household of Philip and Elizabeth V. Jones in 1860 Adair census.

Jones, Robert A., private, Company M, 8 KY Cavalry, enrolled 28 July 1862 Adair County, age 30, mustered 8 September 1862 Russellville; died 13 March 1863 Clarksville, TN; widow filed for pension in January 1864.

Jones, William, private, Company E, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 4 April 1865 Columbia, KY, mustered 8 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 48, born Adair County, 5 feet 9 inches, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, laborer/farmer, master Jonathan Jones of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died at hospital, Louisville, KY 20 May 1865 of congestion of brain following measles; record of death and interment from Service Record: grave--range 36, grave 30 (no cemetery listed), age "46," married, widow's address is Sarah Jones, Columbia, KY.

Judd, Jackson D., private, Company C, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 23 September 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 24, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; AG states he died 9 February 1862 Adair County; pension file gives death date as 17 or 18 February 1862 of typhoid or camp fever; Service Record has death on 16 February 1862 at home in Adair County with fever; married Julia D. Breeding 1859 Adair County; widow married Marcus I. Ellis in Adair in 1868--Judith D. Ellis died 26 January 1933, resided Tippecanoe City, Ohio; widow and minor pensions applied for.

Keeton, Thomas, private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry--enrolled in Company H 30 September 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 25, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson--Service Record has transferred to Company B 31 December 1861, -AG has Thomas A. Keiton, transferred 1 January 1862 from Company H as Thomas F. Keeton; discharged on Surgeon's certificate, no date given; description from discharge: born Taylor County, age 23, 5 feet 4 inches, fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair, farmer, discharged for "rheumatic affection of the kidneys and bladder causing general weakness" and dated 24 June 1862 at Fair Ground Camp, Nashville, TN and signed off 26 June 1862. Killed/died under suspicious circumstances, before the end of the War, in Taylor County according to Judge Rollin Hurt, who wrote of Keeton as being a guerrilla-type desperado after he left the Infantry. Thomas Keeton, age 13 in 1850 Adair census in household of John and Rebecca Keeton.

Kemp, Willis, private, Company D, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 29 October 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 18, mustered 30 December 1861 Camp Hobson; died with consumption in Adair County on 6 September 1863; Willis Kemp, age 7, on 1850 Adair census in household of Wyatt & Mary Kemp.

Landers/Landis*, Abraham/Abram, private, Company G, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 10 October 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 26, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; sick in hospital at Jeffersonville, IN at mustering out of Company; Abraham "Lander", Company G, born 2 September 1838, died 12 March 1865, buried Orr Cemetery, near Kemp, Green County; son of Abraham and Margaret Lander--buried Pickett's Chapel Cemetery in Adair County--from notes of Ruth Paull Burdette, c1959. Margaret J. Landis, sister of veteran Abram Landis, filed for his pension in February 1890, from KY. *AG has Landis; Service Record filed as Landis, but cards give both spellings; Green County 1850 census has Abraham Landers, age 17, born Green County, in household of Abram & Margaret Landers; Green County 1860 census has Abraham Landers, age 26, farming, born KY.

Leftwich, Jesse, -AG has Jesse G. Leftwick, Service Record is Jesse T. Leftwich, Corporal, Company D, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 26 September 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 21, died 7 December 1861 of congestion of the lungs at Campbellsville, Taylor County, -AG listed him as mustered 30 December 1861, but Service Record has no record of muster; of Adair County. Jesse Leftwich, age 18, born Adair County, farming, in 1860 Adair census in household of Robert & Catharine Leftwich.

Leftwich, Kinsey D., -AG has Hinsey Leftrick, Service Record has Leftrick, private, Company L, 13 KY Cavalry, enrolled 1 November 1863 Adair County, age 20, mustered 23 December 1863 Columbia; died in hospital at Burkesville, KY 23 March 1864; pension filed as Kenzie D. Leftwich; father filed for pension in April 1879, mother filed November 1885--father was James T. Leftwich, mother was Elizabeth Leftwich, KY. K.D. Leftwich, age 6, in 1850 Adair census in household of James T. Leftwich.

