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Gov. Bevin names Stephen P. Miller Medicaid Commissioner

New Commissioner has spent last 24 years as Vice President of Finance with the Kentucky Hospital Association (KHA)
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From Commonwealth News Center

FRANKFORT, KY (Tue 9 Feb 2016) - Governor Matt Bevin and Secretary Vickie Yates Glisson today announced the appointment of Stephen P. Miller, CPA, as Department of Medicaid Commissioner.

"As we work to redesign the Medicaid program and transition it to a more affordable, sustainable model tailored to Kentucky's needs, it is important to have someone with a deep understanding of the healthcare industry leading the Department of Medicaid," said Gov. Bevin. "The Commonwealth is fortunate to have someone of Stephen Miller's caliber, financial acumen, and business experience willing to serve in this role."

"As a CPA with more than two decades of financial management experience in a healthcare environment, I believe Steve is an excellent choice to lead the Department for Medicaid Services," said CHFS Secretary Vickie Yates Brown Glisson. "Steve will be a tremendous asset to both the Governor and the Cabinet as we seek to address the financial unsustainability of the current Medicaid model in a way that will improve health outcomes for its members and save taxpayer dollars."

Miller has spent the past 24 years as Vice President of Finance with the Kentucky Hospital Association (KHA), where he assisted in the development of KHA's position on pending legislation and monitoring federal and state reimbursement issues. In his role, Miller interacted with Medicaid and Cabinet leadership on many issues related to hospital reimbursement and regulatory issues.

"I look forward to heading the agency that provides the safety net for the most vulnerable of Kentucky citizens," said Miller.

Prior to his work with KHA, Miller served as Executive Director of Ten Broeck Hospital in Louisville, Chief Operating Officer of Our Lady of Peace Hospital in Louisville, Chief Financial Officer of Our Lady of Peace Hospital in Louisville, and Regional Controller of American Healthcare Management in Dallas.

Miller is a graduate of the University of Louisville, where he received a Bachelor's degree in accounting. He and his wife Mary, along with their two married daughters live in Louisville.

This story was posted on 2016-02-09 08:14:02
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