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Comment - Support Tax; put community first

The Adair County way: We are a community which helps each other, writer says. Fiscal court took the first giant step last night - a game changer. In comparison to what the employees are giving up to save the hospital, the tax is insignificant
Related from late last night: Court, Hospital Board, Banks give new hope for Westlake

By Nicole Bell

Before you decide to sign the petition to stop the hospital tax, please think about our community as a whole rather than how it affects only yourself. In order to save our hospital, many sacrifices will have to be made. The Fiscal Court has taken the first step by loaning us money to stay afloat, but it is only the beginning. We need this tax to be implemented to help keep funds coming into the facility, and to keep us on track to get out of the red and into the black.

I have always prided myself on being from Adair County because of one very important reason, and that is the caring, giving spirit our citizens have. When someone needs help, we all rally together to get them what they need. We raise thousands of dollars every year for Relay for Life. We are a community that supports each other.

I ask you to please consider the sacrifices that our employees are making, in comparison to the taxes you will have to pay. By taking 2 furlough days a month, an employee making $7.25 an hour will lose $1508.00 of salary per year. An employee making $10.00 an hour will lose $2080.00 of salary per year. And an employee making $15.00 an hour will lose $3120.00 per year. This does not include the $20.00 per month raise on a single coverage insurance plan, or the $447.00 raise on a family coverage insurance plan.

How does that compare with the amount of taxes you will pay on your property? Please, consider this carefully. Support your community, support your hospital, and support the hospital tax.

Thank you. - Nicole Bell

This story was posted on 2012-08-22 06:47:02
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