Lewis, Josiah H., -AG has Joseph H., pension file has Josiah, Service Record filed as Joseph H., but documents have Josiah H., private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 2 October 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 25, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; killed in action 14 November 1863 Huff's Ferry, TN; description from Service Record: Joseph H. Lewis, born Adair County, age __, 5 feet 11 inches, light complexion, blue eyes, sandy hair, farmer, died 14 November 1863 at Huff's Ferry, TN; widow, Susan, filed for pension in April 1864; minor pension filed in May 1866. Josiah Lewis, age 15, born KY, on 1850 Adair census in household of Daniel and Ceany Lewis--Wilson Lewis, age 9, also included.

Loveall, John, private, Company A, 13 KY Cavalry, enrolled 23 July 1863 Russell County, age 18, mustered 23 December 1863 Columbia, KY; AG states he died 12 January 1864 Burkesville, KY; Service Record states he died in hospital at Burkesville 5 May 1864; mother, Catharine Holt, applied for pension May 1879, appears to have not been granted. John Lovall, born circa 1849, listed in household of John Carter, age 70, and Arminta, age 50, in 1860 Russell County census.

Loy, William B., -AG has William W., Service Record William B., private, Company L, 6 KY Cavalry, enrolled 7 August 1862 Adair County, age 18, mustered 15 September 1862 Louisville; listed as "missing in action" 21 September 1863, captured at Chickamauga 19 September 1863; confined at Richmond, VA 29 September 1863, sent to Danville, VA 12 December 1863; prisoner of war at Andersonville, GA, admitted to hospital at Andersonville 10 July 1864, died 20 July 1864 with dysentery; buried at Andersonville.

McFarland, Greenberry, -AG has Green B. McFarden, private, Company C, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 23 September 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 19, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; died 10 April 1862 Nashville, TN with fever; son of Arthur McFarland; mother, Martha J. McFarland, filed for pension May 1880; father, A.J. McFarland, filed for pension May 1898. Green B. McFarland, age 18, born KY, farm laborer, in household of Arthur J. and Martha J. McFarland in 1860 Adair census.

McKinney, Samuel D., private, Company F, 4 KY Mounted Infantry, enrolled 14 September 1861 Camp Burnett, TN for three years or duration, age 24; wounded at Shiloh 6 April 1862, died 24 April 1862; born circa 1837 Adair County, son of James and Mary Nichols McKinney.

Miller, Christopher, private, Company F, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 21 April 1865 Lebanon, KY, mustered 22 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 33, born Adair County, 5 feet 7 inches, black complexion, black hair, black eyes, laborer, owner Betsey Miler of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died in U.S. post hospital, Fort Selden, NM, 17 October 1866 with congestive fever; from Record of Death and Interment, in Service Record: residence before enlistment Haskinsville, KY, married, age 33, born Adair County. Service Record contains statement by Mrs. E.D. (Betsy) Miller--"...Christopher Miller was give to me by my father Moses Gentry about the year 1858 and I have used and had him in my possession in claiming him & exercising acts of ownership on him from that time till the term of his enlistment..."

Miller, Henry, private, Company E, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 4 April 1865 Columbia, KY, mustered 8 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 18, born Adair County, 5 feet 6 inches, copper complexion, black hair, black eyes, laborer/farmer, master Wallace Miller of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died 27 May 1865 Louisville General Hospital with measles; from Record of Death and Interment: grave in range 37, grave number 4, single, mothers address Lucretia Miller, Columbia, KY. [There is a hospital record for Henry Miller, Company F, age "20," single, residence Green County, admitted to hospital in August 1865, filed in this Service Record.]

