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Happy Tail - It Takes A Village

This week has been the most successful week for adoptions since writer has been doing adoptions. To acheive the success, it took the work of a super-committed Peg Schaeffer and a super-committed, caring community. Each of this week's cases is a heartwarming story, each an inspiring refrigerator door clip in itself - there are several today: from Hobo being returned to his original owner, to a little boy getting his first dog, and the dog getting a wonderful new home in Russell County. This week's column is many happy tales.
Click on headline for complete story with photo(s). Next previous Happy Tail: Happy Tails: Planting a garden. To find a dog to adopt, check CM ANIMALS, remember to do it often, turnover is high, and you may miss out on the pet of a lifetime.

By Peg Schaeffer
President and Founder, Sugarfoot Farms Rescue

This week I adopted out more dogs than I have ever done in one week's time since I've been doing rescue. On Saturday, Hobo, a senior Boxer, was returned to his original owner, after a mix up. Although Hobo had been with us since April 13 he spotted his owner at the fence all the way from the house. I thought his butt would fall off he wiggled his stub tail so hard. He dragged me to the gate and no leash was needed as he followed his owner to the truck.

Logan fell in love with Gypsy, after seeing picture of him on CM

On Monday a young man showed up with his girlfriend and her grandmother.

Logan fell in love with Gypsy, the German Shepherd mix, who was at the Farmer's Market on Saturday, and whose picture appeared on Columbia Magazine. He had wanted a German Shepherd mix and the two hit it off. I showed him several other dogs but he kept returning to Gypsy.

His girlfriend's grandmother wanted a Border Collie. Gordon, a full blooded Border Collie, was in a cranky mood and he curled his lip at her. When I told her about Bob, a Border Collie/Australian Cattle Dog mix, she decided he was the dog for her before she met him. Bob was not in the kennel area as usual but we found him in the horse pasture. He was at the fence with them asking for belly rubs before I even located him. It was love at first sight and Gypsy and Bob went home with their new owners.

Aaron, a Beagle/Basset mix, adopts Kayden, and gets new home in Columbia

Later in the day I got a call from a man with a 5 year old boy looking for a dog. Richard Sparks and Kayden came to look for a four legged playmate and Aaron; a Beagle/Basset mix greeted them at the gate. I pointed out dogs that would be a good match for a little boy besides Aaron but the pup kept jumping on him and licking his face. Aaron had made his decision and that was final.

While I prepared the paperwork and inserted the microchip they went to the store to buy dog supplies. They came back with a collar, a dog house, treats, everything a dog needs. As they left Aaron was sitting on Kayden's lap looking out the window of the truck, two happy faces ready for a new life together. I checked in on Aaron and Kayden today. They are getting along great and Aaron has a new name "Capone".

Five year old wants Chocolate Lab; Ginger is a perfect match

On Tuesday night I received a call from a man whose 5 year old son wanted a chocolate Lab. They had seen "Ginger" and wanted to come and meet her. I told them any time after 10:00 Wednesday morning would be fine. Nine o'clock in the morning he called me and said that he had a very excited little boy who couldn't wait to meet Ginger.

Could they come early? They were waiting at the gate calling to Ginger by the time I got outside. But Ginger wasn't about to come to the fence. When I went to get her she hid under the horse trailer. She had different ideas. So I told them about "Greta", another chocolate Lab who was a sweetheart. I did warn them that she has separation anxiety and has been known to destroy things if left alone.

Despite her one fault they wanted to meet her. Again, the choice was made. Even though Gabe had his heart set on Ginger, Greta won the family over. While we were talking she went to the water bucket and proceeded to wash her feet. I had told them about her love of the water and they knew she was the perfect dog to take to the lake. They were prepared to deal with the separation anxiety and said that normally someone was always home and she shouldn't be left alone.

Zackary wanted a "Big Dog" and Beau, a large boxer is perfect match

On Thursday a young man came to the farm looking for a "big" dog. Our biggest dog is "Tyson" a black Lab that came to us out of nowhere and has become our one dog welcoming committee. Whenever someone pulls up outside the fence he leaps it and greets them. Imagine the astounded looks on peoples' faces when they see this huge black dog bounding towards them.

He stops and sits next to them with a silly grin on his face and their fears immediately disappear. Everyone wants him but he's one of our permanent dogs. So I recommended some other big dogs we had. Zackary's choice was "Beau", a large male Boxer. Beau dragged me to the kennel area and he went straight to Zack, licking him, leaning into him, and wagging his butt and stub tail as only Boxers can do. It was a match. They left together, Beau sitting in the back seat with Zack, happy to be someone's dog.

Leila, a Min Pin/Feist bonds with Amber, follows her home, and claims a dog bed - and a "new" old home -A story with a twist - which shows how things always seem to work out

The final adoption is a Happy Tail of its own. A friend of mine, Georgina, tripped over one of her dogs and broke her arm in two places. She went to the hospital and then to a convalescent home for physical therapy. She knew that once she returned home she could no longer take care of all of her dogs so I took in two little ones - Leila, a Min Pin/Feist mix and Bear, a Chihuahua, who is convinced he is indeed a "Bear".

Now that school's out our neighbor's daughter comes to the farm in the mornings to help me with the dogs. On Monday when she came Leila became all excited. She followed Amber everywhere and never left her side. Tuesday she followed Amber down the road a way and then came back. On Wednesday she followed Amber home.

She immediately made herself at home as if she'd been there before. She played with Amber's brothers and sisters, got along fine with their Rottweiler, and claimed a dog bed on the floor belonging to their Boston Terrier. She rode on the four wheeler with them. She even spent the night with the family. It turns out that "Leila" is "Jewel" a dog they adopted from me two years ago that they had lost last year on July 4. They had taken her on the four wheeler to Crocus Creek and she disappeared. Despite their efforts they never found her.

Georgina, had found her as a stray in Hodgenville, far from Crocus Creek. She was skinny and injured. Georgina cared for her and brought her back to health.

Perhaps someone had found Jewel at the creek and taken her home and she wandered from them. Luckily Georgina took her in and as fate would have it Georgina was hurt; Leila came to me, and found her way home. Things have a way of working out.

Farmer's Market on the Square provided an excellent place to create successful adoptions

I have a lot of people to thank for this week's success. I didn't do it on my own. I talked to many people at the Farmer's Market last Saturday. The WAVE Radio Station, 92.7 FM, lets me talk about the dogs and rescue and many people come up to me and say they've heard me on the radio.

But my biggest support has been Columbia Magazine. Ed and his staff have posted many photos I've submitted. They've published success stories about dogs who have been adopted and now I'm writing "Happy Tails". It's very uplifting when people come up to me and remark about my stories. This is something I've wanted to do since I've been in grammar school and Columbia Magazine has made it possible.

So thanks to everyone for your help finding homes for these dogs. Thanks to the people who've adopted them, thanks to everyone who donates to us - whether it is money, dog food, or support in any form... I could never do it on my own.

- Peg Schaeffer

Contact us if you would like to help.

Peg Schaeffer, Sugarfoot Farm Rescue,
860 Sparksville Road
Columbia, KY 42728
Home telephone: 270-378-4521
Cell phone: 270-634-4675

This story was posted on 2013-06-09 04:17:46
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Greta, a chocolate Lab, gets new Russell County home

2013-06-09 - Sugarfoot Farm Rescue, 860 Sparksville Road, Columbia, KY - Photo by Peg Schaeffer. Gabe Harris, Russell Springs, KY, adopted Greta, a chocolate Lab with a fondness for the water. - Peg Schaeffer
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