Miller, John, private, Company D, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 16 March 1865 Lebanon, KY, mustered same day and place; description upon enlistment: age 20, born Adair County, 5 feet 8 inches, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, laborer, master Mrs. Betty Miller of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died 3 June 1866 with congestion/congestive fever, in camp at Fort Larned, KS; Record of Death and Interment: residence Green County, single, age 21, born Adair County, died 3 June 1866 with congestive fever, buried on Pawnee fork 2 miles above Ft. Larned.

Miller, John M., Corporal, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled as private 19 September 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 24, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, resided Adair County; appointed Corporal 1 May 1862; captured at Battle of Chattanooga/Missionary Ridge 25 November 1863; died at Andersonville prison 4 or 5 April 1864, a prisoner of war, rank listed as private; married Sarah A. Winfrey 10 January 1861 in Adair; widow resided about ten miles from Columbia, near Neatsville, in 1865; had one son, Franklin W. Miller, born November 1861; widow died 21 May 1916, Eunice, Adair County. John M. Miller, age 23, born KY, farm laborer, in household of John B. Fisher, age 27, in 1860 Adair census; J.M. Miller, age 13, born KY, in household of Dewit C. Miller in 1850 Adair census.

Miller, John S., Quarter Master Sergeant, 13 KY Infantry; enrolled as Corporal, Company B, 13 KY Infantry 23 September or 2 October 1861, Camp Andy Johnson 1861, age 19, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; transferred to non-commissioned staff as QMS 1 March 1863; mustered out 12 January 1865 Louisville. [?Same as John S. Miller, born 2 July 1843 Adair County, died 8 April 1865, son of Gaither Miller and Dorothy Owens?]

Miller, Joseph, private, Company H, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 5 April 1865 Lebanon, KY, mustered May 2, 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 17, born Adair County, 5 feet 8 inches, copper complexion, black hair, black eyes, laborer, owner James P. Miller of Adair County, enlisted without permission; died 4 February 1866 of small pox at post hospital Cairo, Illinois.

Murrell, Green, Corporal, Company I, 107 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted as private 5 September 1864 Lebanon, KY, mustered same date and place; appointed Corporal 27 September 1864; reduced to ranks 10 March 1865; died Kalorama Hospital, Washington DC on 24 April 1866; description upon enlistment: born Adair County, age 42, farmer, black eyes, black hair, copper complexion, 5 feet 71/2 inches, master Sam Murrell of Adair County, enlisted without consent; from hospital record: age 45, born KY, resides "Dare" County, KY, wife Clara Murrell, "Dare" County, admitted 19 April 1866 with camp distrobilia/confluent small pox; from record of death & interment: grave location--No 541, Range 1, Block 4, Harmony Cemetery, DC; widow, Clara, appears in 1890 Adair County Veterans Census.

Noel, James, private, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled 12 August 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 22, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; wounded at battle of Chattanooga, TN 25 November 1863; died at Chattanooga of wounds received 5 February 1864; physical description upon death: born Washington County, KY, age 22, 5 feet 5 inches, fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair, farmer; hospital record: age "32", 5 feet 7 inches, gunshot wound left thigh; inventory of personal effects listed: one ambro-type. James Noel, age 24, farm laborer, listed in 1860 Adair census.

Overstreet, Fayette, private, Company K, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 29 May 1865 Louisville, KY, mustered 31 May 1865 Louisville, KY, enlistment credited to Cumberland County; description upon enlistment: age 22, born Columbia, KY (one record has Cumberland County), 5 feet 4 inches, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, farmer, master William Overstreet, enlisted without consent; died 25 August 1866 at post hospital, Fort McRae, NM with typhoid fever. [John Overstreet served in same company, birthplace given as both Taylor County and Cumberland County.]

Overstreet, Samuel W., Corporal, Company E, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 4 April 1865 Columbia, KY, mustered 8 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 24, born Adair County (two records have "Overton Co, KY" & Overton County, TN), 5 feet 11 inches, black complexion, black hair, black eyes, laborer, master G.W. Overstreet of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died 18 April 1866 at post hospital, Cairo, Illinois.

Overstreet, William, -AG has Overbine, private, Company M, 8 KY Cavalry, enrolled 28 July 1862 Adair County, age 19, mustered 8 September 1862 Russellville, KY; died 12 January 1863 Bowling Green, KY--one document stated he died 27 December 1862 at Bowling Green. William W. Overstreet, age 16, born KY, farm laborer, in household of Ferdinand D. and Perlina Rigney in 1860 Adair census.

Page, George, private, Company C, 12 U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery, enlisted 23 July 1864 Camp Nelson, age 20, mustered 25 July 1864, physical description upon enlistment: age 20, 5 feet 8 inches, black eyes, black hair, black complexion, born Adair County, farmer, owner Washington Page, enlistment credited to Adair County; died at St. Louis, MO, received in hospital February 1866, cause not known; another document has died of "Ascites" 2 March 1866; another hospital document has 20 December 1865, but no explanation; from hospital record marked Jeffersonville, IN: George "Paige", age 20, born KY, single, residence Louisville, Ky, post office and next of kin--James Tolliver, Louisville, Ky, admitted 9 November 1865 from Bowling Green, Ky; hospital record from St. Louis: George Page, age 20, born Ky, single, residence "Dark" County, Ky, post office and nearest kin--Jane Page, Louisville, Ky, admitted from Jeffersonville, Ind., died (no date attached). From original volunteer record: 18 U.S. Infantry, Captain Kinney; descriptive list: owner Washington Page, credited to Adair County, enlisted 23 July 1864 at Camp Nelson, mustered 25 July 1864. ["U.S. Descriptive List of Colored Volunteer Army Soldiers 1864"]

Parnell, Henry G., private, Company D, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 30 September 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 24, mustered 30 December 1861 Camp Hobson; died 15 May 1862 "at Hamburg Military Hospital with typhoid fever"; son of John and Candis Parnell, born 1836 Hendricks County, IN; Henry Parnell married Amanda Rogers 1854 Adair County; Henry Parnell married Margaret J. Kemp 1860 Adair County; widow, Amanda, applied for pension April 1863; minor pension application in March 1876.

Parnell, James R., -AG has Pernell, Corporal, Company D, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 26 September 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age "22", mustered 30 December 1861 Camp Hobson; died in military hospital at St. Louis, MO 17 May 1862 of typhoid fever; from hospital document: died May 17, 1862, 4th St. Hospital St. Louis, Mo, above 21, with typhoid fever, 5 feet 8 inches; son of John and Candis Parnell, born 1842 Hendricks County, IN; mother applied for pension 1874. Member of the "Adair Guards" in 1860, private.

Patterson, Andrew W., 2nd Lieutenant, Patterson's Independent Company Mechanics & Engineers, KY Infantry; enrolled 1 November 1861 Camp Hoskins, age 44; died 1 February 1865 Louisville, KY with 'typho malarial fever'; physical description upon death: born Adair County, age 44 at enrollment, 5 feet 91/2 inches, fair complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, farmer.

Patterson, J.R., private, Company C, 6 KY Mounted Infantry, enlisted 20 September 1861 Cave City, KY for 12 months service; taken prisoner at Shiloh 7 or 8 April 1862, died Camp Douglas, IL in June or 30/31 July 1862.

Pendleton, John W., -AG has John M., Service Record has John W., 1st Sergeant, Company A, 13 KY Cavalry, enrolled as private 1 July 1863 Adair County, age 27, mustered 23 December 1863 Columbia, KY; appointed Orderly [First] Sergeant 2 August 1863; died 17 March 1864 in Adair County while on furlough, rank given as private.

Pike, Samuel F., private, Company C, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 30 September 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 23, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; died 3 June 1862--one record has August--Nashville, TN with typhoid fever; Nashville National Cemetery file gives death date of 23 June 1862, grave A-4263. Adair 1860 census has Samuel Pike, age 21, in household of Elizabeth Pike, 53.

Pile, Asa C., private, Battery B, 1 KY Light Artillery, enrolled 12 August 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 21, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; died 2 April 1862, buried Nashville National Cemetery, grave A-4203. 1860 Adair census has Asa C. Pile, age 21, born Adair County, in household of William A. & Elizabeth Pile.

Prock, James C., private, Company H, 1 KY Calvary, enrolled 10 August 1863, mustered same date Somerset, KY, died 14 July 1864 in hospital at Nashville, TN.

Reece, David J., private, Company L, 13 KY Cavalry; age 30 in 1863, died 14 September 1864 Adair County.

Rodgers, John C.--Rodgers in AG and SR, private, Independent Battery B, KY Light Artillery, enrolled 21 September 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 25, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; died 31 May or "month of June" 1862, according to Service Record, at Murfreesboro, TN of disease. John C. Rogers, age "20", born Green County, married Rebecca Smith, 19, in Adair County 14 June 1860; Rebecca Rodgers married second Starlin Pitman in Adair 3 August 1863.

Rodgers, Robert M., Sergeant, Company C, 13 KY Infantry, age 30 in 1861, died 4 March 1862 in Adair County; "R.M. Rodgers Co C 13 KY INF" buried at Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Adair County; widow applied for pension.

Roe, George A., Corporal, Company L, 6 KY Cavalry, enrolled as private 22 August 1862 Lebanon, KY, age 22, mustered 15 September 1862; listed as 5th Corporal on company roll of March-April 1863; reduced to the ranks 1 June 1863; mission in action 21 September 1863; captured at Chickamauga, GA 19 September 1865, sent to Americus, GA "where he died Jany 3d 1864...paroled Nov 20 1864"; "captured September 1863, exchanged at Savannah, GA & Charleston, SC"; reported to company 19 June 1865; mustered out 14 July 1865 Edgefield, TN.

Roe, Isaac W., private, Company L, 6 KY Cavalry, enrolled 8 February 1864 Columbia, KY, mustered 29 February 1864 Louisville, KY; "killed in action 24 June 1864" or "died June 20 [18]64 of wounds received in action June 24 64" & "killed by the Enemy Jun 24 64"; description from roll: born Adair County, age 181/2, farmer, enlisted 25 February 1864 at Columbia, KY for 3 years, brown eyes, dark hair, light complexion, 5 feet 101/2 inches; record ofter his death has: age 18, 5 feet 7 inches, light complexion, blue eyes, brown hair, farmer, killed in action at Lafayette, GA June 24 '64.

Romines, William P., Company C, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 2 October 1861, age 28 in 1861, died March 1862 in Taylor County; of "Adair County"; minor pension applied for.

Rose, James H., private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, age 21 in 1861; died 18 May 1862 Louisville; mother applied for pension 1875.

Ross, John, Corporal, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, age 34 in 1861; died 21 June 1862 Iuka, Mississippi with disease/fever--one item in Service Record stated he died in "Northern Alabama" with pneumonia; born Adair, age 25 in 1856; married Femanine McGinnis 18 September 1856 Adair County; widow applied for pension 1864; no issue.

Ross, Milton, private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, age 39 in 1861; died 8 or 9 November 1862 with disease in Adair, buried Burbridge Cemetery at Chance, Adair County, military marker; married Frances Lewis 15 October 1848 Adair County; widow applied for pension 1863, minor application-- soldier left four young daughters. Frances Ross later married John R. Polston in October 1863; she died 25 February 1921 at Picnic, Adair County, but her post office was listed as Amandaville, Cumberland County.

Roy, Jonas W., -AG has Jones W. Roy, private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 8 October 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 18, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; died of fever in hospital near Corinth, Mississippi 1 or 7 June 1862; Jonas W. Roy, age 15, born KY, in household of William and July A. Roy in 1860 Adair census.

Rubarts, John E., Sergeant, Company I, 13 KY Cavalry, enrolled 1 September 1863 age 20, died 4 December 1864 Casey County; of Adair County, brother of Benjamin Rubarts, same Company.

Russell, John R., private, Company A, 3 KY Infantry; enrolled 19 September 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 18, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; died 5 November 1861 Danville, KY, of typhoid; John R. Russell, age 16, born KY, in household of Henry Russell in 1860 Adair census.

Sanders, George A, private, Company C, 27th Infantry Regiment Kentucky, enlisted on 12 October 1861, Rochester, Butler, Kentucky. Born Casey Creek, Adair County about 1836, son of John F and Mariah Salina Sanders. Husband of Nancy Breeding (later, wife of William Martin Grider), father of Isadore, America L, and George A Sanders Jr. Died on 26 May, 1862 in Corinth, MS. Buried in Union National Cemetery, Corinth, Mississippi.

Sexton, James William, 1st Sergeant, Corporal, Company E, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled 17 August 1861, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; died 13 or 15 April 1864 of small pox at Nashville; AG says "reduced in ranks from 1st Sergeant March 11th 1862; appointed Corporal April 1st 1863"; records of Nashville National Cemetery says "died 13 April 1864"; married Sarah M. Keltner in Adair in 1845; widow, Sallie, pensioned, died "about" 1 October 1898.

Shelton, George W., private, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled 12 August 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 22, mustered 8 October 1861; died in hospital at Murfreesboro, TN 20 July 1863, sick; physical description upon death: born Fentress County, TN, age 22, 6 feet, fair complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, farmer, died with chronic diarrhea. George W. Shelton, age 18, farming, born Fentress County, TN, in household of Elijah Shelton in 1860 Adair census; also in household, James A. Shelton, same company.

Shepherd, James A., AG has Shepperd, private, Company C, 13 KY Infantry, age 21 in 1861, died 12 February 1862 Adair County; J.A. Shepherd, of Adair, age 20, married Elizabeth H. Cox 1861 Adair County; widow applied for pension.

Sherrill, William W., -AG has Sherrell, private, Company C, 13 KY Infantry, age 20 in 1861, died August 1862 Nashville, TN; mother applied for pension; [This is likely the same as: W.W. Sherrill, born 1844, died "November" 1862, son of Wilson and Elizabeth Sherrill, all buried Wilson Sherrill Cemetery, Adair County.]

Smiley, Robert U/W., -AG has Smily, Robert W., Service Record and pension index have Robert U., private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 9 October 1861 Camp Andy Jonson, age 22 or 23, mustered 31 December 1861 Campbellsville, KY; died 15 February 1862 with fever in Adair County "at home"; mother applied for pension 1883, father later applied.

Smith, Edward, private, Company E, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 3 April 1865 Columbia, KY, mustered 8 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 20, born Adair County, 5 feet 7 inches, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, farmer/laborer, master John Smith of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died 15 May 1865 Louisville General Hospital with congestion of lungs following measles; Record of Death and Interment: "Edwin" Smith, single, no address, buried range 36 grave 22 Eastern Cemetery.

Smith, Hardin, private, Company G, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 21 April 1865 Lebanon, KY, mustered 22 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 45, born Adair County, 5 feet 8 inches, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, laborer, owner Jeff Smith of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died 3 June 1865 Crittenden Hospital, Louisville, with pneumonia; Record of Death and Interment: buried Cave Hill Cemetery, range 37, grave number 11, residence Adair County, married, Harriett Smith, Columbia.

Smith, Ned, private, Company F, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 21 April 1865 Lebanon, KY, mustered 22 April 1865, Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 18, born Adair County, 5 feet 11 inches, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, laborer, owner Jeff Smith of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died in hospital at Louisville, KY 23 August 1865 with brain fever; Record of Death and Interment: "(Ned) Ed" Smith, age 18, born Adair County, single, died with pneumonia 21 August 1865. [Service Record documents have death date variously as August 21, 22, 23, 25]

Smith, Robert A., private, Company C, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 24 September 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 23, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; died 4 or 14 March 1862 Adair County with fever; born 3 February 1838, son of Nathan and Charity Callison Smith, of Adair County.

Smith, Thomas J., Jr., private, Company F, 4 KY Mounted Infantry, enlisted 5 October 1861 at Nashville for three years; reported missing at Shiloh 7 April 1862.

Street, Samuel, private, Battery B, 1 KY Light Artillery, enrolled 12 August 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 18, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; died in October 1861. Samuel Street, age 16, farming, born Washington County, in household of John and Polly Street in 1860 Adair census.

Tarter, Joseph G., Musician, Company D, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 26 September 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 20, mustered 30 December 1861 Camp Hobson; died "at home" 27 February 1862 Adair County with typhoid pneumonia.

Taylor, Alfred, private, Company F, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 21 April 1865 Lebanon, KY, mustered 22 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 20, born Adair County, 5 feet 7 inches, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, laborer, owner Richard Taylor of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died of small pox 26 February 1866 post hospital at Cairo, Illinois (one document has 27 February; two hospital documents have age as 26, but certainly in error).

Taylor, James, private, Company F, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 21 April 1865 Lebanon, KY, mustered 22 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 24, born Adair County, 5 feet 51/2 inches, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, laborer, owner Richard Taylor of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died in hospital at Columbia, KY 24 May 1865 with typhoid fever while "out in a recruiting party".

Taylor, Louis, Farrier, Company A, 13 KY Cavalry, enrolled as private 1 November 1863 Casey County, age 29 or 37, resided Adair County; appointed Farrier 1 December 1863; AG listed him as "in prison at Lexington, Kentucky, at muster out of company"; notation in Service Record that soldier "died at Lexington, KY Jany 15/65 by reason of inflammation of lungs;" however, another notation in SR states this is in error and that death was that of Wm. Taylor, same date; widow applied for pension, minor pension applied for in June 1888, neither appears to have been granted.

Todd, Samuel, Corporal, Company F, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 21 April 1865 Lebanon, KY, mustered 22 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 20, born Adair County, 5 feet 51/2 inches, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, laborer, owner Wm. Todd of Adair County, enlisted without consent; appointed 4th Corporal on organization of the company, 22 April 1865; died 26 March 1866 post hospital, Cairo, Illinois, with small pox; statement of William Todd in Service Record: "I owned his mother and he was born mine and I raised him..."

Trabue, Robert P., Colonel, 4 KY Mounted Infantry, commissioned 13 September 1861, enlisted Camp Boone, TN; commanded 1st KY Brigade at Shiloh and Stone's River after Hanson fell; died 12 February 1863 at Richmond, VA of disease; according to AG, when commissioned Colonel, he was "from Columbia" Adair County and was age 37; after leading the Brigade after General Hanson's death, he was recommended for promotion to Brigadier General, but did not live long afterward; previously served as 2nd and 1st Lieutenant in Company B, 4 KY Infantry in Mexican War.

Turk, Nimrod B., private, Company I, 2 KY Cavalry, Duke's Cavalry, enlisted 1 September at Columbia, Adair County; absent on sick furlough from 18 October 1862; described as being in Myers Battery; taken prisoner on Crocus Creek, sent to Johnson Island, died there--according to Judge Rollin Hurt; his Service Record states: Appears on a list of prisoners captured by the 3d KY Cavalry and 1st Battalion of the 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry, being a portion of the 1st Cavalry Brigade, at Paint Lick Bridge, KY, October 22 and 23, 1863; another SR item states he was confined at Camp Chase, also Camp Douglas; prisoner of war record indicates he was captured in Cumberland County on 1 July 1863; died 14 or 22 September 1863 with fever, buried City Cemetery, Chicago, IL.

Turk, William W., private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 2 October 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 18, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; ; "missing on march from Iuka Miss to Huntsville Ala June 7/ 62"; "supposed to be dead" and "supposed captured"; AG has "died" 7 June 1862, missing on march; father applied for pension 1887.

Turner, James H., 6th Corporal, Company F, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 21 April 1865 Lebanon, KY, mustered 22 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 17, born Adair County, 5 feet 7 inches, copper complexion, black eyes, black hair, laborer, owner James Turner of Adair county, enlisted without consent; appointed Corporal upon organization of company, 22 April 1865; died at post hospital, Cairo, Illinois, 22 March 1866 with "diabeatus."

Walker, Calvin J., private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 2 October 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 18, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; died 21 July 1862 Adair County "at home"; statement of death: private, age 18, blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion, 5 feet 10 inches, born Adair County, farmer, enlisted 2 October 1861 at Columbia, Adair County, died at Columbia, Adair County 21 July 1862.

Watson, Joel, -AG has Joel W., Service Record filed as Joel U., private, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled 19 September 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 25, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; died 4 December 1861 at Somerset or Danville, KY, of typhoid. Joel W. Watson, age 23, born KY, farm laborer, in household of Joel and Mary A. Watson in 1860 Adair census.

Wheat, William, Sergeant, Company D, 109 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 8 June 1864 Lebanon, KY, mustered 8 June 1864 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 24, 5 feet 10 inches, yellow complexion, brown eyes, black hair, born Adair County, farmer, substitute; appointed Sergeant 11 July 1864; reduced to Corporal 17 September 1864; died 8 March 1865 in hospital at Deep Bottom, VA, with pneumonia.

White, Sebastian* A., private, Company H, 3 Missouri Infantry, enlisted 26 December 1861 at Springfield, MO for one year, resident of Carrollton, MO, age 20, born Adair County, KY, farmer; also served in MO State Guard, Clark's Artillery, 4 Division; battles: Iuka, Corinth, Hatchie Bridge, Grand Gulf, Port Gibson, Baker's Creek, Big Black, Vicksburg; born 1843 Adair County; left in hospital at Vicksburg, sick; captured 4 July 1863 at Vicksburg, Mississippi; died in hospital in July 1863 Vicksburg, Mississippi; son of Stephen A. White and Mary Louisa Murray. [*Service Record filed as "Surbresky White" and referenced as "S.A."]

Williams, Alfred, private, Company E, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 4 April 1865 Columbia, KY, mustered 8 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 16, born Adair County, 5 feet 3 inches, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, farmer/laborer, master Wm. P. Williams of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died 28 May 1865 general hospital at Louisville, KY with measles; statement in Service Record made by Charles R. Williams: "Alfred Williams was born the slave of John Smith my father in law and was given to me in the year of 1858..."

Williams, Matt, private, Company E, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 5 April 1865 Columbia, KY, mustered 8 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 20, born Adair County, 5 feet 8 inches, copper complexion, black eyes, black hair, laborer, master Wm. P. Williams of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died 17 September 1865 at regimental hospital, Louisville, KY; Record of Death and Interment: age 20, single, residence Columbia, KY, died with typhoid malaria.

Winfrey, Logan L., private, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled 19 September 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 18, mustered 8October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; missing after Chickamauga, "supposed to be captured"; captured 20 September 1863 at Chickamauga; prisoner of war at Richmond, VA; died in hospital at Andersonville, GA 19 August 1864 of dysentery, age 21; appeared on some Andersonville records as "W.S." Winfrey. Logan Winfrey, age 18, farming, born KY, listed in household of Hamilton Winfrey in 1860 Adair census.

Yarberry, Benjamin--Service Record filed as Yerberry, private, Company A, 13 KY Cavalry, enrolled 27 or 28 May 1863 Adair County, age 20 or 22, mustered 23 December 1863 Columbia, KY; resided Adair County; appointed Corporal 28 June 1863; died 20 May 1864 Adair County, again listed as private; minor's pension filed in June 1865, appears to have not been granted--pension card gives his rank as Corporal.

Yarberry, William--Service Record filed as Yerberry, private, Company A, 13 KY Cavalry, enrolled 6 May 1863 Adair County, age 19 or 21, resided Adair County, died 7 August 1864 "at home" in Adair County while on furlough; no pension application filed based on his service.

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